Void Paladin

"Justin?....Justin are you ok?. JUSTIN!"

He finally shakes his attention focusing on Keyla.

"Um...that was...something else."

She looks at him worriedly. "What was? you have just been staring into space for the last 5 minutes. I thought you were just tired, but then you wouldn't answer me."

He shakes head and blushes a little. "No I was uh...picking my God"


"My new Class skill required me to pick a God for its source of power. I got pulled into some place full of God choices...it was...humbling."

"So which one did you choose? Tell me it was a God of teleportation. So we can get to town faster!" she chuckles.

"It was the God of Nothing. I mean literally nothing. His room was literally empty of all things even light and sound." He goes onto explain to her what happened. The occurrence seeming to be almost a dream to him now.

"Now my skill name has even changed" he says examining his status. "Instead of holy strike its called void strike."

[Void Strike]

Nothing can escape the Void. For the Void IS nothing. The strike directly channels a fraction of that power down your blade enhancing its damage and speed.

Effects: +50% Penetration, +20 damage

Cost: 100 mp/swing

"We should test it!"

He nods. That's a good idea. I fact he had been meaning to test. few things. His skills seemed to level up with use, but he had been wondering if that was only during combat.

"Let's do it." He stands up and finds a nearby tree. It isn't a fully grown tree only about as wide as his leg, but it'll do. Pulling his sword out and concentrating he stares at the tree, imagining it's an enemy. And then he swings, activating his skill.

There is no resistance. None at all. His sword seems to drink in all the campfire light. There is no sound as it moves through the air. As if it weren't even there. And then it's through the entire true. The mana drain making Justin gasp with its sudden disappearance. The tree falls forward and they stair at it. Not able to understand what this is. He moves to the cut and looks at it.

"It cut all the way Through like it wasn't even there!. Look at that cut! I couldn't have cut it with a power tool smoother than that. It's so smooth its practically glossy." he exclaims excitedly.

Keyla just stares between him and the tree.

"Well, I guess we found our secret weapon against the Werewolves." she says incredulously. "Between my Ice attacks and your...What did you call it?..."

"It's called Void Strike..."

"...yeah between those two we might stand a chance."

They sit there in silence for a few moments longer.

"I think we should run the dungeon one more time. We still have one more reset. And the extra stats could help us." he finally says. "Plus we still have double exp for the dungeon. We can't waste this."

She looks at him nervously. "Are you sure? It's going to be alot harder than the last time."

"Yeah I think so. If we are lucky we might both reach level 15 and gain one more skill for the werewolf fight. It can't hurt to have more skills. and loot."

"LOOT!" he suddenly shouts and laughs. "We haven't looked at our loot from the last dungeon run!"

He opens his inventory and examines it. Lots of junk but the last 2 items are new. A beaded necklace and an iron ring. He pulls them out and examines it.

[Shamans Beads]

Durability: 20/20

Effects: +5 Wisdom, +5 Intellegence

[Goblin Guards Iron Ring]

Durability: n/a

Effects: +2 Strength, +2 Endurance

The convenience of these two items didn't escape Justin. As if they were Tailor made for his class. He slips the ring and necklace, tucking the necklace under his armor for safety.

"So what did you get? " He asks turning to Keyla.

"I got a skill book and a necklace!" she says excitedly showing him both.

[Mana Control]

A staple passive skill for mages that enhances the control of spells, decreasing mana costs and increasing effectiveness.

-1% mana cost for every level

+1% damage to spells for every level

[Shamans Rusty Ring]

Durability: n/a

+8 Intellegence

Justin smiles happily. "That is a powerful skill. imagine when you max it out. that's 20% more damage and reduction to your spell costs. That's huge."

After some time Justin stands up again, and they both head back towards the dungeon. A slight bounce of excitement in their steps.

"DUCK!!" Justin screams at keyla and lunges at the goblin that's snuck up behind her. His sword manages to skewer the goblin through the chest before its able to attack her.

[Goblin Rogue Defeated]

"Ugghh this dungeon has gotten so hard. We are only half way through this thing and I'm already almost out of mana." Keyla complains.

"We should take a break. We still have 3 hours of double exp left there is no hurry. Let's continue after our mana restores."

Justin goes to her and Heals her of a few wounds she managed to get, healing his own as well. His heal skill managing to level yet again. So far he had already managed to get get his heal spell and his Counterstrike attack up to level 5. His Bulwark only leveling once. Keylas spell levels reflecting his own.

"Well if anything these goblins have been good skill training. I have even gained 3 levels. I'm saving the points until we are somewhere safe though." Justin says.

"I have gone up 2 levels too." she smiles back at him.

"So you are the intruders. Your the ones killing my followers?" The shaman says once again. like a broken record. Ever since the first time they killed the shaman it was like he was mechanical. The first a living being and after...a robot. It would say the exact say things. Doing exactly the same spells. The only change being that it was damaging and had more health. The mystery vexed Justin.

"It's like it's just a recording or a copy of the first Shaman we killed. I really wanted to ask about this emergence thing he mentioned before." he thinks to himself.

"You shall be food for my minions!" the shaman repeats and the battle begins.

Having already fought the Shaman twice now they worked well as a team against him. Throwing up a Bulwark immediately, followed by an Ice bolt from keyla, Justin rushed towards it leaving Keyla behind the glowing wall of protection Bulwark afforded her. The Shamans attacks and reactions, slowed by ice, are unable to stop him before he gets to it. He finally uses Void Strike, having saved it for the boss the whole dungeon run. The Shamans eyes widen as the sword begins to descend on it as if waking from a dream he stares at it frozen.

"The Void finally descends. And we will be free." it whispers just before its head is cut off.

[CONGRATULATIONS. You have successfully Defeated the dungeon 3 times consecutively. You are awarded bonus Experience.]

[Level up x2]

[You have 15 unallocated points to distribute. Would you like to do that now?]

Lvl: 15 Paladin of The Void

Race: Human

Health: 1320/1320

Mana: 800/800

Strength: 42 (+2 from gear)

Endurance: 36(+2 from gear)

Agility: 20

Intellegence: 27(+5 from gear)

Wisdom: 15 (+7 from gear)

Charisma: 10

Luck: 10

Stat points: 15

Skill point: 1

Exp: 0/1500

Skills: Minor Heal (5/20), Minor Remove Curse (2/20), Counter Strike (2/20), Paladin's Bulwark (3/20), Void Strike (2/20)