It's never too late to try anything

---Next day---

The boys headed to the company early while I decided to run in a little late. I bought myself a coffee and walked to the company.

I greeted the workers I saw on my way and headed to my cabin. I sat down and released a heavy sigh. After not a good 5 minutes of silence, the door knob twisted, and there entered Taehyun.

"Noona, the manager wants to see you." I nodded and headed to the office to see him. I saw the boys and the other workers along with the manager and I stood next to one of my co-workers.

"Next week, our boys are going to be on a world tour. I will send you all your schedules for this week and that will be followed during the tour too. All the make-up artists and costume designers should always stay with the boys, no skipping it. If you are not able to attend, please inform us before so we can find a substitute." We all nodded our heads and headed back to work.

I thought about it on my way to the cabin.

'Should I go? There's a lot of problem going on here and I don't want to create a fuss there. Maybe, I'll just tell the manager beforehand.' I thought and walked to the manager's room. Before I could enter, a hand stopped me from moving further.

I looked up and saw Taehyung. He looked at me like he was going to kill me at any time. Without any talking, he pulled me along with him. He took me to a room and close the door.

"What is wrong with you?" He asked.

"Me? What did I do?" I asked.

"Why were you standing by the manager's room?"

"I have my reasons...?" I said.

"Tell me that good reason of yours."

"Um... I wanted to... ask the manager about the... about the tour."

"Lie. You are lying. Until and unless my make-up artist comes, I'm not going to go. So decide." He smiled and left me shocked.

'How did he know? I never told anything.' I thought and headed back to my cabin, forgetting everything.

I sat there, feeling bored. I decided to go out for a walk or to a nearby store. I sat down by a bench, near the store and sighed.

As I was in my thoughts, I felt someone shake me, which made me come back to reality.

"Y/n, what are you doing here?" I heard a familiar voice.

"Kai? Is that you?" I asked, shocked.

"You forgot me so soon?" He said. I hugged him immediately. I haven't seen him in so long.

"How are you doing?" I asked. We started walking.

"I'm great as always. What about you? I heard the news. Is everything sorted out between you and Taehyung?" He asked, worried.

"It's all good now. He and I are friends and I work as his makeup artist." I said.

"Wah! That's good to hear. You are back on track." He said.

"Not really. My father still hates what I'm doing. He threatened he'd do something to Taehyung or the other members. I'm scared."

"It'll all get better. Don't worry about it and do what is right for you."

"How's Taeyong doing?"

"He's energetic as always and doing good."

"I have to get going. I'll stop by one day, to meet you all."

"We'd love to see you. Take care. Bye." He said. I waved him back and left for the company.

As I entered the company, Yoongi stood there.

"Where were you?" He asked.

"I just went for a walk," I said.

"We are having a meet soon."

"Sorry. I forgot. I'll come soon." I said and headed to get all the makeup items.

I got into Taehyung's room and looked for him. There he sat along with Jimin and Jungkook, all well dressed and talking about something.

"What are you discussing?" I asked.

"N-nothing. Just talking. You can continue." Jimin said and they both left.

"What is wrong with them?" I asked as I kept the stuff down and he sat on the chair.

"I don't know." He said and I started my work.

Within 15 minutes, I finished his makeup and he was ready to go. I wished him luck and bid him goodbye as he left with the other members. I sat down on the couch and leaned back, feeling tired. I slowly fell asleep.

---A few hours later---

I woke up and found myself in a bed. I got up quickly and looked around. The room looked very familiar. I was at the dorm, in my room.

The door opened, slowly, revealing Jimin and Hoseok.

"Oh! You are awake." Hoseok said.

"Food's ready. Come fast." Jimin said.

"Jamkkanman!" I shouted before they could leave.

"When did I come here? When did your press meet get over?" I asked, confused.

"The press meet got over within 20 to 25 minutes. We came back and saw you sleeping. We decided not to disturb you and got you here without any trouble." Hoseok said.

"Ok, I'll join you guys soon," I said and they headed down while I refreshed myself. I sat along with the others and started eating.

Suddenly, there was a big bang on the door. I dropped my fork from my hand after hearing it.

"I'll go see," I said and got up.

"Wait! I'll go see." Yoongi said and headed towards the door. As he opened the door, a familiar face appeared on the site.

"Oppa, what are you doing here? How do you know I am here?" I asked.

"I just came to check on you, Miss." He said.

"Jin-woo Oppa, you wouldn't be here without a reason... or dad sent you here to see what I was up to..?" I asked, looking at him.

"Miss, I need to survive." He said.

"But there was no need to bang the door, that harsh," Namjoon said.

"Sorry about that, I was asked to do that." He said. I called him in and made him sit. I sat opposite him and the others joined us.

"Oppa, do you have an interest other than doing this job... a dream?" I asked.

"Uh... Um..." He started thinking.

"Oppa, why so long to say what you like?" I asked.

"If you ask me suddenly, what should I tell? Hm... Ah! I like to have my collection of cars." He said.

"Oppa, I meant as a job or profession."

"Oh. Then. I would love to be a boxer. It was my dream as a kid but as I grew up there wasn't enough money for us to survive so I had to give up my dream." He said.

"What would you do if you had a chance to do it, now?"

"I would go. It's never too old to do what you like."

"Likewise, I am using my opportunity now. I don't want to give up on my dream just cause my dad didn't accept it. It's more or less like now or never. You still have time. You could quit being a bodyguard and become a boxer. It's never too late to start or try anything." I said and headed to my room.