Chapter 12

"What do you mean? My lord?" I ask as my teeth clatters incessantly. My stomach contorts as fear creeps along my spine. Really, am I dreaming? It must be a dream.

I convince myself before another rustic voice trails through my ear.

"Prince of Soul-eaters, what a pleasure to meet you here in Earthsource. "

"You need to get back to Skysource as soon as possible for your father is grieving." The elusive figure reveals itself and speaks as my eyes narrow , incomprehension and confusion engulf my rationality.

"I don't know what you're talking about . Get me outta here. Faster!" I erupt with a dangerous tone fumbling for anything to wield to defend myself in case of a sudden onslaught. However, the space is a void filled with light and there is not a thing that can be found here. It is a blank white vacuum.

"You're not in danger, please be calm." He says with no hint of emotion in his voice ; robotic and plain.

"However we have to ship you to Skysource and awaken your Gift." The elusive figure removes his hood as he approaches me , eyes twinkling and bulging nonstop.

I marvel at his good looks but I sneakily step back with every advancement he makes.

" Honestly I don't understand what's happening." I say as I lean on the ground with my hands behind my back. Curiosity is gradually overshadowing the terror that had gripped me some moments ago.

"All of these will be clarified by your venerated father The Evil Terminator King." He grins as he transforms his disposition to suit one of a very erudite person who has seen through the vicissitudes of life.

"Am I really his son? Maybe you're mistaken." I say. The fear that had shaken my body was fully gone.

"Yes you're really his son. In any case we can also verify your identity by the Soul-searching mirror." He says snapping his fingers. A bizarre swirling object that spews countless sprays of light tantamount to a blizzard materializes in front of him.

"You see this?" He says as his feet approaches me creating empty echoes in the space surrounding us. " This is the Soul-searching mirror, you have to stand up so I can verify your true antecedents."

I follow his command as I nearly get swept away by the turbulent winds formed by the Soul-searching mirror. It is that I come to know that gravity in this space isn't normal. However he interrupts my thoughts with a heated and joyous voice.

"Look at it , spot-on."

I shift my eyes to the Soul-searching mirror in front of me which has suddenly become still as if the whirlwinds it had created a few minutes ago was just a mere illusion.

I read the words inscribed on the mirror which gives off a feeling of eeriness.

"Deuce Hegemon son of Evil Terminator King of Skysource."

What is this? I can't comprehend what the scribbled words mean.

"Satisfied yet?" He asks , his eyes glowing with excitement as if he has accomplished a very difficult mission.

"Could you please tell me the meaning of this?" I ask. Confusion, curiosity and incomprehension can be seen radiating from my eyes.

"Sorry we have no time, my lord." He says with a tone of finality as the vacuum we are in starts to shrink bit by it. I turn to look at him but he has already vanished. "Wait, Wait , Wait!" I yell only to be met with echoes as response.

A blinding clash of light invades my eyes and I fall into a swoon.


"Welcome my long-lost son." A deep robotic voice explodes violently in my ears and I hastily wake up only to be met with countless fiery gazes.

My chest heaves up and down as absolute trepidation courses through my spine.

I sit up to have a clear view. Over a dozen or so horrid creatures has surrounded me staring at me with flaming eyes. Are they going to eat me? Where is Catherine? Where am I ?

As endless questions stream through my mind , a larger and taller creature gets in the spotlight , it's body rippling with robustness and a dark pressuring miasma seemed to seep from his glabella, slowly fleeting to me.

"What?" I cower back as my heart rams against my chest endlessly.

"Calm down , I have to awaken your Gift. Besides don't behave like that in front of your father , it's shameful."

The creature says , his eyes glowing with a familiar yellow hue that I have seen in my dreams. I gasp unwittingly as the cold dark miasma seeps into my glabella . My nose perks up as I feel the urge to sneeze, a strangely cold feeling coursing practically all over my inner body. Am I being possessed?

No ! It can't be . It can't be !

My eyelids start to soak with sweat that covers every part of my body and it's when I come to realise that I am shaking.

The cold feeling moving in my body abruptly stops and my skin starts to darken from the sole of my feet with every passing minute.

"What's happening to me?" I yell murderously only to be met with grinning horrid faces glowing with anticipation and excitement. Their fervid eyes are on me creating an illusion that innumerable spectres are looking at me.

My skin has already darkened up to the point above my knees as the sturdy creature in front of me swirls his hands as he utters countless magic spells. The vortex of miasmas generated by his powerful hands hit my face like piercing needless as I struggle to get up and run for my life , but to no avail. I am locked in place by some unknown force and every bit of struggle I put , a blinding pain surges all over my body .Waves of cold sensations are invading my body as many pockmarks and chilblains starts to form on my body.

I stifle the sound that is threatening to come out of my mouth as regret overflows within me. If I hadn't come to the police station , this misfortune wouldn't have befallen me.

The dark horrid creature in front of me stops his eerie chants and lands his gaze on me , the cloud of dust-like thingy slowly fades to the ground. His face is blanched with sweat as his yellow eyes glows with satisfaction.

"You've been successfully fully transmogrified, unleashing your peerless Gift." He thunders with a hint of awe in his voice thick with enigmatic and paranormal breaking.

I am sure I have never heard such a voice before as if he were talking in water. Nevertheless my attention is drawn towards my body which had started darkening. My eyes dilate and a gasp unwittingly escapes my mouth. I hold the urge to roll and wail. My body! It is completely darkened by his power and some of it is still eddying around my pores giving them a shiny black demonic lustre. I had abhorred black colour in the past and now I'm completely black.

Nothing can replace the resentment that runs over my heart right now. If I had been powerful enough , I would have sent them flying in the air. it's a pity and that's why I haven't avenged Rodgers until...

My thoughts are distracted by a sudden tremor of the earth and muffled wails coming from a slight distance from me. What's that?

I swipe my eyes to look around me , silently praying that their yellow eyes don't scare the hell out of me.

Fiery tiny yellow balls meets my eyes suddenly and I jump back. I look past him ,The Evil Terminator King.

Some distance away lies a pile of people groan as they clutch their backs, their faces winced in an unsightly way.

"What happened?" A deep guttural broken voice vibrates off my vocal chords. An ominous feeling creeps up my spine. Was that my voice?

My train of thoughts is interrupted by a similar sound. Maybe he was the one who had spoken. " You expelled them away." He says as he eyes me." You're much more powerful than I thought."

"No way. Did I really swat them away?" My eyes narrow in confusion.

"The magic of Soul-eating grants one with the ability of being telekinetic. That's why we're nearly unparalleled in the Wizarding and Paranormal world." He says as his pitch-black hand strokes his chin. The chilly aura that had lingered around my body is completely gone.

"So how do you know I'm your son? I am from Planet Earth you know ... and I don't know which kind of place I'm in." I stand up and my heart thrums in shock as I find out that I'm in level with him. How did I grow this enormously tall? It has to be ...

"Don't be worried , you from the world of the blooded , we call them Normals . They're the ones inhabiting Earthsource dimension ... Eeh ...don't ask questions." He says , his voice crooked and queer.

"You're my son , I sired you eighty years ago." He says conversationally. My eyes bulge at how the ground is completely dark and the place look likes some sort of an underground hideout. The only light illuminating the place is from millions of candle hanging in the air in a weird zigzag lineup as if they are sentinels on guard.

"What?Eighty years ago?" I try to gasp but I realize I don't have a nose.

"Yeah , there was a fierce dystopian battle."

"Among the Soul-eaters and ?" I crinkle a smile from the corners of my big ruddy mouth, shocked that I am starting to get conversant with these mythologies, no reality...

"The Soul-eaters and Blood-eaters. Their head was that screwball Damian Mercan." The corner of his yellow eyes twitch in suppressed fury.

"He tricked me and stole our Ancestral Renascence Goblet."

"What's that ? " I ask as wails and cries stemming from nowhere resounds in my ears.

My blood curdles but then I realise that I'm one of them.

It's the strangest place I've ever been.

The horrid creatures , no , my fellow Soul-eaters who were groaning in pain just in front of us , had suddenly disappeared.

I wonder if I also have this ability of theirs.

"It's an incomparably valuable object that makes us live longer and venture into the other worlds. We used it on you." He says , his yellow eyes now dim and looking lost.

"That's why I rose amid the Normals." Realization dawns one me. I should have knew it all along.

"How'do the Normals call the Blood-eaters,the Jak–?"

"Jakachinja." I smile.

"They're the ones who ravage your previous folk right? Killing and sucking blood from them. They aren't necessarily vampires but a weird cross-breed of Soul-eaters and Blood-eaters."

"Unfortunately they killed my friend." I say ruefully.

"You have the ability , you know. " He mimes ,his hand slashing across the air , " you can just wipe them off. They're so despicable , more than the witches and wizards in Windsource dimension."

"Ooh?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah but they're powerful right now, with the Ancestral Renascence Goblet which they use to suck soul power from the Normals' blood."

"How can I blight them off from the Paranormal world?" I ask as a large palace comes in my view , candlelight spilling through the foyer with sturdy pillars and into a vast hall. I can make out a solitary mahogany throne that is impeccably carved into the likeness of a huge snake. It looks sinister and cold.

"Unfortunately you are in the first stages of development of your Gift , you have a lot to learn. " He says as we arrive at the threshold.

"How am I going to accelerate the development process of my Gift." I ask.

"You'll be tutored and live among us. That will do."


"No?" His yellow eyes narrows.

"Yes, I have to see my mother , my only family."

"She is not your family now. Your family is here now. Forget about them."

"What do you mean?" I ask as I stride into the palace, a grand illuminated hall welcoming me , yellow light oozing from specks of fire blazing in poculiform lamps.

"I mean you're now one of us , don't you know."

"I know but I have to visit Catherine." I stare at his eyes unblinkingly.

"You can't visit the Normals that way. You'll scare the hell out of them." He says as he winds his gruff hands on my shoulders.

"Then you have to help me change my form."

"That's perfect. Your first lesson begins you know. The faster you get to learn it , the nearer the time you'll get to see your Normals mother." His eyes flicker with excitement. A sinister whoosh make my ears prick and I stare at him.

"Aaah Prickle Pick you're scaring my son. Out!"

"Yes my lord." A flutter of wind razes my face and strangely I can't see anything. Perhaps it is because of the flickering light in the hall.

"What's that?"

"Prickle Pick, a ghoul. Palace cleaner."

We arrive at the throne which looks intimidating. Next to it is a little throne , half its size.

"That's your place my son." He says pointing at the throne.

"It's called Little Ninny Throne." He says , chuckling.

"Before Damian Mercan , that bloodsucking dolt made me kill you and use the Ancestral Renascence Goblet." He says as a trail of tear dangles on his face before falling on his huge hairy dark chest.

"That's how you transmigrated into the world of Normals — Earthsource dimension."

"Huh!" I mutter not knowing what to say.

"Of course I had to send my own Envoys to Earthsource to seek you. Fortunately the legendary Seeker of Soul-eaters found you after he transmogrified into a Norma—."

A loud bang echoes in the hall interrupting him.

I turn to look at the source of the noise only to be met with a... hideous creature. My mouth shakes.