Mutation Gacha Machine

ding... ding... ding...

"Congratulations on leveling the system to level 5"

"The host received a great physical improvement"

"The host has enabled new options to select"

"The host has enabled the upgrades for the plantations"

"The host received an Extra Gift Box 2.0"

"The host received a Supplies Box 1.0"

"The host has been given a new system function."

"Automatic Harvest Function Enabled"

The system sounds echoed in Zhou Lin's mind as he leveled the system to level 5.

The rewards were much better than in previous levels.

Powerful hot energy spread through his body and great power was felt.

The strengthening this time was three times greater than before.

Zhou Lin's body was getting very strong as he leveled the system.

Planted fruits and vegetables no longer had special effects on his body. That was just to satisfy the hunger.

The only way to get stronger was to eat new mutated food types, level the skill, or level the system.

"Does this system really have this function? Normal farm game systems don't have that." Zhou Lin was very excited to see the automatic function.

As he would not need to harvest the fruits and vegetables to receive experience, the system would do this automatically for him.

But when he looked at the information, he felt like crying.

Automatic Harvest Function

To activate the Auto Harvest Function, the user needs to accept the following term: The user will receive half experience for each harvest.

Zhou Lin understood that the new function was a double-edged sword. He wouldn't have the trouble of collecting things, but losing half the experience was very painful.

That would mean he would have to wait twice as long to level the next level of the system.

System Level: 5


The previous level was ten thousand experience points. Now, he needs fifty thousand experience points. This was insane.

To level the system to level 5, Zhou Lin took more than six months.

If he activates the new function, it could take several years. Even with the new creation options.

His dismay was justifiable.

"I think it's better not to activate this function right now. I'll do it when I have to get out of here." He decided to do this because it wasn't worth it.

"Now is the time to open the three boxes I have. The first to be opened will be the 3.0 box from before."


"The host opened the Gift Box 3.0"

"The host received five hundred kilos of iron ore, five hundred kilos of stone, five hundred kilos of wood, four hundred liters of water, rank 1 mutant creature random egg, mutant beet seed, mutant sunflower seed, Growth Potion"

These were the items the box gave away.

"Growth Potion? What is it?" Zhou Lin was curious.

Growth Potion - Can only be used on mutated creatures. Increases the growth speed of a mutant creature.

"That's interesting… But do I have any mutant creatures strong enough to use this? I can't identify the rank of creatures to know their powers." He didn't know what to do about that. So he dropped it and focused on the other boxes.


ding... ding...

"The host opened the Extra Gift Box 2.0"

"The host received a Mutation Gacha Machine"

"Mutation Gacha Machine? What is it?" The strange new item made him curious.

Mutation Gacha Machine - Play on the machine to win prizes.

It looked like a casino slot machine.

When tapping the icon, a screen appeared.

The scene was similar to a gacha machine.

The screen was square with two hundred and fifty small squares and bright lights. The squares were divided into four colors. Grey, blue, red, gold, purple.

Two hundred were gray, thirty were blue, fifteen were red, four were gold, and one was purple.

In the middle of the screen was a square different from the other four, the square was purple in color. The word BONUS was written in the square.

"The host received ten shots for the first time"

"The prizes are interesting… If this machine works like in the casinos, I will have to spend a lot before I win anything good. Every ten shots, an item will be uncommon or more valuable. This looks like gacha games."

"The machine's most basic prize is random supplies and seeds. The uncommon ones are growth potions, seeds, eggs of rank 1 mutant creatures, and supplies, but these are unusual things to be found on Earth. Rare items are rank 3 mutant creature eggs and seeds. The super rare are rank 5 mutant creature eggs and skill books. But what is this square with the word bonus written on it?" Zhou Lin looked at the list of rewards and made his attempt.

The bonus square was the square where there was a special item for the user. But there was only one chance of winning.

Anything he won would be a good thing.

Zhou Lin closed his eyes and touched the 10 shot button.

trim… trim… trim…

Ten glowing lights appeared and began to scroll through the squares on the screen at the same time.

The scene was beautiful to see, but Zhou Lin didn't want to see anything, he just wanted the result.

After thirty seconds of scrolling through the squares on the screen, the lights began to slowly stop.

ting... ting... ting...

"The host received ten kilos of wood"

"The host received five kilos of sand"

"The host received two liters of water"

"The host received a Mutant Orange seed"

The awards were echoing in Zhou Lin's mind, but he was very discouraged because the awards were all rubbish.

When the ninth light stopped, the system announced the prize.