
Anaya's grandmother was ill it was the era of corona the whole world was suffering from the threads of covid-19 it was spreading with a great speed it was derivated from China at that time the whole activities was freezed throughout the world all the progressive countries stoped their activities they all were suffering from great crises this virus was killing all the humans in a great speed at very great rate it destructed the population of India the most there was not even the space to burst out dead bodies they were mourning the most in the world in America the circumstances was so horrible many of people's died no one was successful to make vaccine of this horrible desease every country was so scared because of this desease in Pakistan the government of Pakistan controlled the covid very nicely by making lockdowns and keeping people away from each other by prohibiting the get togetherness and on weddings and on deaths and the Corona was controlled in Pakistan after a year it was a great challenge for whole world this virus soon changed his shape as delta virus China maked a vaccine of covid which is being used throughout a world but it still The cause of many deaths throughout the world