Sibling Rivalry

"It seems that everybody is here" All might said as he did a quick roll call mentally

"Alright, everybody! Let's get started"

He then explained how everything will play out. There would be two sides the Heroes and the Villains. The Heroes will have to go inside and either capture the bomb before time runs out or the Villains. while the Villians have to do defended it until time runs or capture the Heroes. they all had to randomly draw lots to see who be partnered with

After A bit of waiting and patience, it was finally Shin's turn to draw. He put his hand and after a bit of digging, his hand came back out with a paper slip that had the letter E on it.

All Might Gave a thumbs up " It seems that everybody finally drew their lots! Now let's look at the teams shall we" Then the monitor displayed turned on and showed everybody partner's

Shin skimmed over and saw that everybody's team was almost the same as cannon. Deku was paired up with Ochaco while Bakugo was paired up with Tenya. Shin looked over and was shocked to see he was actually paired up with Momo. He didn't mind it and was happy since he could finally talk with her. While Shin was in a good mood, everybody else was shocked

"Already? I thought we wouldn't see this for a long time"

"We get to see two monkeys play!"

"We finally get the to see the difference between us "

"The two manliest students in the class are going head to head! This is going to be amazing!

Goku looked over to his brother, excitement written all over his face "This is going to be so exciting!"

Shin just smiled back and looked at the screen

3rd match: (H) Son Goku and Mina Ashido Vs. (V) Son Shin and Momo Yaoyorozu


while the first group went up to get prepared. Shin and the rest of the group stayed in the underground monitoring room where the rest of the screens were set up so they could see the feed that was installed. they were all excited for the showdown that was going to happened

"I'm just going to say this out loud. was it really the best idea to make Izuku and Bakugo fight each other? from what we all saw he does not like the guy one bit " It was Shin who said this. Even though he knew the story between the two, Why would they pair up the guy who yells SHINEEEEE!!! all the time against the dude who was(IS) being bullied by the same person. combine that with Deku's "Hidden" quirk and how he felt about it. It would lead to a disaster that did happen at the end

Denki took a moment to think about it "He's right you know? we only know Bakugo for only a few days but we all practically know what he's like. and if we all know a thing about him is that he does not like Midoriya at all. Like no sympathy for the guy

Kirishima then spoke out "Come on guys! even though he doesn't like Midoriya doesn't mean he's going to go out of his way to ...


"Never Mind" Kirishima said as sweat dripped down off his face

Then a voice came behind Shin "As Denki said. We all know how Bakugo becomes when it comes to a competitive setting. Especially when it comes to rivals such as you or Goku or to people he strongly dislikes such as Midoriya himself. We can only hope that he doesn't do anything drastic.

Shin just sighed as they were right as he turned smirked " I guess your right Mrs. Yaoyorozu"

Momo Just smirked back " Please Mr. Son. You can just call me Momo

"Then You can just call me Shin"

He then scratched the back of his head " Don't take this the wrong way but I've been meaning to talk to you over the past few days. Since you sit right behind me I tried to start a conversation but you always look so focused on the work that I just let you be. As for the other times your always around the other girls"

She then just giggled "If we're completely honest I've been meaning to talk to you as well. Every time I tried you would always be talking with Goku or with the rest of the boys. So don't feel awkward about it"

Shin Just laughed as he was not expecting that. If he knew she wanted to meet as well he would have tried to be free during that time instead of hanging out with Goku and the boys. He then went back on topic

"So Momo, How you feel about our match?"

She looked surprised when he asked her that. Shin could tell that she was thinking over the strategy for a while now

'If we're being honest, I'm a little nervous. it's not Mina that I'm worried about it's actually your brother. He could just zoom past us, touch the nuke, and then we would lose. As for Mina, Overuse of her acid would leave her vulnerable and weak so we can use that to our advantage or we could capture her before she does anything. So that would leave us with Goku"

Shin just chuckled "Don't worry about Goku since I already know what's he going to do"

"You sure? why do so you sound so confident?" Momo was a little skeptical. Even though she trusts Shin. She couldn't help but ask as she felt that Shin had everything under control

"If anybody Know's Goku the best it's me. He wouldn't pass up a good fight especially if it's against me. Besides...

He then turned around to see Goku talking with Mina. both of them oblivious to what's going on

"If they have any chance of winning, he's going to have to fight me and win and he knows that"


After the love confession between Deku And Bakugo that ended up with Deku rejecting him and Bakugo getting so mad that he sent him to the nurse's office. The first match was over

The second match, which was Todoroki and Krillin Vs. Yamcha and Tien. The results were actually very close unlike cannon but due to Todoroki's ice and Krillin's {Battle Dots} they were able to get the edge over them

[ Tien's and Yamcha's are called [wolf-kin] and [duplication]. [wolf-kin] gives Yamcha characteristics of a wolf. more hair than an average human, increase senses especially with smell, and sharp claws. Tien's [duplication] allows him to split himself into 4 and even grow arms off his back. it splits his power like the multi-technique but it's not as big it]

After that, it was finally here. Goku Vs Shin. They were all excited to finally witness such a spectacular match! This is what they were waiting for and it finally arrived. Even Deku who was sent to the nurse's office couldn't miss it

Then Jiro spoke up "Who you think going to win"

Denki heard this "Well Goku did say that Shin was stronger than him so isn't it obvious that Shin would win in the end?"

Deku then replied "He said that when it's a long fight Shin would win. He never said that he would lose in a short time. he also said that they were almost even so Shin isn't that much stronger than Goku that would lead him to a quick loss. It can go any way. Also, their quirk (Monkyking physique) allows them to grow quickly in battle so maybe Goku can get strong enough quickly that he can beat Shin.

Iida then took his turn "That applies for Shin as well so both of them will get stronger at the same time. At this point the only factor that remains is techniques. We can tell they are proficient in martial arts but in combat, one mistake will lead to a loss so the one who is more proficient than the other will eventually win in the end. This is pure speculation so we really don't know but all of us will find out right now.

As he said that, everybody turned their heads to the screen. They wouldn't want to miss a single second


Currently, Shin and Momo were talking. As they finished their plan earlier. they took this time to chat and to make up for lost time

"Honestly, I envy your quirk a little bit"

"Really? With Your quirk you can get strong so quickly it's even more powerful than All Mights! Add that with Ki and you'll be way stronger than All Might ever was" Momo was shocked that Shin envied her quirk while he had such a powerful quirk

Shin just shook his head "While that's true I needed to train for a long time to get where I am today but for you. All you need to know is the Atomic structure of an item to make it. You can make big cannon or a flamethrower hell you can even make power armor! Combine that with your high intellect and then you have a quirk that's way more powerful than All Mights as well way more versatile than his. Plus Ki can be learned by anyone while your quirk is the only one of its kind. You have a beautiful quirk Momo"

Momo Blushed hard when He said that. To hear that someone as powerful as shin envied her and to say that she had a beautiful quirk and even complimented her made her secretly happy. She had worked hard to get to where she was today. some even said that her quirk was weak as she required so much knowledge to even make a simple thing. So to hear someone who was born with a powerful quirk acknowledge her dedication and hard work made her really happy

She looked down on the floor and silently muttered "Thank you"

Shin just smiled as he found this very cute



Goku and Mina were waiting outside until the match started. in the meantime, they were both discussing their plans

"So Goku. What the plan? Should we rush in there and go straight for the bomb or should we defeat both of them and tie them up"

Goku pondered for a moment before deciding " You go for the bomb while I stall Shin. That should give you enough time to go up there, defeat Momo, and capture the bomb.

Mina agreed with his plan "Ok we'll do that. But why don't we fight shin together? If we capture him it should be easy pickings for us"

Goku Just shook his head "Shin is too strong for you to handle. If you get captured by him I won't be able to beat him and capture the nuke at the same time. It's best for us that you go the bomb alone. It gives us the best chance at winning and besides

He then looked at her eye to eye

"I don't want you to get hurt while fighting him

She blushed when he said that. Before She could respond, they heard All Might's voice

"Alright Heros and Villians. The match is going to start in 5!"



"Are you ready Momo/Mina? asked Shin and Goku. both girls both shook their heads


"Alright then"


