The Incident.

Dell couldn't help but laugh seeing the slug approach him. Not out of arrogance or anything of the sort since he was fully aware the creature making its way towards him most likely had the capability to kill him if it so pleased.

He laughed at the sheer absurdity of the situation. And through those laughs he would say. "Holy fuck! Outcome seven, I get killed by a beast slug. Of all things huh?". In response to this the slug slowed down and borderline came to a stop.

Running was an option and Dell was fully aware of that but his instincts told him the moment his back was faced to the creature, would be the last moment he was alive.

" I've never seen anything quite like this thing. A red eye, paper white skin. The thing isn't even attacking" Dell thought to himself as he began taking steps backwards. The slug would start to pick up its pace whenever Dell took a few steps back, like it wanted to keep a specific distance from Dell. No further, no closer.

The following few seconds felt like hours to Dell. A sound similar to that of a gas canister being shot out was made as the slug seemingly shot itself at Dell. In an attempt to dodge he threw his body towards one of the alleys walls, grunting as he hit the wall. Only for the slug to shoot at him again, aiming for his head.

He narrowly avoided the second attack by dropping his body to the ground. And as soon as the slug shot over Dell he would jump up and run into a sprint.

"Create some distance, find somewhere to-"

The cracking of bones and tearing of flesh fully consumed Dells thoughts. The slug had ricochet off one of the walls and shot into his back. The pain and shock mixed with the amount of exhaustion he already had piled up caused him to slump to the ground and pass out.

Now, Dell wasn't the only hunter. Far from it infact. They were like a small tribe, a group of people all sharing a similar goal.


Far from the spot Dell was currently in, a large five story building was currently occupied by hunters. Inside the bottom floor a girl with light skin, short brown hair and a strong build was currently arguing with a much larger male.

"Why aren't they back? You said they could handle some wolves and low threat level infected. Yet, only one of the four are back" She exclaimed, her fierce hazel eyes looking up at the man before her.

"Ok ok listen. It's only been what, twenty minutes past the return time? It's an orange threat area. I've trained and hunted with all of these guys and I know they could handle it. Relax Vie, you'll give yourself Grey hair".

Vie was not amused by the joke. Zelith was an extremely stressful place to live in for the sane. Though she didn't tower over her fellow hunters, everyone knew she was the second strongest in the group. The first strongest being the man in front of her, Axil.

Axil had assigned four members of thier group to hunt slightly further from base. He truly believed the selected few could handle the area he recommended them. So, unless they took a different route he had no reason to assume they were in any danger.

The man had an immense build, muscles apon muscles. And to compliment this he had a sledge hammer of sorts on his back and spiky red hair.

"If three promising and talented members die out there because they were not adequately trained I promise you you'll regret it". Vie said through clenched fists. She wouldn't of cared if the people sent out didn't show promise and competence. But, these four demonstrated potential to be great hunters.

"Ok okaay. I'll go find them" Axil said through an eye roll. He was sure the rest of them were fine but still hurried out the door to find them. Since, even if its a tiny chance, losing these people wouldn't be good news.

The room itself had a decent amount of hunters varying from almost useless to natural born genius'. The building was made of stone and each room lit by torch. Wooden tables and chairs widely available, along with Grey muck for food and cheap alcohol to drink.

Back to the alley Dell was most likely dying in, he manged to regain consciousness and slowly open his eyes.