Payback pt1

Bosses POV

When Jade hit me in the arm to show me that Katlyn was awake a wave of relief took over. The day I took Katlyn in I thought of her as a daughter. I never wanted to see her hurt, Mentally or physically.

After jade had rushed over to her I looked back at the bearded man in front of me. In the corner of my eye, I could see Katlyn trying to sit up and look at him. Eventually Jade let her stand, with her help of course.

She slowly walked over to me and I put my arm under her to replace Jade's. I looked down to Katlyn and could see the fear and anger in her eyes. She slowly stepped forward to move closer to the guy.

I didn't quite know what she was doing but she soon showed me. I watched her fists clench and she swung straight across his face.

She must have got him pretty good because both the chair and him were laying with their side to the floor.

I should have stopped though because she was now gripping onto her side where the wound was.

As she fell to the floor Jade rushed up to her and helped her up and moved her back to the couch. As I watched jade sit her down I lifted the guy back up and stayed relatively close to him.

He looked at me then back to the floor. 'Katlyn, any limits before I start anything?' I asked before I did anything she didn't want me to.

She looked over at me 'I don't care, as long as I get to finish it.' She said it with the anger I could tell she's been wanting this for a long time.

I called the boys in and told them to take him downstairs and stay down there until I got there. 'I'll come and get you when it's time. Or you can come down when you are ready.' I said quietly.

She nodded and looked back to Jade. Jade got up and followed me out the door. 'Dad' she said while grabbing my arm. 'Are you actually going to let her do it?'

I sighed and nodded 'Honey, I know you don't like it but she can do whatever she wants to him. She looked up at me with a slightly happy look that was making me very confused 'good cause that piece of crap deserves whatever she hits him with'.

She pulled me into a huge 'thank you for taking her in dad'. I pulled back 'bring her down when she's ready. See you soon I smiled.

Katlyn's POV

As jade walked back in, I pulled my mask off and smiled at her. 'How are you feeling?' She said with a sincere look on her face. 'Better. Now that I don't have to look at him especially.' She giggled and pushed me over a little to sit beside me.

We started to talk for a while then she grabbed my hand and whispered 'you ready to go down?' I nodded and put my mask back on and we went down to the basement.

I stood at the door and took a few deep breaths before walking in and going down the stairs.

I looked around and saw several weapons. Most of them being knives but there were a few others things around. I stopped when I saw the man strapped to the wall and boss standing in front of him with a knife.

He had cut marks all over his stomach that I so badly wanted to pour vinegar over his body. I knew how much it would sting cause I watched my father get cut then they would tip vinegar in the cuts. I would watch him yell cuss words every time while his body tensed.

I looked back at boss and he nodded to tell me to come over.