The Director Of Police

I was omniform. I turned into a policeman. A junior officer. I knocked at the secretary`s door and was allowed to enter. The Secretary was a nice ageless lady, fairly beautiful and good looking skin texture, light in complexion

She stared blankly at me. I said," Good afternoon mum, l am here to see the Chief investigating officer"

"Do you have an appointment," she asked

"No" l said hesitantly. Note because I feared but was afraid to reveal my nature too early

"But you can't see him at the moment he is busy ", she said gazing at me. ", you may come tomorrow, give me your name and what you want to see him for, she added

"Its urgent Madam, l have to see him now" l emphatically replied, without losing my temper.

She succumbed to this demand, checked with the Boss and paved the way for me. I entered into the office, it was a magnificent room well furnished- a black couch, black Capet, white long curtains and a fridge among other things. The office was well decorated by African standards.

I could see the portrait of the President of Bongasu Republic on the wall adjacent to his desk. The president had just won a re- election for another 7 year fourth term in a fiercely contested and election.

All the while as my eyes darted around the room l was astonished to learn that the Director is busy indeed, busy watching pornographic movies. He had put it on pause. I saluted him like what officers always do to their seniors. He asked the purpose of my visit and showed a sign of impatient.

"Well, l begin, "l am here for two reasons.

Firstly, to find out if you are really interested in watching sex tapes, and secondly to ask you to stop you illicit financial deals and dirty scams

His rugged face turned green with anger.

"What's the hell is this you donkey, he roared with the ferocity of a lion, are you insane" he continued.

"Very well sir", l replied with an imprudent grin and great composure. But was about to taste my character.

He stood up from the rocking chair, and moved towards me. He was such a formidable man, with grotesquely built up body. There was something distinctively sinister about his appearance. Only God knows when and how he created this monster of a human being. "You come here to insult me" he thundered as he grabbed me by the lapel ,pulled me down slowly to his feet and slapped hard at my back with his huge clumsy like palm, having repeated the process in reverse ,he dropped me on the floor like a hot potato. He kicked me incessantly and shouted that l must be locked in the cells pending a severe penalty. Little did he knew he was playing into my game

Furiously, he picked up a phone, a landline receiver, and tried to dial, perhaps to call his aides to pick me up, the phone suddenly turned into a tortoise and lunged towards him. He became flustered, could hardly believe his eyes and tried to bolt out of the room like a frightened hare. Unfortunately, the door locked. i was in control of everything at that moment. He stood dumbfounded. l get up, sat on a chair and asked him to take his sit.

what is going on here?" his voice trembled.

It was obvious the incident of the tortoise cowed him. His ferocity had dried away. Apparent the phone had turned back to its normal appearance. At that instant he detected trouble. In an uncooperative manner, the chief asked ruefully what l real want. I thanked him for asking a good question.

My narration begins; l told him how five years ago he and his syndicate had stolen my money through their fake investment schemes. He trundled to sit on a nearby seat. His face was now sullen and frustrated but, he slurred, sweating and looked remorseful.

"I can pay back your money in four folds he retorted

I said l no longer want the money but have a new offer at the table.

What is it my brother

I want you to strip naked so that I can take photos of you ok.

I am a respectable person ,I cant do that, he retorted

But how come you rip-off innocent people, I interrogated him.

"I am here to seek justice, so l want you to...", before l ended my sentence, there was a knock, the door was opened wide, two officers stormed in and saluted their Boss. "Your Secretary told us she had heard some commotion here, is everything alright sir," said one of the men. The other looked at me with great interest. Then the officers looked at the chief and the officers looked at the chief. At a solemn signal from thee boss, the officers leaped from their chair and seized me. They had hard time subduing me, for I put up a terrific struggle but they finally subdued me. i was taken away , cursing and screaming like a jaybird.

Thinking he had survived, the chief gazed blankly through the window, probably wondering about many things. I notoriously reappeared facing his back and with a hoarse voice asked him what he was thinking about. He turned around, startled and shocked, his lips turned purple. Now l had transformed into a new person, dressed in an apostolic sect white garment, holding a rod on my right hand, just like Moses before the presence of Pharaoh. I started to dance in a mocking way.

its still game on", l said.

He shouted for help in a loud screeching voice, it was as if the whole world was falling on him

I laughed scornfully, and turned into fog, then evaporated into a thin air like benzene. Mystified, he continued crying for help like a baby of an immature mother, a doll. It was fantastic.

Bubbling with fear, perhaps there was a tremor along the nerves of his arms and legs, his breathing was quicker and the pulse was faster. The awkward creature was too fearful and timid, in a way l never imagined. I safely conclude that a human being is a human regardless of their intimidating appearances.

The atmosphere becomes electric I took a dog lash and started whipping his body, everywhere .One could see electric sparks. The big man fell down like a bag of manure, crying in agony. First to storm into the room was the Secretary, then other hundreds of work mates. They could not help matters as their boss was rising and falling down like a person possessed with a demon. I broke his spin

This operation went well, l was entirely satisfied. I evaporated out of the place through the window, laughing with zest