
Katlyn's POV

The drive home was silent and I knew Jade was thinking. I didn't want it to push her but I was curious.

I looked over to her and she was just staring out the window. "Baby?" I said trying to get her attention.

She looked back at me and smile "Yeah babe?". I sighed "what's wrong baby, you're being quiet and staining out the window".

Jade and I had spoken a lot about communication. She was scared of us not talking then pushing each other away. Knew where she was coming from, I didn't want to lose her all because we couldn't talk about our feelings.

She sighed "that man, the one Father hired..." she paused then continued "I've got a bad feeling about him. Father said he found him on the streets all beat up"

I knew her father well enough to know he didn't take weak people off the streets. I looked over at her with confusion. "I know I thought the same thing, Father would never take someone off the streets, especially if they were the loser. He has to know who he is" she said staring at the side of my face.

"I agree, There has to be a better reason why he took him in," I replied.

"Looks like we are gonna need to get some more info then" she smiled. So far all we knew was his name, we knew Jade's Father wouldn't tell us any more info so we would have to get it out of him.

When we got home Jade ran inside and took out her phone "who are you cal-" I started, I was cut of by her answering the phone.

"Hey Jim, it's Jade, Ross's daughter... Yeah better I guess... I need a favor... I need you to find out some more info about the new guy my father just hired. All we know at the moment is his name and looks." Jade was quiet for a moment.

"We'll be right over," she said ending the call. "Come on baby let's go figure out who this guy was" Jade smiled. I nodded and we walked back out to the car.

She put the address into the GPS system and we left. "So who is this guy?" I asked breaking the silence. "He's one of my Father's friends. He can figure out anything about a person with the smallest details." She said.

We pulled up to a rather nice house and stepped out of the car. "This is it, come on," Jade said grabbing my arm and dragging me to the door. She knocked on the door three times.

The door swung open the tall man stepped out. He had dark brown eyes and black hair, He was dark-skinned but not incredibly dark. He stepped to Jade and pulled her into a hug.

"Good to see you again Jade." He paused and looked at me "and Who's this" he asked extending his hand out to me.

"This is Katlyn, my girlfriend." She smiled "But she doesn't talk so don't try and get anything out of her" Jade laughed.

He nodded "come in." We walked into the house and went to another room. It was an office room with things pinned walls and two computers on the desk in front of us. "Name?" He said closing the door and moving to the other side of the desk.

"Alex. He's a bit taller than Katlyn, has dark brown hair and hazel-green eyes." Jade said.

He started typing and within a matter of seconds he said "this him?". We walked closer to the desk and he spun the computer around.

Sure enough, it was the same guy we had met earlier. "That's him," Jade said staring at the image of the guy on the screen.

"Well... I have no clue why your Father hired him. It says here he was part of a gang in a town about 3 hours from here. The gang leader died not long ago and apparently, this guy disappeared straight after." He stopped for a second then looked up at Me.

"What did you say your name was?" He asked me. "Katlyn," Jade said.

"And you're the one that lost her parents, right? They made you sit there and watch or some awful shit like that?" He said slowly not breaking eye contact with me.

I nodded slowly at him. He took a deep breath "he was a part of the gang that killed your Mother and Father".

I took a deep breath and stared at him. I looked over to Jade and her eyes were wide open and filled with shock. "He was what," she said slowly.

That's where I knew him from. He must have been one of the guys who was there the night my father was killed.

"I knew there was something about him" Jade finally said. "Thank you so much, Jim, but we need to go have a word with my Father." Jade finished.

"Of course, call me and tell me how it's going later." He turned to me "pleasure meeting you Jade, I'd love to see you again under not-so-shitty circumstances."

I nodded and shook his hand. As we stepped out the door Jade took the keys out of my hands. I gave her a look and she said "I'm not letting you drive right now".

I didn't argue and we drove back to her fathers' office.