I want a maid

"Sir, my name is Wang Yi, the three of us are Zou City's soldiers. A newly built city about fifty kilometers from that side." The man replied without lying. He didn't have the courage to try to deceive Zhou Lin.

The situation was not favorable for him or his group.

"I see... And this woman, who is she?" Zhou Lin has heard their words before, but he won't mind if they try to lie.

"Sir, she's just a nameless bitch. You don't need to care about her." Wang Yi replied with a disgusted look on his face. He even kicked the woman hard to the side.

coff!!!! coffff!!!

Blood was spat out after coughing and the wounds got worse from the kick. Because of that, she passed out.

"I see… What are you guys doing here? You are too far from the city." Zhou Lin was more concerned about the information than the woman.

"Sir, we are just exploring the areas around the city. Our job is to map the areas and report to the leaders."

"I see… Do you have any information about the city? I want to know everything you know"

"Sir, here is the device with all the information you need." Wang Yi pulled out a small flash drive.

But there was a button to press.


The flash drive was thrown to the ground and turned into a screen.

Many texts appeared on the screen.

"I see…" Zhou Lin didn't show any change in his face because it wasn't necessary. He already knew the information about Zou City, he just asked to find out the objective on the other side.

After becoming the strongest person in the area around the farm, Zhou Lin walked through the wreckage and found many useful things.

Some of these things were computers, solar panels, and other things.

Using the internet, he was able to see all the information in the current world.

According to reports, Zhou Lin was buried in rubble for a hundred years.

During all that time, the world has completely changed.

The fall of meteors to Earth killed more than six billion people. The human race was almost extinct due to this apocalyptic disaster.

The human race almost fell and other races rose. Like mutant creatures, zombies, bloodthirsty demons, elves, dark elves, and others.

The technology has also been improved after such a long time. In the current era, everything is done with technology, robots, and artificial intelligence.

Humans needed to get stronger somehow to survive in the new world. They had the technology to deal with the new creatures.

Furthermore, the fall of meteors has given rise to mutations in humans. They gained special powers or so-called abilities.

Out of every thousand humans, one of them had a special ability. But there were only basic and normal abilities, nothing out of the ordinary or super powerful.

Zhou Lin was very shocked to find out about this. He didn't think the world had changed so much in a hundred years.

"Sir, do you need to know anything else?" Wang Yi asked with an anxious tone. He wanted to go away and warn the town about him finding a person who controls mutant creatures.

This is a great discovery.

"Yea. I need one more thing. You could die." Zhou Lin waved no.

roar!!!! roar!!




The three screams at the same time as a gigantic mouth covered by several rows of dozens of teeth swallow them at once.

The creature's image was of a gigantic worm.

"Little Worm, can you spit out the objects? I need these things" Zhou Lin asked.

gup... gup...

The giant worm made a few noises before spitting it out.

Clothes and objects were covered in blood.

The bodies were devoured and the other things were expelled.

Little Worm was a giant worm that inhabited the rubble of buildings, Zhou Lin named it and fed it.

Whenever he went off somewhere, Little Worm went underground.

"Let's go back. You will have more work in the future." He understood that people would start showing up at the place.

roar!!!! roar!!!!

As if they understood what Zhou Lin was talking about, they roared with joy and ferocity.

None of them could attack each other because he forbade it. So they had to kill the others.

"It's been a long time since I've seen a woman. She will be a good maid in my bed. Its appearance is not bad and it is above average" He commented as he carried her like a captive.

From the day he woke up to the present day, he hasn't seen a single woman.

Now is a good time for him to get some pleasure in bed after so long using only his hand to relieve himself while watching porn movies.

The first woman he met could be considered beautiful.

The mutated creatures flew back to the farm carrying the spoils.

Three days later...

The woman opened her eyes slowly, but there was still some pain around her body.

The first thing she saw was a wooden ceiling.

A startled and shocked look came over her face.

Looking down, she saw that she was still naked, but no injuries or dirt could be seen.

"Where am I?" She asked while looking at the unfamiliar location.

"You finally woke up. You've been sleeping for three days now." Zhou Lin's voice echoed from the side.

"Sir, did you save me? Where are those three?" She asked anxiously. She didn't know if Liu Yang would torture and rape her or not.

"You can say yes. About the other three, they've already been digested by my little friend." Zhou Lin replied jokingly.

"Ohh… Sir, thank you for saving me. Do you want something from me?" The woman knew there was some reason why he had saved her.

"I'm looking for a maid to warm my bed and take care of my little friends. Do you accept this job?" Zhou Lin asked casually. He already had a vague idea of ​​the woman's response.