Episode 4-Ethan and George (2)

After I made my declaration, Constellations were spamming the channel, but I ignored them and focused on George. He stared at me as if I was the Messiah, or some ghostly apparition that appeared from thin air. I felt slight discomfort as they continued to stare at me.

Within the story of TWSA, he was described as a good person that went into the military as a family tradition. His father was part of the Air Force, their grandfather was a soldier that fought in Vietnam, and so forth. He had a long history of strong men who fought in atrocious wars and battles. When it was legal for him, he joined the Marine Corps along with Jael, and they hoped to complete the course together.

George also had a younger sister, and several family before the introduction of the Scenario System. He knew that if he ever went into a war - or took a tour in a third-world country - his American government would support his family in the case of his death. He also took a life-insurance policy on himself to support his sister, just in case the worst-case-scenario did happen. He did it for her, so that she could go to college.

Within the story of TWSA, he was described as confident, and good-looking.

When the first scenario came, and the Dokkaebi began their slaughtering, he hoped for the best. He decided to dedicate his life to search for his family, and began to wander between states and scenarios.

This happened in a different regression, from the viewpoint of Anna Croft. Within the story I read, it mainly centered on Yu Junghyeok and Anna Croft. The author stated on Twitter that they found their narrative to be the most interesting.

Well, Anna Croft actually stumbled upon George in one regression. She welcomed him into her group - the Zarathustra - and hoped that George would be a permanent member. Sadly, in that regression, George actually found out that his entire family died. Anna Croft accidently gave exposition that his family perished in the first scenario, and a Constellation incarnated into a mid-scenario to tell him. After George found out, he confronted Anna Croft, and asked if it was true. It was alluded that they had an intimate relationship, so she told him the truth. He thanked her for telling him, but she didn't know this: he planned his own suicide shortly afterwards.

He escaped the Zarathustra and found a peaceful place in Alfheim. Within that area, he was among trees and nature. He promptly pressed his own gun to his head and shot himself. He died in an instant. That was one of the major reasons he kept on dying throughout Yu Junghyeok's 1863 regressions.

When I read that chapter, the Anna Croft simps were saying "HAHAH," "LMAO" and "T_T ye good riddance" in the comments. When he died again and again, I felt so frustrated and sad.

Now this man - who was destined to die - was in front of me, in the flesh. In the story, his body-frame was described as full, and matured. He had close-cropped blonde hair, and he had warm eyes that were a bright brown... but... the person I saw in front of me was lanky, shaggy, and dirty.

His eyes were twitching, and he appeared as if he was about to collapse at any moment. His entire body was shaking, as if he didn't have enough sleep. His eyes were also tearing up, and I didn't see any glasses lying around. This man was walking around half-blind, but still managed to survive.

"You... hungry?" I asked.

"Uhh--hhh, n-n-no," they stuttered.

This was another setting that George had. He was humble to the point of death.

I walked towards him slowly, while raising my hands. I didn't want to do this. It was similar to McFarland's mannerisms, who studied human behavior, and how to mimic it. Alas, though... I was a Wanderer as well.

"I don't care about money or any of that shit, George," I said firmly. "I just want to help you."

[Constellations are doubting your existence again!]

[An Archangel has pinged "Demonic Judge of Fire"!]

George's teary, bloodshot eyes were quivering. After he saw his friend in the first scenario die, he doubted himself. He wondered if he deserved anything at all. I wanted to tell him this: Yes, you do.

I didn't say it though. I couldn't reveal too much of the future. If I did, I would distort it. I wanted to say I was doing this out of the goodness of my heart, but I couldn't bring myself to say such venomous words.

"Let's say I want to help you for attention," I said instead. "I feed you, teach you, and any of the donations I receive, I'll give half to you."

"Oh... okay."

George almost sounded happy. Some people didn't want to be tethered in this world, and were always trying to acquire their hopes and dreams. I turned my back to them.

"Walk with me, George."

They stood up unsteadily, but were following me. They were trailing a few feet behind me. His countenance was similar to a lost dog.

"George, I will tell you how to survive these scenarios," I said aloud.

[Secretive Plotter admires the confidence!]

[Constellation "Egyptian Thought" hopes for exposition.]

"There are three types that I have seen as my time as a Wanderer-"

"You- -are a wander... like me?" he asked.

I looked back to them.

"Yes. As I was saying, there are three types of scenarios. They are the main scenarios, the sub-scenarios, and the hidden scenarios."

[Constellations of intelligence are enraptured by your words.]

"We are currently in the 4th scenario, battle of kings. In this scenario, we battle for the throne. The thing is this. The throne is in Washington D.C. This is Washington State. Domes appear throughout the capitals of the world, but America is too large. So, how are we here, George, in a dome?"

[Constellation "Abyssal Black Flame Dragon" knows you are pulling words out of your ass now.]

I ignored the goddamn dragon and continued on with my speech.

"The sub-scenario that comes after the first scenario is actually necessary. If you search well enough, you can gain enough strength, attention, donations, and find a mana brazier."

[Constellations are sick of the sweet potatoes.]

"Now, George, you may be thinking, how did you survive, Ethan?"

George looked at me as if I was crazy.

"It's easy," I said as I raised my hand. "I have a stigma called Flames of Muspellheim."

[Secretive Plotter likes this narrative payoff and has sponsored 500 coins to Ethan Nakamura.]

[Egyptian Thought has sponsored 500 coins as well.]

[Prisoner of the Golden Headband has slapped their hand onto their desk in frustration.]

[Abyssal Black Flame Dragon wonders why that's important.]

(My god, these Constellations are annoying,) I thought.

George began to speak up again.

"So... your name is Ethan...?" he asked a little fearfully.

This is how I met George Machen.


I decided to have him sit down, and explain my story to him. I told him about my stories, and I let him tell his. He was a little hesitant, but he began to ramble and talk a lot after I was done speaking. Sadly, he received donations, and looked towards the sky as if he was going mad. That was the main problem within the [Star Stream.]

The Constellations were so intent on building stories and finding Incarnations, that they often forgot about the mental health of their Incarnations. This happened to a lot of chuunibyou, or "edge-lords" as English speakers called them. These people often committed suicide after they cleared the first scenario, and couldn't deal with the stress.

A lot of the Constellations wondered why, but society was over-saturated with a million stories and life-lessons that no one took to heart. For now, it was time to teach some life-lessons of my own. I began to tell George about Mathew McFarland, and all the evil crap that they did.

[Constellation "Demonic Judge of Fire" wonders if you speak the truth.]

I sprinkled truth with lies, for that was the best way to deal with interrogators. A Marine should know this. I didn't mention how I wasn't any different from McFarland, and how I killed a girl named Cinnamon.

[Constellation "Secretive Plotter" ponders on your plan.]

After we were done talking, high noon came. The sun couldn't be seen well, and only appeared as a red dot. It felt as if an eye was staring down at me. Fortunately, I was immune to the heat and ash. Unfortunately, George wasn't.

George began to cough as the smoke and ashes began to rise again. The flakes began to enter his lungs, and his eyes were bulging from it's sockets. The horizon couldn't be seen, and the sky was died a deep crimson red and black. This was another reason why George Machen believed he went insane, and became suicidal. He thought he was in hell for killing his friend.

I opened the Dokkaebi shop and bought him Elain Monkey Lungs. I also bought some low-grade celestial bronze, some hammers, and sheets of metal.

[Constellation "Secretive Plotter" is enraptured by your purchases.]

[Constellation "Fiery Blacksmith of the Gods" has entered the chat.]

(If I'm right, this is Hephaestus.)

I began fashioning the bronze, melting some broken glass, and crushing the Elain Monkey lungs into the glass tubes I made from sand. I found a random, heavy rock to act as my anvil. With my small fingers, I forged. I had tucked away some ground rat leather somewhere, so I made sure to fetch it. I bought some spider webs from the shop, and began to sow.

It took several hours, but I finally did it. When I checked to see if George was alright, he was fast asleep with some Elain Monkey Lungs in his mouth. To be truthful, he appeared so innocent, like a baby. I could understand why women were so interested in him. I approached him and switched out the Elain Monkey Lungs. They didn't have long duration, so I needed to swap them out frequently. Overall, I spent a massive amount of coins on this project. I spent around 10,000 coins, all to make a breathing apparatus for George.

[Constellation "Demonic Judge of Fire" likes this comradeship and has sponsored Incarnation "Ethan Nakamura" with 5000 coins.]

I also began to cut their hair, and wipe their face with some actual water I bought from the shop. Their breathing evened out, but they were still gaunt and pale. After tending to him, I decided to sleep as well. I had a long day.

[Constellation "Demonic Judge of Fire" likes this comradeship and has sponsored Incarnation "Ethan Nakamura" with 100 coins.]

[Constellation "Demonic Judge of Fire" likes this comradeship and has sponsored Incarnation "Ethan Nakamura" with 100 coins.]

[Constellation "Demonic Judge of Fire" likes this comradeship and has sponsored Incarnation "Ethan Nakamura" with 100 coins.]

(Good night, goddamn it,) I thought.

I finally crashed to the ground. It was time to dream again.


The darkness was everywhere. My dream shifted in many different places.

I saw Yu Junghyeok swinging a sword while shirtless, while Archangel Uriel finally met Jung Huiwon. I smiled at these weird and funny moments, but the dream shifted again.


I saw the man in B-Grade armor fight against the Disaster Ignir, a Grade-5 disaster that would destroy Seoul when it woke up.

The man wielded his Unbreakable Faith, and continued to attack again and again. His armor was burned off, and his body was slowly melted by the Dragon's attacks. He didn't scream out at all, for his skin was blue.


Finally, he did fall to the ground and die, but he successfully planted his flag and earned the attribute [King of No-Killing.]

I breathed a sigh of relief. He was successful.

The dream shifted, and I fell though time and space.


"Who are you, truly?"

I was in a white space again. I turned around and saw it was Anna Croft, our local-American Tokyo Ghoul. I expected "Asphyxia" to start playing in the background.

"Hello?" she said again.

(Hm, they are speaking to me,) I thought.

"I told you, didn't I? I'm the King of Chaos and Revenge."

"I want your real name, kid."

"Ethan Nakamura." I said quickly.

[Anna Croft has used Lie Detection Lv.5!]

[They have confirmed that your statement is false!]

[O..-h f*ck--- of..ff..ff.f... gho ul...]

It seems that [Fragment of the 4th Wall] had finally interceded.

"I'll see you at Washington D.C. Dome, Anna Croft."

"Wait!!!" she screamed. She reached out to me, as if she was desperate to grab me.

"Don't worry..." I said. "Zelan Ali will die after clearing the Colorado State Dome."


I woke up again. I didn't feel cold though. I felt a little peaceful, but when I opened my eyes, I saw George Machen staring at me with an awkward expression. He was speaking, but I couldn't hear him at all. I only heard the roar of several engines.

[You have activated "Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint" Stage Two!]

(Ethan, I hear something... a biker gang!! We have to run!!)

[The y ma y ha ve a fl ag,] Fragment of the 4th Wall whispered.

My fragment was right. There was only one prominent biker gang in all of Seattle Dome that was led by a King. That was Adler Santiago. I would finally get to see the man myself. Whether he deserved to die or not... well, it was up to me anyways. I smiled wide.

"George, let's attend to some official business. A douchebag has arrived."

[Constellation "Secretive Plotter" is eager to know what you mean.]

[Constellation "Abyssal Black Flame Dragon" is hoping for some... "entertainment."]

["Demonic Judge of Fire" is looking at two screens and has stated: "I'm looking at hot guys!!!"]

[They have said: f##k]

[They don't want the wholesome moments to end!]