Anaya saw trees waving with air she thought herself like the leaves of tree who want to live a life more long but the air as society which tore the leaves and put the leaves on ground lifelessly there is always a lesson in the nature for the Humans as the stem of tree she wanted to be strong but as a leaf she also lost herself somewhere in the world somewhere in society somewhere in her broken aims somewhere in the broken ambitions of her she thought her life is end no reason will ever be raised to live she thought about her grandparents who supports her in every field of her life she thought she have to face this loss with strongness and should find another way to complete her revenge but who knows the way ends where?
The path is full of thrones no happiness will ever even touch her she knows everything but she choosed that path and can't step back for the happiness of that girl who was the prey of her foe for herself for being mentally disturbed because of him for her happiness she have to choose that path as she know no one gonna be with her in that path she would be alone at that sunny rocky place no one will protect her as she want to make hunter her prey and his pain gives her happiness her all life was all around this she have no worth of other feelings in front of her she just worth the feeling of disgust and pain she was tolerating a lot of pain from her childhood now she want to give all the pain to her foe at once as he can't abear the harshness and heat of all the emotions at once the mental stress and got died at once anaya decided she will find another way to get her revenge