Chapter 7

Alison's POV

I didn't sleep much last night and I can't imagine Brianna did either. I felt like shit for dragging her into this but it was to late to say it was nothing.

It was almost 5:30 In the morning and my alarm wasn't far from going off, so instead of waiting for it I got up to go for a shower.

Brianna and I didn't talk much more last night, we just kinda sat in silence on the couch.

I hadn't told her yet but I was going to see grandfather after school and talk to him about it so that mum and mama don't find out.

They didn't find out the first time they weren't finding out this time. Last time I stayed at grandfather for 3 days after to make sure they didn't notice the bruises and cuts.

Thankfully in that time the bruises were easily covered by makeup but the cuts not to much. If they hadn't have been over my stomach they for sure would have seen them.

Grandfather tried to make me take a bodyguard but I said no, so my mums couldn't figure it out. There are still scars on my stomach but they are much easier to cover then the bruises were, all I have to do is wear a shirt.

Grandfather tried to make me take a bodyguard but I said no, so my mums couldn't figure it out. I know if they ever did find out mum would try and get grandfather onto them but we still don't know how many of them there are.1

I love Mum but this would just worry her more. That's why they moved here in the first place, to settle down in a safe area. Then grandad decided to move here too... the whole reason this shit happened the first time.

Mum doesn't owe these fuckers any money but they know by taking me and threatening my life they can get whatever they please.

I thought they would find someone else to target if they ever did it again but obviously not.

I sighed and turned from the sink to the shower. I slowly got undress and turned the shower on then waited for it to heat up. While I was waiting I let my mind run free and it went straight to Brianna.

Her toned legs with a deep tan and her dark brown hair falling over her shoulders. My thoughts didn't stay on her body for long and quickly moved to her in general.

I had known her for less then three days and she was so good to me. God her laugh was so adorable and the way her dimples showed while she smiled. Or even how quickly she can get overwhelmed and a blush would creep over her cheeks.

I snapped out of my thoughts while I realised the shower was steaming already. I stepped in and immediately felt relieved from the heat. It wasn't cold out yet but it was getting cool already.

I stood under the water not moving for a minute just letting the water fall over my shoulders and down my body.

I didn't have a very long shower and to be honest I don't know why it was so quick. Usually I can be in there for at least 20 minutes but this time it was only 10.

I stepped out and onto the bath mat and started drying off. Once I had finished drying I realised I hadn't brought my clothes into the bathroom with me.

I sighed dramatically and wrapped my towel around me to walk to my room. As I stepped out of the bathroom I turned to face Brianna walking out of her room.

"Good morning" she said with a smile. She wasn't much taller then me but I still had to look up at bit to meet her eyes.

My eyes locked onto her before I replied "good morning" giving a smile in return. She smirked then looked me up and down, Her smirk making me think of a lot of things I wished I hadn't at that time.

"Don't you normally get dressed in the bathroom?" She questioned. "Yeah, I forgot my clothes" I said with a slight laugh.

She nodded then we locked eyes again. "Uh- I should probably go get dressed" I said breaking the silence that had fallen upon us. She nodded slowly then looked away to the floor.

I slipped passed her and walked into my bedroom trying to regain the breath I had been holding back.

What the hell was she doing to me.

I stepped towards my cupboard and scanned for my uniform. It didn't take me long to find it and gag at the sight of the skirt.

I threw my towel on the ground and put my bra and underwear on when I heard a knock at the door. "Come in" I said not caring that I wasn't fully dressed, not like she hasn't seen me naked.

Brianna opened the door and started talking "hey what do I..." her jaw dropped as I turned to face her and her face filled with pink and she looked to the ground "sorry" she mumbled.

"It's okay, I don't care if you look not like you haven't seen it" I laughed she slowly looked up looking my body up from my feet, but she stopped at my stomach. Shit.

She saw them last time didn't she? Maybe she didn't that's why her eyes are glued to them.

"Did that...Uh... was that what they did last time" she seemed at a loss of words. I took a breath in and looked to the floor beside me. She took and deep breath then slowly walked towards me. I didn't want to look her in the eyes right now.

I was ashamed that I had let them do this to me and now that someone who wasn't grandfather was giving me pity for them.

I hadn't even noticed how close Brianna was to me until I snapped out of my thoughts. She was barley 3 inches away from me, she was so close I could feel her body heat all over me.

I looked up to meet her eyes and I could see they were filled with not pity but sadness. Brianna looked down again then back up to me then pulled me into her.

Her arms wrapped around my back making me feel safe once again. Her warmth made my whole body tingle while her breath hit my neck. I moved my arms to hug her back and pull her more into me.

We stood like that for what felt like hours before she said "I'm so sorry Ally". She said my name with kindness and care like she wasn't just saying it cause it's what she felt like she should in this situation.

She pulled back and we were still only a few inches apart. I could feel my body telling me to lean in but I wasn't going to risk losing her, not now.

"What did you come in for?" I asked trying to stop myself from kissing her. She looked away and took a step back "right, uh... what do I do with the money?" she said not looking back at me.

"Is there any chance you can get It in cash?" I asked. She nodded then looked back at me "but it won't be until this afternoon" she said.

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the bank then I'll take the money and drive it out" i said walking over to grab my shirt.

"Uh no. I'm coming with you" she said in a stern voice. Shocked at her response I spun around to face her again.

"No you are not" I said back just as firm. She tensed for a second then her face went back to the stern look from before.

"Alison, I am not letting you do this by yourself" she said enforcing the 'not'. I took a step closer and looked her dead in the eyes "I'm not risking both out lives." I said in barley a whisper.

She stayed quite for a second then said "I'm coming and that's final". I was expecting her to leave but instead she stayed with her feet planted where they were 5 minutes ago.