
"How exactly do you cultivate?" Ye Zong asked to which Hao hummed for a second before deciding on an answer that could be perceived in different ways.

"I do cultivate my body but it is not something that is all that important once you get to a level where your soul is so strong it could theoretically survive without a body to contain it. The cultivation of the soul on the other hand is something rather difficult and has to be handled with care and a steady heart, otherwise you will not survive for very long." Hao began his explanation.

"Before I explain in more detail how exactly I cultivate I would like to know how you cultivate. It will help me explain my methods to you in a more understandable way." Hao said to which Ye Zong nodded in understanding.

"Well, our way of cultivation is no big secret really. You begin your cultivation with a test of sorts. The cultivator is provided a soul crystal to determine the soul force and aptitude. Depending on both the cultivator is given a cultivation manual, is most cases passed down from ancient times through the families, and begins circling his or her Chi in the way the cultivation manual describes which will cause natures Chi to be drawn in and internalized.

At some point the Chi will have strengthened the body to such a degree that the mind subconsciously switches from physical cultivation to the cultivation of the soul, resulting in the soul force.

Though it is still possible to further your cultivation with Chi to strengthen your body even more most don't bother with this as the cultivation of soul force naturally enhances the body as well.

This switch from pure Chi cultivation focused on the body only to soul force cultivation is the first bottle neck in the path of cultivation and determines whether you are able to become a demon spiritualist or will have to remain in the fighter class, fated to cultivate the body only."

"I see. Truly fascinating. Would it be possible to view one such cultivation manual? I would be interested in seeing what exactly those contain." Hao answered with an intrigued voice.

"Hmm, we'll have to think about that. You see, cultivation manuals are a closely guarded secret to the different families as they make up the foundation of the power inside of the respective families. We'll get back to you about that after thinking it through some more." Ye Zong responded with a contemplative look on his face.

"Fair enough. I presume you begin your Chi training through meditation and martial forms?" Hao asked while he leaned his head onto his left fist, to which both elders nodded in the positive, "That goes for me as well. Through understanding nature and including said understanding of nature into my movements I am able to guide my Chi to where I want it, strengthening my body to my specifications.

Those that seek to contemplate, study and understand nature and the elements within are called 'Onmyoudo', one of the many different paths a Shaman can choose." Hao explained, though when he said the word Shaman neither of the two elders seemed to understand what he meant by the term.

"It seems you do not know what a Shaman is. Interesting. Tell me, did either of you ever have the ability to see spirits?" Hao asked the two men who seemed even more confused.

"Spirits? Do you mean like demon beasts that have no physical form or something?" Ye Xiu asked back to which Hao only shook his head before responding.

"No. What I mean by spirits is the souls of the living that have yet to pass on. With other words the dead removed from their mortal shells." Once Hao was finished speaking dead silence was all that remained in the office as both elders could barely believe what they were hearing.

"Are you telling me that you are able to see the dead?!" Ye Xiu asked with wide eyes, thinking back to all those comrades of his youth that had passed away way too early in their lives. Could he possibly see those friends long gone once again?

"Yes, I can. I am what is called a Shaman, a spiritual medium. We shamans are the bridge between the spiritual world and the mortal world. When you first told me about cultivating soul force and Chi I had thought that you were shamans as well but it seems I was wrong.

It seems, your people were simply able to figure out how to manipulate and harness Chi to such a degree that the Chi cultivation changed to something more, something you normally had no knowledge of, namely souls.

I apologize, but what I was going to tell you about the shaman way of cultivating the soul specifically simply is of no use to you so I would rather not reveal this information just yet, so to prevent you from injuring yourselves." Hao said with a silent sigh. He truly had hoped to find a shaman here but maybe he would have more luck amongst the rest of the humans in Glory City.

"I see. Would you mind telling us why you think we would hurt ourselves through your methods of cultivation though? Just for an old man's curiosity." Ye Xiu said with a soft smile on his face and the hope of gaining some insight hidden in his heart to maybe still cultivate like Hao does some day.

Hao, with his eyes now resting on Ye Xiu's immediately picked up on the man's sorrow and sadness concerning his past but remained firm on his decision. No good came of dangerous knowledge in the hands of those not ready for it yet.

"No." Hao simply responded, stilling Ye Xiu and Ye Zong in their places while the smile on Ye Xiu's face diminished considerably. "This knowledge would not help you to meet your long gone friends once more. All it would do is endanger you and those around you. I cannot, in good conscious, give this knowledge to you when you simply are not ready for it." Hao said while his eyes remained calm and focused while looking back into Ye Xiu's who recoiled from Hao's words as if struck.

"W-wha, h-how do you know about that?!" Ye Xiu said, nearly shouting with wide eyes. Hao though merely tilted his head to one side and refused to comment any further. He had said all he wanted to say on the matter.

After a minute of silence Ye Xiu seemed to regain his composure and had seemingly understood that he would not get any further information out of Hao so he sat back into his chair, a slightly resigned air around him while Ye Zong frowned minutely at the exchange but held his tongue on the matter. It was not his place to comment on the sorrows of another, no matter if they were family or not.

"Before we conclude this talk I would like to ask you one more question, which has nothing to do with cultivation, but rather with your family and other people living outside of Glory City. Do you know anything about this matter?" Ye Zong asked while Hao took a last sip from his already cool tea, not minding its temperature in the slightest.

"I honestly do not know if there are others out there. My existence on this world is as much a mystery to you as it is to me, though I do not think it impossible that other people are still out there. After all, why should you be the only ones who managed to band together with the sole purpose of survival?" Hao responded, setting down his teacup after which he stood up from his chair and stretched his arms into the air to get rid of some of the kinks in his joints, resulting in soft popping noises.

"I see. Despite the fact that I have some more questions about your life and person I believe it is for the best that we conclude our discussion for now. Maybe we can return to this topic some other time once everyone has let sink in what we talked about so far. Are you alright with that, Hao?" Ye Zong asked the boy while walking over to the door, opening it, and motioning for a servant to come over.

"Yes, that is fine with me." Hao responded and walked over to the door as well.

"Good. This man here will bring you over to the holy Orchid Institute, our academy for aspiring cultivators, which also houses the greatest trove of knowledge in all of Glory City. Give this to the headmaster and he will arrange a room for you, as well as unlimited access to the library. There is no forbidden knowledge in there so that does not pose much of a problem. Should we have any further questions we will relay a message to you. Concerning your clothes and stipend I will send for a someone who will outfit you with both shortly." Ye Zong said while handing a piece of paper over to Hao, who took it with a small smile.

"Thank you, until we meet again city lord Ye Zong." Hao said, after which he walked out of the room, together with the servant, leaving both old men alone with their thoughts.