The Fan Sign (pt. 1)

*the day before the fan-sign

"Y/n, I'm so excited for tomorrow." Hana said, smiling ear to ear.

"So am I." I said.

"Why?" She asked.

"Cause I'm really interested to see what you re up to when you see them." She hit me on my back.

"Ahh! You are really strong. From when?" I asked and acted like it hurt. And we laughed.

"Hmm.. What's going on here?" We heard another voice and turned to see the head of the supermarket. She always has her eyes on her.

"Don't worry, nothing wrong is happening here." Hana said.

"Better start your work. You know who the head is." She said and pushed her.

I held her hand and stopped her before she could push her more.

"Better learn to behave well. Or else you might end up losing your job." I said and we both walked away from her.

We both continued to work. But we didn't stop talking. We find something or the other to talk.

We went to take a break and sat in the staffs room. As I entered out of the washroom, I was so happy to see the person in front of me.

"Noona!!" He said and hugged me tight.

"Beomgyu, how are you doing?" I asked as I broke the hug.

"I am doing great. How about you noona?" He asked.

"I am doing fine too. I missed you so much. How is eomma doing?"

"She is also fine. I came here to see you and spend some time with you."

"I would love to. I will just let them know and come back." I said and told my co-worker that I will be taking the day off.

I changed, along with Hana and we headed out. As we came out, I saw Yeonjun, my cousin, as well as my best friend. Ad he's a well known and the youngest model.

"Juniee!" I said and hugged him.

"Noona, how are you? I missed you so much when I heard you weren't at home." He said.

"Awww, I'm sorry. I missed you too. I should've told you, but I didn't get time. So, where is my other cutie?" I asked.

"Here I am." He said and smiled.

"Soobin~" I sang in a random tune and hugged him. He is Yeonjun's younger brother. He too wants to be an idol like Beomgyu.

"Noona, looks like you missed them more than me." Beomgyu said, sad.

"My baby, I love you more than myself. You all are the same to me. But you are special." I whispered the last part. He smiled.

They three stood together and I was confused why.

"Hana noona, thanks a lot for taking care of Y/n noona." They all said and bowed.

"Aww, you guys are so sweet. You can't stop being amazed by these cuties." She said. We all got in and headed out for lunch.

We had great fun, while eating. Then we headed to the shopping mall and just roamed around and grabbed some soda for ourselves.

"You guys wait here, I have something to get." I said and asked them to wait by a doughnut shop. I have met the guys after so long and I wanted to get some thing for them. And obviously for my love, Hana. I can never forget her.

I looked through them and found the perfect dress for Hana. She loves dresses like these and she'll look good while she wears this for the fan-meet.

I headed to the men's section and looked around. There were a lot of good dresses. But it was hard to choose them. Luckily, I could select the best for them. I headed to the men's section and looked around. There were a lot of good dresses. But it was hard to choose them. Luckily, I could select the best for them.

I bought them and headed to the billing area. On my way, I dashed into someone.

"Omo! I'm so sorry. I didn't realise where I was walking. Really sorry." I said.

"It's ok, it was my fault too." He said and left. After he left, I looked down and saw an unknown wallet.

"Ah, it must be that guy's wallet. Now, where do I find him." I said and headed to the billing area. I asked them to bill it, while I searched for the guy I dashed into.

I looked around for him and asked people, describing him.

I paid the amount for the dresses and headed out. I saw them waiting.

"I'm sorry to keep you guys waiting for a long time. But I have something to make you guys happy. I treat you guys ice cream." As I said it, they all smiled.

"Let's see who goes first." Beomgyu said and they all ran. I smiled at their childish behaviour.

I reached near the escalator, while I spotted a familiar face. He was checking his pants. Guess he's searching for his wallet.

"Excuse me, um... do you remember me? We both dashed into each other at the shop.." I said.

"Uh, yeah."

"Well, your wallet fell off from your pocket, I guess. Luckily I found you." I said and handed his wallet.

"Thank you so much. I was searching for this." He said and bowed down.

"No, please don't bow."

"Y/n noona. Hurry up." Beomgyu shouted.

"Sorry, gotta go. Maybe, see you some time." I said and headed up and treated them will some ice cream.

We headed back to the car and reached my home, where I used to live.

"Noona, you could come with us. It is so boring. Every time they keep saying, do this and that. There's no fun also." Soobin said.

"*exhales deeply* Wish I could. But I don't want anything worse to happen. It's better me being out then inside. But don't worry. I'll come for you guys." I said.

Yeonjun and Soobin's parents passed away, in an accident and they have been living in our house for almost 6-7 years. The more I was with them, the more close I got to them.

"And here's something for all of you." I said and handed the dresses I bought for them.

"Noona, there was no need for this." Beomgyu said.

"It has been a long time, seeing you guys. Thought I'd give you all something, in recall of me."

I bid them goodbye and headed to our house. On our way back, Hana asked,

"You gave the boys for recalling you. I stay with you all the time, so why me?" Hana asked.

"That's something for you to wear during the fan-meet. It's something you love. Once we get home, try it on." I said and she hugged me as I was driving.

"Thanks a lot Y/n. I owe you a lot." She said and had a look at the dress.

As I entered home, I saw Hana's mother.

"Eomma, how are you doing?" I asked her and hugged her.

"I am doing great Y/n. How about you? Is everything ok between you and your father?" She asked.

"Ani eomma. I still haven't heard about him nor talked to him." I said.

"Umm.. what are you both discussing a lot about? And since when is my mother, also your mother?" She asked.

"Well, if you are my love, then your mother is also my mother." I said and she hugged me.

"Eomma, I asked you to take rest. What are you doing here?" Hana asked.

"I came to give you both a delicious meal. Y/n thanks a lot for saving my life. If Hana is happy, it's all because of you."

"Eomma, I did what I could, as a daughter. And in return, I got some delicious food." I said and we both started eating.

"It's really tasty." I said and ate more.

I finally finished and my tummy felt full. Her mother left back to her house. Hana and I, sat down and had a small chat.

I felt damn bored. Then, something popped up in my mind.

"Hana, I'll ask you something, but you not say no." I said. She nodded her head but then paused.

"Wait. It is not that, is it?" She asked.

"Please Hana. I beg you. I am bored and it has been a long time since I've done it. Just once. I'll do anything for you."

"Ok. I accept only because you bought me the dress I wanted." She said and I was really happy hearing it. I pulled her to my room and made her sit in front of the mirror.

"You tell me what kinda thing you want." I asked.

"I want a skeleton face."

"You have such a great taste." I said and started with the skeleton face.

I first marked the teeth and started applying colour and other details.

It took more hours than I expected. Finally, I finished it after, after 2 hours.

"It's done. How does it look?" I asked as I moved my self, so she could view herself.

She opened her eyes and looked at herself.

"OMG! It's damn cool. Y/n, you are damn talented. You could do this for a living." She said.

"I don't want to. So, wanna stay like this or should I wash it up?" I asked.

"I love this. Let it stay for some more time. All your hard work will be in vain, if you wash it off now."

"You're the best." I said and hugged her.

She took few pictures and posted them on Instagram and Twitter.

I felt bored and my body ached, so I slept on the couch.

*next day

"Y/n, wake up!!" Hana shook me.

"Yahh, what is it early in the morning?" I asked.

"We need to go for the fan-meet. We need to get ready, do make-up, be there early." She shouted.

"The fan-meet is at what time?" I asked, slowly waking up and stretching myself.

"We should be there by 3. A lot of them will come." She said.

"Is it a fan-meet or a fan sign?" I asked, confused.

"Sorry, it's a fan sign. I was too excited about it, that I didn't realize it was a fan sign." She said.

"We have a lot of time for it. And you have me. So don't worry about anything." I said and headed to the bathroom to refresh. I had some breakfast and checked my phone if I have got any mails.

--at 1pm--

We both were ready to get ready. Hana wore her dress and sat down. I applied light make up for her, cause she likes it like that.

As soon as she finished I changed to my dress.

I too did some light make up and I got my car keys. I headed down and saw Hana's mouth hung open.

"I'm sure one of the seven boys are gonna fall for you." Hana said.

"Shut up. Let's get going. Hope you've got what ever you wanted." I asked and she nodded. We got in the car and drove to the spot.

We parked and headed to the place. And to my surprise, it was a lot crowded than I've ever seen. The last time I've seen this much crowd was when my grandmother passed away. But that was lesser than this.

"They must be really famous. Wish I just knew about them." I said to myself.

"Let's go." She dragged me and we both stood in line. After waiting for almost an hour, we got in.

I was walking forward, to sit front, but Hana pulled me back and me sit at the last.

"Why are we sitting here? We could've finished earlier." I asked.

"So that I can admire the boys. You are aiming at leaving only." She said and kept smiling.

I got a call from Beomgyu. I excused myself and moved a bit away and attended the call.

"Noona, thanks for the shirt you bought us." I heard more than one voice.

"Looks like you all are together." I said and smiled, hearing their voices.

"Noona, the shirt you gave me looks so cool. I love it so much." Yeonjun said.

"I'm glad you guys liked it."

"Noona, where are you? There's a lot of disturbance while you are talking." Beomgyu asked.

"Well, I am with Hana.... at a fan sign." I said.

"Fan sign? Who's is it?" They all asked.

"BTS..." I said, doubting whether I said the wrong name.

"BTS Sunbaenim? Noona, really?" Soobin asked.

"Sunbaenim?" I asked confused.

"Noona, that's a long story. I'll tell you later, about it. Enjoy the fan sign." And the call ended.

'Sunbaenim? Why did he call them sunbaenim? These kids do something that I never get to know.' I thought and sat beside Hana.

After few minutes, they all cheered, including Hana. I got surprised y their sudden cheering. Then I realized the boys had come.

(Please refer to the comments for pictures/photos)