Motive of murder

Wolf told anaya there was his uncle who believes in magic and get jealous from his family he was unmarried no one though him a nice man so no one marry to him he act like he loves me a lot but it was just all fake one day he gave me a glass of milk to drink I drank it I don't know what happened to me I misbehaved with my parents my dad was a refulgent man he gave me malediction at the spot I turned into a wolf and killed my parents my uncle get the rule of my dad's kingdom he trapped me in a cage and throwed his magical powder all over the kingdom by the means of crows all the people's of our kingdom turned into animals all the colours was gone when I came into my senses I broke the cage and escaped only an innocent girl can remove the magical effects the girls who had gone to Caucasian mountains and you are the girl who had gone to Caucasian mountains that's why I forced you to help me I am sorry If I hurt you anaya replies "I will help you"