
"Truthfully, I had hoped to avoid a situation such as this but alas, it seems my hopes were in vain." And the vice-principal of the holy Orchid institute seemed to actually mean what he had just said. It was somewhat of a surprise to Hao, who didn't often come across a man completely and utterly dedicated to become a scholar through and through.

Even though Hao considered himself to be quite the scholar himself, and it was a passion of his to learn 'more', it seemingly always had some other ambition at its base from which his passion to amass knowledge stemmed.

"Now, we face the challenge to smooth over all the ruffled feathers your actions caused. Not that I blame you. Not really at least. I saw the whole debacle from start to finish. Even though I would have pushed for a more peaceful solution, I am aware that not all people possess my particular disposition and dislike for conflict." The vice-principal continued, to which Hao nodded in understanding.

"You know, you just could have stepped in earlier and prevented that old man from acting on his emotions. But then again, that would have endangered the neutrality this institute possesses, correct?" The vice-principal inclined his head at Hao's words slightly, signalling Hao that he was right indeed.

"Yes. The headmaster and I both worked very hard to further consolidate the independence of this institute, so that we could study all knowledge without being accused by any of the major families to support another behind the curtains. It also isn't a bad thing to receive funding from all the families when they send over all of their heirs and progeny for their early education." The man continued, while his left hand softly drummed atop his wooden desk.

"Uhm, so what happens now then? I'm not going back to my family!" Ning'er, who had taken a seat next to Hao along with her friend Ye Ziyun, said to the vice-principal, which caused the man to turn his eyes upon said girl for the first time since they had secluded themselves to his office to have their chat.

The vice-principal hummed for a few seconds, obviously deep in thought, causing a stifling silence to descend upon two of the people sitting inside the room.

While Ning'er was obviously worried about the repercussions of her actions, Ye Ziyun seemed to simply both be glad that she had her friend back after supporting her so openly and worried that she may soon lose said friend once again for the actions of Ning'er that landed her into this particular situation.

While the two girls were tensely awaiting the vice-principal's judgement, clutching each other's hands tightly, Hao was slowly but surely succumbing to the boredom of this standoffish discussion.

Just when he contemplated simply leaving the office and look for something to eat out in the city, the vice-principal voiced his now ordered thoughts. With bleary eyes barely opened, Hao listened with one ear while the other was more focused on the small bird that had landed on the windowsill and was happily tweeting its melody.

"Even though you are a student here, our protection only goes so far, and inter-familiar matters do not fall under our protection protocols, so long as a student is not mortally threatened by their kin.

While I do empathize with your situation and will be having a word with the city lord about this whole matter, I do believe it would be in your best interest to 'disappear' for a short while so to speak." At his words Ning'er immediately glimpsed towards Hao, though said boy didn't really seem to care for their whole discussion. That both relieved and frustrated Ning'er a little bit, even though she knew that she was being unreasonable. After all, it was her who had dragged Hao into this mess to begin with and he had had no duty whatsoever to help her when she had asked him to. And yet, he still had.

Turning back around towards the vice-principal, she took a deep breath and calmed her all over the place thoughts, nodding her understanding towards the man. She could do that. The squeezing of her friend's hand gave her another slight boost of confidence as well.

"Good, it seems we are of the same mind on that matter. Of course, I know that you have barely begun to cultivate and would be easy prey for both beasts and humans." Turning away from the two girls, the vice-principal turned his head back towards Hao, while also ignoring the slight flinches of the two girls at his words.

"While I could appeal to your sense of honour, or your duty towards a friend," Hao regarded the vice-principal with one half lidded stare that spoke volumes of his opinion on his suggestions, the vice-principal decided to ignore that far too callous look in his opinion, and continued, "I could also make you an offer that you may actually be interested in." At that, Hao visibly perked up, obviously roused from his lethargy.

"You see, not all that long ago, some ruins from a long-passed Era were discovered only a couple days away from here. While the initial assessment of said ruins is something already, we would like someone with an academic interest of his own to take a closer look at said ruins for us and report the findings in as much detail as possible.

Sadly, said ruins are teaming with quite a few demon beasts, which is the main reason nobody has been send over there yet, let alone the activity of the dark guild outside these walls.

As far as I know, a group of students have even decided to take a trip over to said ruins in the pursuit of glory and riches, though both me and the leadership of this city are worried that those youngsters may have been a little overeager in their pursuit. All of us would rest easier if you could keep an eye on said children. And once you are at said ruins we would like you to examine them to the best of your abilities.

Now, I am aware of the fact that you haven't been long inside Glory City. However, from what I've seen, you pick up knowledge at an astonishing level, which was one of the reasons why I recommended you for said job.

This would also create the opportunity for Xiao Ning'er to disappear from the city for a while. Think about it." The vice-principal said, all the while developing a gleam of excitement inside his eyes, to which Hao couldn't help but scoff at a little.

This old man was a shrewd one, that was for sure. Playing the kind old man, and even though he may actually be a pacifist, he was never really interested in anything but the pursuit of knowledge in the first place. Though, to be honest this whole development fit Hao rather well in his opinion. He was already getting tired of the city and its restricting and suffocating walls. For that, this opportunity came as a pleasant surprise. If he hadn't been presented one such as this, he simply would have left the city in the next few days.

Now? He at least new where he would be going from here on out. Thus, Hao accepted. Of course, that was the moment when Ning'er's little girlfriend decided to pipe in as well and demand to join her friend on her journey. At her vehemence and status, the vice-principal simply nodded. No doubt he would have some words with her father later however. But, if Hao had analysed her father correctly, then she had completely twirled said man around her fingers-A daddy's girl, and daddy couldn't possibly deny his darling daughter one of her wishes now, could he?

Now Hao would have to look after her as well. What joy.

His responsibilities seemed to grow in the last few days, which he didn't really appreciate all that much. Whatever, one more person to look after in such a large group wouldn't matter much anyway.