Chapter 13

Alison's POV

We have been at the café for about 10 minutes already. We had only really just ordered because we were busy talking.

Brianna was sitting beside me with Emma and Olivia opposite us and Molly on the end. "Ugh I need a boyfriend or some shit" Molly whined looking at us all.

We all laughed and looked at Molly "you have awful taste in guys so don't rush it" I said with a smirk. She laughed and smacked my arm "shut up".

"What if someone sees us here?" Brianna whispered to me. "Don't worry, no one from school ever comes here. It's 'to small' and 'not nice enough'. Rich ass snobs" I scoffed.

She laughed and looked around the café when a waitress came and gave us our drinks. She passed out the drinks then when she passed Brianna's hers she winked.

I squinted at her and she noticed my stare so she quickly turned and walked away. I smiled to myself and Brianna hit my leg and smiled.

"She was just being nice" she laughed. "Oh like I was being nice last night?" I smirked to myself and Brianna's jaw dropped to the floor.

Olivia was the only one that heard me and started laughing like there was no tomorrow. Molly and Emma both looked confused as hell but they didn't need to know.

I laughed and shook it off just as my phone started to ring. It was grandad, I wasn't sure what he was calling about but I couldn't just ignore it.

I picked my phone up and stood up "I'll be right back... Hey Grandad" I said answering the phone.

"Hey Ally, please tell me why Dave just called and said you bashed someone" he sighed from the other end of the call... Oops.

Dave worked for grandad but was also in the police force. Yeah I know, I know but he was a good guy other wise.

"Uhh... I call explain" I said smiling awkwardly. "Please Ally, you have the floor" he laughed. "The guy, Jake. He started talking shit about Molly and Olivia and then did... things to Olivia's girl friend" I took a pause trying not to let it all come back.

"Come Grandad please don't be mad, the asshole deserved what came for him" I finished.

"I'm not mad baby I'm proud as hell, but if he pulls that shit again tell me instead of doing it yourself" he said getting serious with the threat.

"Okay grandad" I laugh and start walking back to the table. "Just before you go honey, we need to talk when you have some free time. Like in person" he said very seriously.

"Yeah okay, you can come over tonight, Brianna will be there too but she will be okay with sitting in the other room." I said not getting to fazed.

"She can stay I don't mine to much. I'll be over later" he said and hung up the phone. Mustn't to be important if Brianna can be there too I though shrugging it off.

I walked back to the table and sat down beside Brianna. They all looked at me but said nothing instead went back to there conversation.

I wasn't sure what they were talking about to I just stopped paying attention. Some time must have passed because our order had been brought to our table.

"Here you's go" the lady smiled placing the plates down. We all switched our plates around until we had the right orders then started to eat our food.

It didn't take us long to finish our food so we packed up and I payed the bill. They all groaned at me for paying for them but thanked me afterwards.

We walked out to the car and I immediately turned the music. The song was 'I would like' by Zara Larsson which everyone started screaming at the top of their lungs.

I was surprised that Brianna and Emma knew it but pretty happy about it because they both looked really happy.

"I WOULD LIKE, TO GET, TO KNOW YOU BABY" I started with Brianna following "LIKE TO GET, UNDER YOUR SEXY BODY" while she sung she smiled at me making my stomach go all weird.

We all continued screaming songs all the way to my house. When we got home I turned it down and we all got out and walked inside.

The girls all had to go home so they went straight to their bags to pack everything up. It didn't take them long to pack their bags and they were out in a matter of minutes.

That left just Brianna and I home alone once again. I remembered I hadn't actually showered early so I turned to Brianna and smiled.

"I'm gunna-" we both started making us laugh. "You go" I said gesturing towards her. "I'm going to take a shower" she said with a giggle. I laughed and she looked confused.

"I was going to say the exact same thing" I said still laughing my ass off.

She just laughed and walked to the bathroom "I'll be out in 20" she yelled from the hallway.

I smiled and pulled out my phone to call grandad. It rung a few times then he answered "hey, I take it you're home?" He asked from the other time.

"Yep, how long with you be?" I asked back. "About 15 I have to finish something up. I'll be there soon I've got to go" he said hanging up the phone.

Ive learnt to not question what he is doing when he calls. It's never anything good so I don't really mind.

I put my phone down on the bench and stood there for a minute. Then I remembered that grandad was about to come over and I haven't showered yet.

I didn't want to rush Brianna but I couldn't not shower, I could smell last night coming off me.

I walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Yeah" She called from the other side. "Not to rush you or anything but my Grandad will be over in about 15 Minutes and I kinda need to shower".

"I'm in the middle of washing my hair... are you okay with just coming in as well?" Brianna said and I could tell she was smiling.

How could I say no? I smiled to myself and stepped into the bathroom. I could just see Brianna through the glass door and gosh did she have a good body.

The water dripped down her tan body and her hair fell down and stuck to her back.

"Are you going to get in or just stand there staring" she said turning her back to me.

I smiled and got undress realising why I was here in the first place. I quickly hopped in and took a minute to take her all in.

It took so much of me not to pull anything while standing there behind her. Though I held it together and quickly got my body wet so I could spread the soap easier.

As I reached for the soap Mine and Brianna's body's touched making her slowly turn to face me.

She pulled my hand away from the soap before I could get any. She moved her hand to the soap and got a pump of it on her hand.1

She rubbed it between her hands not breaking eye contact with me the whole time. Then she slowly moved her hands to my chest and moved her hands down.

Her hands slid down my chest, over my boobs, down across my stomach and then to my hips. I felt my breath hitch from her touch and she smiled.

I gave her a look and she smirked then leaned into my lips. Her lips connected with mine and it sent a shock through my body.

My hand slipped down across her back and pulled her into me.

Her kisses slowly traveled down my face to my neck making a soft moan escape my lips. I felt her smile against my neck.

I quickly snapped out of it remembering that Grandad would be here in a matter of minutes. I smiled and lifted her chin for her to face me.

"Grandad will be here any minute now, we'll have to resume this after that" I said stepping into the water to rinse off.

"Such a tease" She smirked stepping back to get out of the shower.

I finished washing the soap off and turned the shower off stepping out after her.

I quickly dried off, as did Brianna and we both walked to our rooms to get dressed. Ugh why'd you have to come over today Grandad I thought it myself.

I quickly pulled out a pair of track pants and a shirt with of course some under clothes. I pulled it all on and walked back into the kitchen.

I stood there for about 2 minutes and Brianna came out and sat down. I was just about to speak when there was a knock.

I went to the door and opened it to reveal the one and only... Grandad.

"Hey Grandad" I said as he walked in and hugged me. "Hey kiddo, ready to talk?" He asked walking to the kitchen.

"Ready as I'll ever be" I said as he walked up to Brianna. "Hey Brianna, How are you honey?" He said opening his arms to her.

She got up and hugged him and said "I'm good thanks how have you been?". "Pretty good thanks, but we should talk now" he said walking to the living room.

Brianna and I just followed him and sat opposite him on the couch.

"I'll just get straight into it. Ally honey, why didn't you tell me about Michel" he said with a worried look.

I froze up and stared at him for minute "I'm sorry Grandad but I could go thought that shit again they fucked it all up and it couldn't let Mum find out" I said looking down.

He let out a sigh "I'm surprised you shot him, I really am. Brianna must mean a fucking lot to you hun" he finished looking at Brianna and I.

"Please tell me everything that happened though" he said looking at us again.

"I got a note from them about a week ago and saying they wanted money or Brianna would die. I wasn't letting that happen Pops. So I got the money, thanks to Brianna and we drove there after school." I stated taking a deep breath to calm down.

"When we got there he said some fucked up shit them he pulled Summer out of the back room" i said and his jaw flew open. "Anyway he started talking about how he didn't kill her but instead made her join them and I snapped. I walked up to him pushing a gun to his stomach" I paused having it all come back.

After another deep breath I finished "I told him to stay away from me and the people I care about or I'd kill him. He said as if so I... shot him then and there. But before I shit him he told some guy, I think it was Jay, to stay away from me if I actually did it."

Grandad looked shock and Brianna just sat beside me saying nothing. I wasn't sure what else to say so we just sat there in silence for a minute until someone spoke.

"I don't know if I should be proud of you for having the courage to stand up for yourself and others or worried that you had the guts to do that kid" Grandad finally said.

I just stared at him and nodded slowly. "That was all I needed to know Ally, and thank you for telling me. I'll leave you two to get back to what yous were up to" he said with a smirk. I saw Brianna turn red beside me and look down making me giggle

He stood up and walked to the door with Brianna and I following. "I'll see you two later" he said pulling us into a hug. I smiled and whispered "bye" into his ear and he turned around to the door.

When he stepped out i waited for him to get to his car before closing the door. When I did, I turned to Brianna and she smiled softly.

"I'm proud of you" said said pulling me in and kissing me with passion.