Level 2 Mutant Physical Body

"Is this serious? How will I know if there will be enough room to upgrade?" Zhou Lin was dismayed to hear the system message.

But when he tried to touch the image of the small wooden hut, he was surprised to see it moved to the side.

"Looks like this is really like those farm building games." Before, he had not taken this test.

Zhou Lin made several arrangements and moved the farms and the lake around to give the house more space.

It didn't take long to do this because the system did everything for him.

Unfortunately, something strange happened when this was done.

"This can only be a joke…" He commented dejectedly as he looked at what happened after the changes.

By moving the farms and the pond, the growing time was increased by two days.

That was insane and very strange.

"In regular games, that didn't happen. Why does my system have to be so strange?" Zhou Lin could only complain in a dejected tone.

The changes had already been made and he had to accept that.

By clicking the upgrade button, the necessary supplies were discounted and the house began to glow. Noises of something being built were heard.

The house was covered in smoke and time was shown.


The upgrade would take an hour.

If Zhou Lin wants to speed up construction, he'll have to spend more on supplies, but he wouldn't do that sort of thing.

An hour would go by too quickly.

After doing the daily exercises like running around the crater, bending, crunching, and squatting for some time.

The hour passed without Zhou Lin noticing.

The system rang when the build time ended.

ding... ding... ding... ding...

"The house upgrade is finished."

"The host received 1000 experience points"

"The host has leveled the Mutant Physical Body to level 2"

"The host can choose a new effect for the Mutant Physical Body"

"Choose one of the following effects"

"Effect 1: Increased strengthening of the user's physical body"

"Effect 2: A random mutation in the physical body"

"Interesting… It seems like the Mutant Physical Body has a lot of strange effects, but what would a random mutation be? Will I look different? Or will I have more power in a body part?" Zhou Lin was dubious about that. He wanted to choose the second option, but the problem was that he was short of choices.

To survive this new hostile world, Zhou Lin needs to be strong. Otherwise, he would just be prey.

Despite his curiosity, he chose the first option.

"I choose effect 1"

ding... ding...

"Choice accepted"

A powerful hot energy completely ran through Zhou Lin's body and strengthened every part of his body.

"It seems like I need to be careful when choosing options in the future. The system didn't even ask to confirm my choice. The system just accepted the first thing I said." He muttered.

Opening the window to view the skill, the following information was displayed.

Mutant Physical Body (Level 2)

Level 1 Effects: Strengthening the user's physical body

Level 2 Effects: Increased the strengthening of the user's physical body

To level up to level 3, upgrade the house to level 3.

"I see… The most basic upgrade of the house to level 3 requires a hundred kilos of wood, fifty kilos of iron ore, two hundred kilos of sand, and twenty liters of water. That's a lot, but it will be worth it."

Without hesitating, Zhou Lin tapped the upgrade button again. He opted for the simplest upgrade that doesn't waste a lot of resources.

ding... ding...

"The host has started the upgrade of the house."


"4 - 23:59:59"

"I see… It looks like it will take five days for the next upgrade… I can wait" Zhou Lin had a lot of free time.

Five days was nothing to him.

"Now, I just need to train to test the limits of my body. After eating so many mutant fruits, leveling the system and skill, my body has been strengthened several times, but I still haven't found my limit. I need to take advantage of this time of peace to train as much as possible." He already had several plans to try to live in the new world.

The only thing he still had doubts about was other people. He didn't know if there were any towns or villages nearby with people.

"Despite having used fifty kilos of wood, the size of the house hasn't increased much, but it's a little better than before." Zhou Lin analyzed his system-renovated house.

Only the size was improved, but the interior and exterior look remained simple.

The house had only one room the size of a small bedroom, but there was nothing inside.

Zhou Lin needed to decorate with furniture and other things.

But the only thing he did was create a small bed made of wood for him to sleep on.

Zhou Lin's daily life boiled down to just five things. Waking up, exercising, playing with mutant animals, eating, and sleeping.

Apart from these things, he didn't do anything else.

The system experience bar slowly filled as Zhou Lin built or collected things.

His body also got stronger as his system improved and he ate the fruits, but the effects were less than the first time.