~Chapter 66 A Double Birth & A Time Conspiracy ~

There was a ring at the door. Derrek heard it coming out of his trance and went to head for the front door. Derrek went to reach for the door when Error R. Grabbed his wrist. Error R. Looked at Derrek, there was a brief silence between them both. 

Luna followed Derrek to the front door and notice there glaring silence. She didn't really react as Derrek was the only one who could see her as she watched curiously on guard. "What's going on?"

Derrek despised Error R. For the torture, the torment in his life. 

Error R. Gave Derrek an odd look. "This IS for ME!" He stated.

"Is everything okay Mr. Derrek? She stands there wondering what she should do, she didn't want to upset Derrek though she hated not being able to do as she wished. 

It's fine.....just ignore him.  Derrek said to her telepathically, clenching his fist.