Secrets And Lies

Catalina dropped to her knees. She put her hands on Scarlett's shoulders and shook her as hard as she could without hurting her.

"Wake up, please wake up!"

She placed her hand over Scarlett's chest and felt her heart beating. Okay, so she's still alive.

Catalina knew what she had to do to wake Scarlett up, it was just a matter of quickly she could do it. Paul would be home any minute now and if he walked in at the wrong time, Catalina would have to explain what was going on and it wouldn't be a pleasant conversation. Catalina never told Paul about her witchy abilities when she'd had them a few years back and now that she had them again, she certainly didn't plan on telling him about them now. He was already so upset about Scarlett staying with them and hearing that his wife--who was about to give birth to their child--had supernatural abilities would tear their relationship apart. Especially since she'd been keeping it from him for so long. She couldn't tell him now. She'd have to tell him at some point, but today was not that day.

Catalina closed her eyes and concentrated on trying to wake Scarlett up. She concentrated with her hands on Scarlett's chest for about 5 minutes when a

bright yellow light flashed bright enough for her to see it through her eyelids. It was working. She heard the keys jingle outside the door and her eyelids forced themselves open. Paul was home. As the doorknob turned, the yellow light got brighter and brighter until Catalina couldn't see anything. As soon as the door creaked open, the light disappeared as quickly as it appeared and Scarlett launched herself up from the floor. Breathing heavily, Scarlett looked around and as soon as her eyes landed on the door she stood up and quickly made her way to the nursery. Catalina helped herself off the floor just as Paul walked in.

"Hey," She said.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Catalina came to the conclusion that Paul picked up on her awkward stance and quickly stood up straight.

"Oh nothing. Scarlett and I went to the movies today and we both fell asleep so I'm still pretty tired," She lied.

She'd used up most of her energy handling the demon at the movie theatre and healing Scarlett, but of course she couldn't tell him that.

"Wait, are you talking about the theatre three blocks away that caught on fire?" Paul took a few steps towards Catalina and held her hands in his.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, yes we're fine, thanks for asking."

Catalina let her hands slip out of Paul's grasp and headed down the hall to the nursery.