Chapter 12

After 3 more installations, Alva was jumping to the roof and back, with a bright grin on his face. "At 65 Jays per Cleap and a retail price of 200 Jays, I have a total profit of 540 Jays! Aaah, I'm dying, Veelo, pinch m- Aaaaah! I said pinch not shock."

["Good you're back to normal. You haven't gotten anywhere."]

"But, 540 Jays... for a days work!- Aaah"

["Stop screaming. You won't even be able to use that money."]

"What, why? Is someone trying to steal my fortune?"

[" 500 Jays is not a fortune."]

With a smug smile plastered across his face, he replied, "540 Jays."

["Whatever, you need to sell way more Cleaps if you're going to sell this business for 500 million Jays."]

"... Fine. What do I do?"

["That's the spirit! First, you have to get the business registered with the government, then reinvest whatever amount of money is left into the business."]

"I understand the first part, but, what do you mean by the second part?"

[" I just mean that you should use the money to improve the capacity of the business, advertise the business, or hire some workers. Anything along that line."]

"Oh, but, I've already advertised my busine-"

[" Do you think that just putting up posters in in some rich neighborhood counts as advertising? There are a hundred different businesses whose posters will cover yours by the end of the day! Think! This is the age of intergalactic relations, superpowers, and the galactic web. What do you think is the best way to advertise your business?"]

"The galactic web?"

[" Of course!"]

"Alright, then that's the first thing I'll do- I'll register my business, then advertise it!


"Hello sir, how..."

"I'd like to register a corporation- Thorn Industries

and another corporation under that- Cleap Inc."

"Alright sir, the total will be 240 Jays..."

"Okay, but please why is it so cheap, the G-web said it was going to be 400 Jays? "

"Well actually the government has been trying to..."


After registering his business, Alva was back home, It took 5 long hours and now it was 4:00 pm.

"I'm so tired! There was so much paperwork and that lady at the office wouldn't shut her mouth. I almost died from the stench!"

["Stop exaggerating!"]

"Veelo, if you don't have a nose then don't talk!"


"Thank you."

"Alright then, Veelo let's do this."

After scrolling for three hours, Alva had had enough. All the good advertising gigs were way out of his range, after paying for his business registration, he only had 300 Jays left. All the good or at least okay advertising opportunities cost from 800 to 2000 Jays per hour.

[" Just pay for the bad ones those should cost you at minimum 10 Jays per hour, then use the rest of the money to make more Cleaps."]

"B-but those are the bad ones."

[" So? Do you have any money?"]




He paid with his business account. After that time that he had to ask Fred for his credit card, Alva went to the bank to create a bank account and then today, he went back to the bank again and created business accounts for his businesses. All he had in his Cleap business account was 300 Jays.

[" Pay for 6 hours per day for 3 days starting tomorrow and then use the rest of the money to make more Cleaps."]

"Wait, then wouldn't all my money be gone?"

" That's why you still work at Chefy's restaurant."

"B-but the money."

[" After its making sufficient profit, then you can start taking money from the corporation."

"How much is sufficient?"

["As long as your company is making at least 10 000 (thousand) Jays per month in profits, you can take 1 thousand Jays per month for yourself."]

"Why is the requirement higher than for the original mission?"


"Whatever, I'll pay."

With the little extra money Alva had lying around, he was able to make 2 more Cleaps in addition to the 6 he already had. With the advertisement running he was able to get 20 new calls, 10 of which ordered a Cleap.

"Mr Zhang, please the Cleap you ordered will be available for installation on Monday, can we come at 4 o'clock to install the Cleap?"

" Sure, no problem."

"Alright sir, have a good day, bye."

"You too."


"Hello Mr White, please the Cleap you ordered will be ready for installation at your house at 6:00 pm. Will that be okay for you?"

"No, I don't get off work till 7:00 pm, come at 8:00 pm."

"No problem sir!"


At first, Alva had a problem with the excess of orders but, with some quick thinking and a couple shocks from Veelo, he was able to figure it out.


Monday, 5:00 AM

"Good morning Mr Chefy sir!"

"Mmm hmm, have you been practicing the thing I gave you? "

"Yes sir!"

"Let me check then... hmm, okay, good enough, your body is improving, you're a diligent boy. Okay come see me after work today."

Immediately the blood drained from Alva's face.

"Sir, please I didn't do anything. Why do I need to go to your office?"

"Must I only call you so I can fire you? Don't worry, I won't do anything."

"Y-you said that last time."

"Did you go around smooching my toilet seats again?"

"N-n-no sir!" Alva protested with a vehement shake of his head but then thought,

'This is sensitive information. How can you just be shouting my secrets in the open like that?'

Thankfully there was barely any one around.

"Then you have no problem. By the way, how is Fred doing?"

Chefy didn't want Fred to know how much he really cared about him, so, recently he had been asking Alva to give reports about Fred every time he came in to work.

"It seems like Fred is getting his life together sir! Except for his cleaning habits and girlfriend, he has gotten a new job at a government office cleaning the underground libraries."

"Being fired from the restaurant might actually have done him some good huh?

"Y-yes sir."