Chapter 10

Alison's POV

Today had gone relatively slow but I was getting keen for tonight.

Last time we had a sleepover Molly got piss drunk and went streaking at midnight. Thankfully my neighbourhood is filled with old people so no one saw it but Olivia and I.

I may have also made out with Molly that night but none of us could remember enough to be positive.

At least Emma was going to be there, I'd love to see

her get drunk.

I was currently waiting in the car for Brianna. She usually stayed back for 10 minutes incase anyone had to ask her things about class.

I had only been in the car for 5 minutes when Brianna walked out the door. She came straight to the car and seemed like she was in a bit of a hurry.

"Why are you rushing?" I asked as she stepped in and closed the door. "I want alcohol" she smiled making me laugh.

"Right well im going to the shops too, I need food" I said putting the car in drive and pulling out of the car park. I knew Molly and Olivia would forget to get the chips so I may as well get it now.

"That's fine, I'll come in with you" She said before pressing play on the radio. The drive was only 5ish minutes but I had enough time to ask Brianna about her day.

"It was okay, the creepy horny boys at the back of one of my classes were staring at me though" she laughed

"You should have called them out, they would have been so embarrassed" I said laughing with her.

"So what did you actually need to get?" Brianna asked. "Well drinks for starters, but I'm also gunna get some chips. I asked Mols and Liv to get some but I know they'll forget" I said as we pulled into the shops car park.

We walked into the shops and I went to get chips first. I stared at the bags of chips for a few minutes I got our favourites but I didn't really know what Emma liked so I just got original.

"Want anything?" I asked Brianna who seemed to be in her own world. She clicked to what I said and turned her head "oh nah it's okay, I can get my own" she smiled.

I laughed and looked at her "please, it's mum's money and they make more then enough, what do you want?" She giggled and shook her head then picked up a bag of chips and threw it at me.

In attempt to catch it I dropped all the other bags of chips making Brianna laugh. Her laugh was soft but so genuine.

She walked over to me and started picking up the bags of chips. "We should have grabbed a basket" she laughed. Nodding in agreement we walked to the drinks isle.

I wasn't sure if Emma drank so I picked up a shit ton of juices most of them for mixing with the alcohol but still.

Brianna and I walked to the checkout and started scanning our items. She looked so concentrated on scanning everything it was a bit cute.

After she had scanned and bagged it all I turned to her with excitement "Next to the Bottle-O" I smiled. She laughed and nodded and we walked across the road to the bottle-O.

We walked through the store looking at all the drinks around the place I picked up 2 Bottles of vodka and a bottle of rum (for myself). I walked around to find Brianna looking at the bottles of wine on the shelf.

"I didn't peg you as a wine drinker" I said walking up behind her. She jumped out of shock and turned to me "what did you 'peg' me as then" she said using air quotes on the 'peg' part.

"To be honest I could see you being someone that only drinks to get piss wasted on a weekend" I laughed. She joined my laughing and looked at me "Christ, I'm not 21" she laughed.

"Maybe not buttttt you have tonight to be 18" I smirked. "I'd rather not go back to 18 thanks" she giggled.

"Oooo, do you have stories from back then??" I questioned. "Maybe...but you don't need to know of them" she smirked.

"Ohhh come on, I can't imagine they are that bad" I said exaggerating the word 'that'. She just rolled her eyes, laughed at me then out the wine back down.

"I'll have a few but someone has to stay sober" she smiled. "What, nah we'll be fine. Nothing we haven't done before" I said thinking back to last time.

After another minute of silence Brianna finally spoke up "fine, but no one else can know". I raised an eyebrow at her "you've met the only people I ever talk to and they are gunna be here tonight".

"Fair point" she laughed walking over to the vodka section and grabbing another bottle.

"Only this once" she said having me a side glare before putting the bottle of the counter.

I placed the other bottles up and looked to the woman "ID please" she said in a monotone voice. I pulled my ID out of my pocket and passed it to her.

She barely looked at it before nodding, returning it to my hand then started scanning the items. "$160" she said holding up the card machine for me.

I tapped my card and it automatically accepted making me smirk. I hated that my Mum's were away all the time but at least I could afford things.

"Thank you" I said picking up the bottles and walking away.

"Let me carry at least one" Brianna pleaded. I shook my head and laughed while handing her one of the bottles in my arms.

The ride back home wasn't long so we didn't talk but but instead jammed out to the radio.

When we got home I got out the car and went to unlock the door before going back to get everything. Though to my surprise Brianna had everything in her hands standing at the door behind me.

I quickly turned back to the door and opened it so she could take everything to the kitchen.

I pulled the juices out of the bags and out them in the fridge and made sure we had plenty of ice. After I did that I walked into the lounge room to see Brianna sitting on the couch.

I walked over and turned to let the back of my legs hit the couch before I fell back to sit beside Brianna.

We both sat in silence for a moment while my mind wondered to last night. Her soft lips pressed on mine. The second the memory popped up I looked to Brianna.

I had to know what that meant for her. I was prepared for her to say it meant nothing but I had to ask anyway.

"Brianna?" I asked softly getting her attention. She didn't say anything but instead stared at me wait for me to continue.

"About last night..." i started making her think then lock eyes with me. "What about it?" She asked softly.

I took a deep breath before letting it out "did it... mean anything t-to you" I sighed realising I had stuttered. She looked away and let out a quiet giggle then looked back to my eyes.

"Alison..." she started taking a deep breath before continuing. "Last night... it was amazing. Yeah it may have been in the moment but I know I don't regret it. The day I met you I knew I wanted to get to know you better, hence why I accepted staying her with you and your mothers."

My cheeks flushed red making me look down to the floor with a smile. She noticed I was no longer looking up at her so she moved her hand under my chin to make me look back at her.