On his back which was too hard to broke it had a white horn back on his nose if this rhinoceros hit a wall the wall can be tired into pieces it was a strong animal.moving towards next cage Sarim saw a camel and started running towards it Anaya was running after Sarim to stop him .Anaya stopped Sarim to being separate from whole family there was a great crowd of people's.anaya and her family moved towards a cave like cage where they saw ducks and crane's of different types there were many kinds of ducks swimming in the pool and making waves in the water .Anaya with her family was enjoying the swimming ducks styles and there four cranes of pink colour with their long necks they were a big cause of attraction for tourists in Lahore zoo.
Anaya and her family were enjoying the scene Anaya addressing to herself
"If I would also a swan
I would fly in the air"
But it is well said that
"Life is a blend of reality and imagination
But we have to live in reality"
I hope so that one day I will fly like a bird and no one can caght me .