Power that surpasses All Limits!


A red aura exploded out. A shining red light could be seen everywhere in the dome as well as an immense pressure that would crush anybody

As for shin himself. He was covered head to toe by a red crimson aura. His entire body poured out raw strength and power

"WHAT THE HELL DID HE DO!" Shirigaki was shocked at the turn of events. one minute the Nomu was about to finish them off once and for all. Then out of nowhere, this brat exploded out in power he's never seen before. He now knew what his true objective was. It wasn't to eliminate All might. It's to eliminate the kid who is already stronger than him!

He then turned to Kurogiri " After this, we are leaving!"

Kurogiri looked back at him. bewildered by the statement "What about the objective? what about All Might?"

Shirigaki pointed at Shin "Do you see him? Do you see the power he's displaying right in our very eyes?! Just earlier, he was able to keep up with the Nomu who was created to kill All Might. And now, he's showing strength that surpasses even All Might! Our plan isn't to kill All Might anymore! It's to kill this brat before he becomes even stronger!"

Kurogiri took a moment to think and eventually agreed with what Shirigaki said. If they didn't eliminate Shin now. They won't be able to later

Shirigaki turned to the Nomu

"Finish him Nomu! Once and for all!" He ordered

"RAHHHHH" The Nomu roared as it charged right at Shin!

"This fight is already over!" Then Shin started to rush forward. Intending to destroy the Nomu completely

Then started the final showdown. Both of them trading with each other blow to blow. With the Kaioken active, Shin was finally equal to the Nomu in terms of strength and speed. Combined with his mastery in martial arts, he was capable of pushing the Nomu back!

Before one of the punches could hit him, Shin ducked down and swiped the legs. As the Nomu was falling, he immediately slammed him into the ground then backflipped into the air

Once in the air, he gathered as much ki and immediately fired down upon the Nomu


Countless Ki blasts were fired as it descended down to its target. Once they hit their target, Shin made a big ball of destruction and threw it down, causing a big explosion that shattered all of the glass of the dome!

At this point, the USJ wasn't a training facility. It was a battlefield! countless minions were all scattered around unconscious. The air which would normally be rich in the scents now carried a thick, black smoke and small embers as burning holes and fires could be seen everywhere

As shin slowly descend he, got back into his fighting stance. He knew that wasn't to finish him off but to severely damage him

And he was right

The Nomu walked out of the hole, slowly regenerating than before. It took serious damage from Shin's last attack and it took a lot out of it in order to recover from the damage.

Shin saw this and knew it was time to end this

"You won't recover from this!

He then started to charge up a Kamehameha more powerful than ever before. As he put more ki into it, It started to turn from blue into red!



Then the large red beam started to make its way to the Nomu. destroying anything that stood in its path.

As it got close enough to it. The Nomu recovered enough where it could protect itself and put its hands out to block the beam. The beam was strong enough to burn its hands to bones but it didn't care and pushed the beam back

"DAMN IT!" Shin knew that eventually, he would give out. The Kaioken put too much strain on his body and he was dangerously low on ki. He had to end it now!

He then did something no sane person would ever do

He ran into the Kamehameha wave!


He then reeled back and clenched his hand


He then poured all of his remaining ki into his fist





Out of nowhere, a giant red dragon appeared! covering the whole inside of the stadium. It immediately charged at the Nomu, wrapping it with its dragon body as it devoured it. Before the Nomu died, it managed to yell out something for the first time




then the body of the dragon started to glow red and finally exploded! The whole upper half of the stadium was covered in the blast and was reduced to nothingness. as the dust was cleared, you could see Shin high up in the air where the top part used to be.

His right arm in the air was covered in his own blood. his bare chest body was so badly damaged and was covered in wounds that would have killed anybody else in his position. Even with all that, he was still showing a triumphant smile

"It doesn't matter how much it hurts. it doesn't matter how much I bleed. In the end, I will fight until I can't no more"

He then started to fall. The fight took everything from Shin. from how it absorbed and regenerated to the Kaioken and x10 Kamehameha. He had no more to give as he was completely drained out

He then closed his eyes and let the darkness take him