[Eternal Elegant Nation]

Eternal Elegant Nation, located in between the biggest ocean named Tiara. Four large arrays covered the Nation for protection from harsh weather and monsters. Outsiders are not allowed to enter the Nation other than important foreign delegations.

"Hufff, damn it, is it just me or, today is colder than yesterday."

"Don't remind me, I am freezing just by hearing your babbling."

Two guards were cursing the cold temperature while guarding the array formation of the main entrance of the Nation. The water around the Nation froze a few days earlier and, no one knows the reason behind the strange phenomenon. 

For the past few centuries, an occurrence like this never happened in the Eternal Elegant Nation. 

"This is the fourth time I am checking the northern array but, there is no fault." 

"What to do? The other two arrays are also fine and, Elder is checking the main array for the fifth time yet no result."