Chapter 2

" I can't just make anything. I have to make something that wouldn't use up too much capital, and will be snatched up by consumers like hot cakes. Of course, they have to be able to pay". Alva was seriously pondering on what type of products to make for his company.

"What do people need the most on Earth right now?" Alva turned his head around and noticed the droves of hungry, emaciated looking beggars on the street.

"Food? Now that I think about it, we poor people don't really have a lot of good food. Even the kind old lady's bread was lacking, it tasted like sweet cardboard, and there aren't a lot of nutrients"

After the Great migration, Earth had started to recover from the damages it had received; it had claimed back most of the land that had been claimed by humans. so parts of the earth were either barren or filled with dense forests and wild animals. You could choose to have a nutrient packed meal... if only you were willing to risk your life for it. It goes without saying that it was usually the rich who enjoyed this kind of lifestyle. They could pay beast hunters and plant foragers to go on forays and hunting expeditions to get whatever they needed.

Earth had been through numerous nuclear wars and the fallout had caused the plants and animal species to mutate. Now a mouse is two times bigger than normal and human beings are smarter and more adaptable.

What? Did you think they got superpowers? Didn't I tell you? They got that from serums!

Anyway... let's get back to Alva.

"Okay, food it is! I'll start my company on food. What should I name it? Well, I don't just want to go into the food industry, I'd like to branch out into other industries when I have enough money.

How about Every Corp? .... or Lots of Stuff Industries? Nah, that's just terrible." Alva started to walk into an alley before dropping down behind a couple of trash cans and garbage bags. It wasn't wise to stay out here on these streets as you slept.

" I know! Thorn industries. That sounds perfect, and it suits me too. I ... jst...ha...haa..eeeun.."

As Alva fell into a deep slumber, a faint white glow began encapsulating his whole body.

Alva steadily opened his hefty eyelids as he took in his 'new' environment. Everything seemed clearer and more vibrant- at least as vibrant as cement and brick walls could look. He tried to get up and realized that he moved with a renewed vigor, he felt like he had been eating excellent food for at least a month. "What is this?" He felt like he had been reborn.

As Alva rose to his feet he noticed that he seemed to have gotten taller he should be around 6 feet 1 inch now. He used to be 5 foot 2 inches and there weren't even stretch marks! What was this?

Rrrr... ding! " Hello user, this is the ambition system. I'm here to help you fulfill your ambition.

In return, as payment for helping you achieve your dreams, I'll take your impact points."

" Wait, wait, wait, what are impact points?" Alva was someone who had been reading webnovels and manga for as long as he could remember, it was just that he couldn't do it anymore since he was poor. He was familiar with the system and it's rules, so it didn't take him too long to adapt to the situation " Well, user, impact points are the spiritual byproducts of your actions. They are a type of spiritual essence that can be harvested to charge me up and fully unlock my functions, however, I need a host to be able to harvest impact points."

" Oh, so do I get some sort of super power or something?"

"What? Is fixing up your body not good enough? Did you want me to spoon feed you? Just for that, here's your first mission - Start a running food business that makes at least 1000 jays per month in profit."

" What? Why?"

"Either that or lose me... and die."

" What? Eii, why? I was doing fine till you came, if you leave me, fine! But why do I have to die as well?"


It was at this point that Alva remembered one of the most prominent traits of the system - They are headstrong and don't listen to their hosts.

"Aaah, why did you just tase me?... Aaah", he was having a one on one smooching session with the garbage as he wriggled like a worm on the cement, " It's the worst my migraine I've ever had."

"What? I'm shocked that you would think that I'd shock you. You know what? I'm currently not talking to you. Go do what I said."

"Fine, fine... you're jokes are terrible anywa- AAH!- fine, fine."

As Alva unwillingly dragged himself out of the alley, he started to think to himself, " How exactly am I supposed to start my own business. I'm dirty, I'm poor, and I'm a kid. I doubt anyone would take a guy like me seriously. The only thing I've got going for me is my height, also, I don't think the system's gonna help me out. Tch, that bastard is probably enjoying my misery. Haaaah." He sat down on a dilapidated, dirty white trash can and sighed deeply before he felt an electric current pass through him." Aaah, again, why? I didn't even do anything this time." All Alva could do at this time was slowly wipe his aggravated butt to calm down the pain.

The actual pain was on his asshole but even as dirty and poor as he was, no respectable homeless man would just stick his fingers down there and scratch on it as if he had lost all his dignity - No! He would do that where no one could see him... like the alley, a large enough trash can, or someone's "unlocked" car when they go to a store to buy something. He had class!

" You fool! What man ties down weights to his own ankles when he jumps into the ocean? You want to be rich but you're telling yourself that you can't become rich, because of what other people will think of you! What are you? An instaqram hoe? No! You get out there and you show your stuff! Go get them likes and hearts giuurrlll!"

At this moment all Alva could do was stare blankly at the skies with his mouth agape like an open borehole. He was just swallowing flies for breakfast.

What was this? I actually expected good advice, and then I got this. At least hold back on the eccentric stuff! Gosh! I hoped for better.

" If you want more advice, I'll give you a freebie-

" No, no, no, it's okay-

" If you jump into the ocean, instead of putting weights on your ankles, put them around your enemies necks, no need to thank me."

" ... Who would even let me put weights on their necks when jumping into the ocean, are they retarded? "

" Hmph! How can you be so useless, at least throw it onto their heads. Hmph, useless fellow."



[" Ehem... Ehem, ehem, EHEM"]

" Thank you for your advice, great sage"

[" Oh, no worries, as someone so wise, I obviously have to pass on my knowledge to the next generation"]


[" Anyway, get on it, the next time I talk to you it would either be the last thing you ever hear or one of the happiest conversations you'll ever have, but, before I power off, remember when you asked about your superpowers?"]


"Anyway, guess what it is."

"Wait, I get a superpower?"

"Of course"

"Just guess"

" The power to go into any anime world I want?"

"What? No you dumb- hey, hey, hey, did that guy give me the wrong host? I mean... is this what I've got to work with?"

"Oi! I can hear you, you know? You're in my head! And, what guy?"

".... Don't worry about it, anyway, your super powerrr isss ENHANCED COGNITIVE ABILITIES!"

" What?"

"I know right."

" No! What kind of nonsense is this? Wait, wait, wait, do you mean like... Telekinesis or Telepathy or something like that?"

"Huh? No! It's something even better."

" Really? What?"



Maybe... I shouldn't expect too much from this system?

" Hey, why are you putting up that pouty face? Your super powers are awesome!"

Alva just glared at a spot in front of him where he believed the system would be if it was a human being instead of just a system in his brain.

" Oh hey, come on, your super power means that you have thousands of times the retentive ability of most people, you absorb information way faster than normal humans, and you understand everything you read, plus your logical and computer thinking skills have been improved by at least a 100 times.

Now, bye, I have to update myself, and don't let me come back and have to kill you! I might actually miss you,but definitely not your smell... Eugh"

" Will I really die If I don't do finish the mission? I mean, what If it's just a dream", as he gazed up he saw a naked homeless man peeing upwards onto his body as if... taking a bath? Aaah, nasty, nasty, nasty. He was even using woven together tufts of his beard hair as a sponge. This... what a nasty thing to do! How can he do that?... In public? He should at least hide in a dark alley or do that in front of the road, so the drivers on the road would pay to get him out of the way. Ehem, ehem, of course, Alva had never actually done that... he'd just thought about it... many times after he saw another homeless man do it once, they practically threw their money at him to get him out of the road. Someone drove home with PTSD that day. He just couldn't accept the fact that someone could do that.

This is why homeless people should be classy.

Alva was still gazing at him in horror when he saw him defecate straight and heaping hot, steaming poop right on to his free hand and started to bring it up. Alva immediately bolted in the other direction. If he really stayed he might actually have to kill himself, he didn't even want to imagine what that dude was going to do with his poop. How could this be a dream? It was definitely a nightmare!