Movie Night

Jade's POV

I didn't know what to say. I had so many questions but I couldn't ask them because I knew she wasn't ready. She pulled back from my arms and said 'your dad saved me. He is enemies with the gang and he found out what happened and tracked me down.'

I never actually knew much about my dad's job but I didn't think he took people in I thought he just hired people that were good at being bodyguards.

After few seconds of silence, there was a knock at the door. Katlyn put her mask back on quickly and got up and moved to the door.

'Dad!' I said getting up and practically running into his arms. After what Katlyn told me I loved my dad more than ever before.

He walked inside and sat at the chairs at the table. 'I don't even know where to start. I'm sorry. To the both of you's. I thought she might have changed but why would she.' He sighed looking at the floor.

'Dad, did you mean everything you said at the cafe?' I said softly actually very curious. After he said all that about Katlyn and me, I needed to know.

'Yes Jade, I did. I meant every single word I said.'

I looked over at Katlyn and she looked confused but still happy. 'That's why I put Katlyn as your bodyguard. I thought you two might I don't know "get close" I suppose... which I completely support'. My father said quite happily.

Katlyn smiled and nodded at my father while shaking his hand. 'I trust you won't hurt my daughter' my father said while getting up and leaving without another word.

I walked over to Katlyn and slowly took her mask off.

I looked at her eyes then cupped her face with my hands to pull her in. Our lips touched and moved together it was slow and steady and I could tell Katlyn was not trying to move too fast.

She was slowly stepping back and we reached the couch where she fell back pulled me onto her lap. I pulled back and stared at her admiring all her features.

'What movie do you want to watch' she smiled snapped me out of my daydream. 'Mmm I don't know, you pick.. wait no I'm not watching another horror movie.'

She smiled and I giggled. 'If you don't hurry up and tell me I will be picking'. 'Uhhh romance' I smiled while giving her pouty eyes. She sighed 'fine'. Then she throws me off her lap and got up to get the remote.

We sat around for a few hours watching movies. Well, Katlyn was watching them my eyes were fixated on Her the whole time.

By the time we were done, it was 6 pm so we were both ready for dinner. We got up and went to go get pizza. When we got home we sat back down and continued watching movies until roughly 9 before Katlyn got up to shower and get ready for bed.

When she got out I did the same but before getting dressed I went to... tease Katlyn.