Dickens out

After green light came out of room it was the dicken came out of the room of anaya in the form of green bean light when scholar entered anaya's room she was laying on floor dileriously her body was lying lifeless anaya's family put her on her bed anaya's mom started weeping at her condition after an hour anaya opened her eyes it was looked like life is alive in her anaya smiled a little

Anaya's family thanks to God for his graciousness anaya's dad embraced her and stay with her he said to anaya when he was lonely in the room with her daughter "anaya I know because of my profession I have no time for you but I really affraid to lost you you are my loving daughter"

Anaya smiled a little at evening time anaya's mother came into her room and embraced her she loved anaya a lot because after all she was a mother and no one can love a child more than his own mother