
2nd April 2023, 7.30 AM

Floresville, Texas, USA

It's a peaceful Sunday morning. The faint chirping of birds, golden rays of sunshine. It tells every day of our life is a new beginning.

Indistinct, "Sunday Morning" playing on the radio.

Just around the street, there's a little mansion of Deckers. Araceli Vaughan, aged 30, and Daniel Decker, aged 31, got engaged a few months ago. Araceli works as a scientist in a private organization named Arachnid. Before joining it, she served in the United States Marine Corps for five years after graduating from Austin. At the University of Texas, she was in the field of Biological & biomedical science.

Arachnid is a vast network and highly reputed science organization. This organization aims to study the activities of the cosmos. And whenever necessary, they can send people off to some distinct planet for research purposes. Found in 2011, the founder of Arachnid is Dr. Lorenzo Hardin (47). Dr. Hardin is an aerospace engineer and businessman. Arachnid's main base is in Houston. And in Floresville, they have a sub-department for their space missions.

Like Araceli, Daniel also works at Arachnid. He is a Senior Finance Officer. Passed out from Harvard, Daniel joined Arachnid seven years ago.

While Araceli was enjoying her morning, she received the call. On the phone, it is Dave. Dave is an assistant to Araceli's superior, Dr. Harold Chaney.

Dr. Chaney formerly was a professor of physics at the University of Houston. He is fifty years old. Currently, Dr. Harold Chaney is in-charge of the Arachnid's space mission Eqxtron. What is mission Eqxtron? And what is its motive? You will know later in this. One more important thing is that he is also co-founder of Arachnid.

So, Araceli is attending the call. Dave greets for a good morning. And later, he starts speaking about the call's motive. Dave informs her that there is some emergency that occurs regarding Eqxtron. For this reason, Dr. Chaney has asked for her summon. After working all these days without taking a day off. Araceli took just one day off today. She thought of taking a break, but now it will be like a normal work day. She is now frustrated and expressing a frustrating voice she asks to speak with Dr. Chaney.

Dave agrees, and Dr. Chaney speaks with Araceli. Dr. Chaney told her that he understood her frustration. But, this is an emergency, and it's level 3, urgent. It is about Eqxtron. Since it is level 3, and Araceli is the co-in charge, Dr. Chaney ordered her to come right away. Araceli sighed and later finished her coffee. After getting ready to go, she left. While leaving, Araceli left a note for Daniel. On that note, she apologized for canceling their Sunday plan due to an emergency at work. And promised to be back soon, if possible.

Just outside of her home, she met Janet. Janet is a 4-year-old girl who lives in the neighborhood. They exchanged some words, and Araceli went to Arachnid.

On her way, she wonders what exactly would have happened over there. She reached Arachnid and headed straight to EMCR. EMCR stands for Eqxtron Mission Control Room. While entering receptionist asked her to slow down, but she didn't listen. Inside the EMCR, Dr. Hardin, Dr. Chaney, and some mission-related people gathered together. Being impatient, she asked Dr. Chaney about the emergency. Dr. Hardin asked to hold the horses and requests everyone to wait. They all are waiting for the report.

As soon as Dave handed the report to Dr. Chaney and Dr. Hardin, they told everyone about the situation. That spaceship Pollux, which is on to the distinct planet for the mission, lost all the connections with them. And before that incident, they received the last message from one of the crew members. At the local time, 6.30 AM that has happened.

When Araceli asked Dr. Chaney about the delayed call she got, he explained that first, it was just a normal technical abnormality. But as time passed, things got serious. Unfortunately, they were under attack. Many people inside EMCR had looks of disbelief. And it was evident because the term Dr. Chaney used is 'under attack.' Further, Dr. Hardin put more light on the incident. Araceli asked. The technical abnormality that Dr. Chaney talked about. Was some climatic distortion occurring in that atmosphere? Up there?

Dr. Chaney explains that he thought the same for technical abnormalities. And yes, the climate might have an intervention. But later, it was not just climate. As soon as Dr. Chaney finished with his words. Dave played the audio transmission they received before losing connection.

[message -> I am P4, we are under attack by some unknown figures, and we are abandoning Pollux. Their attack made it (Pollux) vulnerable. It cannot withstand any more damage due to malfunction. We all are separating our ways and collecting the necessary data of research from hotspots. We are doomed...Please... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!]

Pollux was no ordinary space shuttle. The design, material, technology, and manufacture were unique.

Pollux was the spaceship used for the mission of Eqxtron. All of the members had a tag. Like P1, P2 up to P17. They also can see their vitals here. But due to the lost connection with Pollux, they were also no more known. Pollux was the only ship in the inventory of Arachnid which could travel much faster in space but not close to speed of light. If you didn't get it, then let me explain. For example, The distance between Earth and Pluto is 5.1987 billion km. And it will take almost 9.5 years to reach there with a spacecraft. But with Pollux, we can go there in just 6.5-7 hours. And the distance between Earth and Eqxtron is ten times that. Pollux was a strong Spaceship. Which was manufactured with some high-quality materials. Malfunction of Pollux was almost impossible, yet it is gone.

Araceli now understands the situation and also the seriousness behind it. Her frustration now changed into overthinking. She is thinking what should they do now? Araceli joined Arachnid after leaving the marines. It is technically her first big assignment there. Everyone in the EMCR is worried dead. Dr. Hardin is worried because he spent millions of dollars on the research. He wanted to see the conclusions on the Eqxtron. Dr. Chaney is the in-charge of the mission. Losing all the experimentation and the spaceship Pollux will be a massive loss. Each one of them are feeling stressful and fear. But for now, they can't do anything. Dr. Chaney and Dr. Hardin were discussing something with each other.

For a moment, Araceli sat down and started thinking about something. She was lost in her thoughts again. After finishing the discussion with Dr. Chaney, Dr. Hardin addressed everyone. He asked everyone to remain calm in these circumstances. It is much more than unexpected. So, he is a little bit in panic too, he said to everyone. He intends to solve this matter internally with the people of Arachnid. After addressing everyone in EMCR, Dr. Hardin ordered Dave to send words to board members.

Dave left and sent the message as instructed. In that message, he mentioned that they must come to Floresville by 5.00 PM today. And if it is not possible for them, at least send their representatives. Dr. Hardin also assures everyone that we will find some solution and succeed in our work, and all we need is just a little time. It is not a time to be panic. Although, he is the same as those people. Dr. Hardin left EMCR with Dr. Chaney.

While leaving, Dr. Hardin asked Dr. Chaney, "Do you think they will help us?" Dr. Chaney replied, "Might be or not." Dr. Hardin said, "Let's hope for the best." They left. Dr. Chaney told Dr. Hardin, "Leo, we have to consider saving those people up there." He replied, "If they are alive, No point leaving them to die."

Araceli is still wandering in her thoughts, what do she should do, thinking again and again. Dave noticed that and advised Araceli not to worry about it. Araceli showed concern about the people who were up there. She told Dave that she didn't want those people to die for nothing. She is worried about them more than Pollux. Dave said, "Dr. Chaney will make sure to arrange a rescue mission. Because you know why this Eqxtron is important."

At 5.00 PM, several board members and representatives are gathered together in Floresville base of Arachnid. Dr. Hardin addresses everyone in the meeting. The reason they all have assembled here is necessary for further action. He told them in detail about that unfortunate event that occurred on Eqxtron. After listening to it, one of the board members apprises that we should consider our crew of the Eqxtron is in deep trouble. More specifically, they all doubted that there would be any survivor up there. Another member is only concerned about the time and investment in this project. Likewise, everyone has their reason which is bothering them.

Sitting quietly and listening to all of them carefully, Araceli felt sick with apprehension. Dr. Chaney asked all of them to be calm and keep patience, and with a cool head, listen to the proposal of Dr. Hardin. Dr. Hardin told them there is a massive investment, preparation, hard work, and time on this Eqxtron issue. And we need to take the right action to gain from all of it. He added the point by saying, there is still time to get the data from Pollux.

As you all know, from whom we got the help while building it. So there is no way that anything would be capable of destroying the data those people collected. One of the board members agreed with the point Dr. Hardin puts in front of them. But he asked Dr. Hardin to put more light on that idea. How will they be going to do that? What Dr. Hardin and Dr. Chaney is thinking?

The reason for this analytical thinking of this board member is all about the capability of Pollux. At this time of Arachnid, Pollux is the only capable ship. While building, we made sure that Pollux could temporarily sustain excessive damage. And if the situation comes, the engineers made sure to load Pollux's arsenal with heavy-grade weaponry. Another member politely interrupted and added the point. They all are talking about the unknown dangers of Space. Indeed, the engineering made sure to deal with it with ease. But, everything is not possible.

Whatever tragic event occurred there, that was now a past. To discuss the action and decision about it, we all gathered here. Why waste time discussing known facts about the Pollux? After finishing his speaking, he asked Dr. Hardin to continue.

Dr. Hardin thanked him and told him that Dr. Chaney would elaborate more about the proposal they were about to make. Dr. Chaney telling them that 'Pollux is the only capable spaceship' is not 100% correct. He admitted that there is one more ship named Excalibur that exists. Dr. Hardin was sure that Dr. Chaney had a plan but never imagined that he would mention Excalibur.

Dr. Hardin is surprised and asks him that is he serious about it? In response to that, Dr. Chaney admits that he is serious. The question Dr. Hardin has in mind is, How? Board members are all in confusion now. Furthermore, Dr. Chaney knew that mentioning Excalibur would create doubt. Before anyone raises a question, he continued speaking.

He said nobody here in this room knows about that spaceship.

Excalibur is the spaceship made from the remaining materials of Pollux. The good news is that spaceship is in the testing phase, and also the materials are bit enhanced. We manufactured it under my supervision for experimental purposes. Dr. Hardin admits that he approved the building of Excalibur. Although, he showed concern that the testing phase might take longer than a week. On that thought, Dr. Chaney assures us that it is possible to make it happen within the week. During this discussion, clueless Araceli asked questions about Excalibur. With her, the board members also want to know about it. What kind of spaceship is Excalibur? etc.

Dr. Chaney started telling them that right after the successful launch of Pollux, we started working on Excalibur to go even further into our unknown exploration of planets. While Dr. Chaney was explaining, one of the board members interrupted and said, "Pardon, but could you care to tell me who built Pollux and what material you used."

The person who asked this question is new to the committee. Dr. Hardin assured him that he'll speak with him once this meeting was over. Furthermore, Dr. Chaney added that the testing of Excalibur would be done within a week. Long story short, Excalibur is our second Pollux, but better. One of the people asked why the name Excalibur. Dr. Hadrin said that he was a huge fan of King Arthur. Excalibur is the legendary sword of King Arthur, sometimes also attributed with magical powers or associated with the rightful sovereignty of Britain. And as you all know, I'm British.

Dr. Chaney sarcastically added that we need the power of a legendary sword to save ourselves. Jokes aside, he asked to take quick action and make the decision. Interrupting the meeting, the higher-ups from the USA military showed up in the discussion. People are not surprised to see him. One-tenth of Arachnid is part of the military. Dr. Hardin said, "Welcome, General Marsh, we've been waiting for you."

General Marsh told to cut the bullshit, and he intentionally came late to avoid chitchat. He asked for the plan to deal with the conflict. Dr. Chaney said that they all are still not done with that. General Marsh told Dr. Chaney to be quiet and asked Dr. Hardin to speak. Dr. Hardin asked General to take a seat and told him it won't take long. Listen to Dr. Chaney.

Dr. Chaney continued that we have Spaceship, Arsenal, and everything we need, except a good crew. General Marsh said if that's the case, take my people, I'll assign my best pilots and soldiers to fight. Araceli interrupted, that is not a battlefield. What good would your pilots and soldiers do there? We need expertise. Marsh raised his voice and said, "C'mon, I'm not naïve. I know what I am talking about." Dr. Hardin asked General Marsh to clear things out. General explained that he was talking about his people but with the SEARCH crew.

(SEARCH- This mission took place a year before the Eqxtron. This mission was intended to land on Eqxtron. But lack of knowledge about the planet was too much to take at that time. So, this mission was all about orbiting around the Eqxtron and gathering essential data. The crew people were fired from the Arachnid. But the important thing is that the crew were the only people near Eqxtron and did know about it well.)

Araceli asks Dr. Hardin, "Why were they fired?" Dr. Chaney replied that it was because of the SEARCH captain. He disobeyed several orders and risked the life of subordinates. Since all of them took responsibility for following him, we fired everyone. General Marsh put an opinion, "Well, that's not my problem. Get all of them to come here and send them up." Three to four people would do it. If anyone refuses, I'll take care of it. Dr. Chaney asked General, was that supposed to mean? Your threat?

General Marsh asked Dr. Chaney to do as he told. General Marsh Left. Dr. Hardin and the board concludes the meeting shortly after. It's decided that some people of General Marsh and the former people of SEARCH will go up there. Everybody left, except Dr. Chaney, Dr. Hardin, and Araceli. Dr. Chaney said, "Frankly, I'm not sure either how this all going to work. But, we did make the impossible possible now. You have to put trust in me now, so be it. I already decided to make it happen."

Dr. Chaney orders Dave to send summons to SEARCH people. Dave asked, "Any four?" Dr. Hardin told Dave to send it to everyone and don't mention any threats of General Marsh. Araceli said that we need those people more than General's people. Dr. Hardin asked Dave to specifically invite four people. The first one is Jasper Cowell. Jasper was the former astronaut of Arachnid alongside his wife, Amy Bulstrode. The couple is well experienced and sure knows how to fly Excalibur properly. The another one is the engineer. We still have him in Arachnid, but now he is somewhere in Europe on vacation. Marco Brown was in the mechanical unit of Excalibur's engine. He surely knows its functionality more than anyone else.

And finally, who is an astrophysicist as well as a navigator? Dr. Hardin asks Dr. Chaney. He replies I can think of only one trustworthy person, Tracie Høyer. Dr. Hardin laughed and told Dr. Chaney that his guess was perfect, but trustworthy ain't a proper word for her. Araceli wants to join in the conversation and asks about Tracie. Araceli was curious. Araceli joined the parley laughing sarcastically, "Gentlemen, I am here too. And I feel like I don't know about a single thing you are discussing that could explain a bit to me. I don't want to stand around here assuming I'm a complete spectator."

Dr. Hardin explained that Tracie is a double agent. I thought she was working for me when I assigned her for SEARCH. I wanted her to become the commander of SEARCH. Instead, she followed and parted in everything that the snitch commander did. Araceli asked about the commander. Dr. Chaney replied that for this case, it is not necessary. And he was missing for years anyways. So we don't have to time to think about him anymore. Dr. Hardin told Dr. Chaney and Araceli that they need a commander for Excalibur now. They don't trust General Marsh's people and obviously not Tracie to lead. Dr. Chaney asked Araceli to leave the room. As he wanted to speak in private with Dr. Hardin. Araceli left.

Dr. Hardin asked Dr. Chaney about Araceli. Dr. Chaney replied with a question, " To make her commander?" Dr. Hardin said, "Just answer me."

Dr. Chaney gave the sign of approval. They called Araceli back into the room. Araceli was surprised to know that she's been made commander of Excalibur. Dr. Hardin told her that she is the most trustworthy among the people of Marsh and SEARCH. At start, Araceli was quite a bit surprised. But she accepted to be a commander in no time.