The scarecrow.

Dell liked that type of mentality, focusing on getting a task done without fussing over things like liking eachother. But on the flip side he didn't make any friends thinking like that.

"Maybe he's not too bad, an asshole, but who knows. I'm sure plenty of people think I'm an asshole so who am I to judge?" Dell thought to himself.

Zephyr knew to keep quiet while another hunter was around so all it could do was listen.

"Why isn't Dell killing this guy? Didn't he attack us before? What if he does it again?" It questioned.

As the two hunters approached the farmhouse they fount themselves interrupted by one of the scarecrow like beasts. Dell didn't hesitate to dash towards the beast, ducking under its heavy swing and delivering punch after punch before dashing back to avoid getting attacked.

"It's unarmed, my partner can handle himself. I'll let him go in for another barrage and then I'll attack" Jack thought as he readied his mace. He liked to make each hit count and was willing to take damage to do so, but he had an easy way to avoid having to fight overly risky.

Dell shortly dashed in again, this time the beast attempted to block. To counter this Dell kicked straight up to break its gaurd, shifting the position he was in to fluidly throw out a side kick to its chest making it take a few steps back.

"He's smooth, but for someone who relies on speed he has too many openings in his attacks. Though, who am I to judge. He did kick my ass before" Jack thought as he dashed forward to join the fight, slamming his mace into the side of the beasts head, twisting his whole body into the swing.

The attack had such a force it knocked the beast to the ground making it bounce.

"Don't get hit by that, noted" Dell thought.

The two hunters made eye contact. Dell's icy blue eyes and jacks fiery hazel eyes, the pair came to an understanding. The understood in the short time since they clashed they had changed, through it a harsh event or understanding of what they should be doing.

"Looks like we synergize well eh? Perfect duo? Eh? Ehhh?" Jack said in a satisfied tone, happy with an easy victory.

"Guess assholes work well together" Dell responded. "Either way, we should get going"


The pair got closer to the building, eventually getting to the door. Oddly enough only one scarecrow got in thier way, wich both hunters took as a bad sign.

"Did your division give you any warnings about the building?" Dell asked.

"Nope, just told me about the scarecrows. If none of them are getting close to the building, something thats a threat to them as a collective must be in there"

Dell sighed. "Well, I need somewhere to rest tonight and you need that crate. Feel like risking your life?"

"It'd hurt my pride if I said no"

The pair got closer to the door, Jack taking the lead and opening the door. He had more armor and had a feeling he could take more damage too.

Opening the door showed a fairly empty building. One large room with desks on the side, a crate at the end, stairs leading up and a wooden floor.


"Ah visitors. It's been awhile since I've had guests" Said an unfamiliar voice coming down the stairs.

What came into view made Jack step back and Dell raise an eyebrow. The man was an average height and wore armor styled similarly to the scarecrows clothes. A potato sack over his head with strong looking armor tightly fashioned to his clothes. Black gloves gripped a sickle in one hand.

"Oh another infected. I wouldn't mind having a talk with you, but the other guy has to die" He stated as he stood at the end of the room.

Jack turnt his head towards Dell.

"Seriously man?"

"Ah fuck. I'll explain after, I'm not on this Halloween costume wearing assholes side I promise you. I can explain after but you'll have to just trust me this once"

"Oh of course! Trick the hunter because he's awakened, then you'll attack him from behind? Oh, I said that out loud huh" The infected hunter said.

The pair met eyes.

"Trust me"

Jack gritted his teeth. Fighting two infected hunters would mean dying, running now was his best option.

"Not like I could out run you anyways. If you kill me I'll be pissed"

"I'll keep noted, now let's murk this asshole"

"... Do what now?"

"Kill him. Lets kill him" Dell explained.

The pair dashed towards the infected hunter. Dell was much quicker so he got to him first. The two had a brief exchange, sending out quick attacks and barely dodging eachother.

Dell dashed back to switch in with Jack. The infected send savage slashes at Jack but he blocked and sent a heavy counter with his mace at his ribs. This knocked him off balance and as he focused on getting a firm footing he missed the kick that was coming to his head. The attack knocked him to the floor.

The infected quickly swiped at Jack's legs with a kick to knock him to the ground, then he would quickly get up and side step out of the way of Dell's incoming punch, attempting to counter with a knee to Dell's head but it was blocked with both arms.

Jack slowly got up and swung again at the infected, though it quickly stepped out the way and kicked Jack into the wall. Dell threw out a few jabs but only resulting in them getting blocked. However, not thinking Jack would get back into the fight so fast, he ended up taking a mace to the back sending him forward.

Dell used this to grab the infecteds head and smash knee into his face. Jack swung at the infected again, however he stabbed his sickle into Dell's leg and tore some flesh out causing him to dash back.

The infected decided to ignore Dell and turn around and face Jack. Wich was his first major mistake. Dell dashed right back in and grabbed the infected and held him close from under his arms. Allowing Jack to get a few free hits to its face.

The infected ran backwards and slammed Dell into the wall, causing him to let go. He would quickly slam his elbow into Dell's jaw then grab his face and throw him to the ground.

Jack ran in to help, though Dell took a hard blow and his head was spinning. How he remained conscious he wasn't sure. But as Jack kept the infected busy he slowly got up.

"Zephyr man we really are gonna have to pull this win out our ass, got any ideas?" Dell asked unzipping his coat, not peticularly thinking.

"Probably keep applying pressure together, the opponent isn't a pushover" Zephyr said.

Seeing the red eye and shark like teeth on Dell's stomach froze the infected, letting Jack take a swing at its head knocking it back.

"Why are you helping humans? Where's that monstrous hunger?" He shouted.

"I've learnt that other beasts taste quite good. And you friend look delicious" Zephyr said.

Zephyrs forked tongue snaked around as it bared its sharp teeth. Paired with the cold, frozen glow in Dell's eyes, even made Jack doubt who was the real monster here.

Dell ran at the infected, slashing with his claws instead of punching. He blocked the first few attacks then attempted to counter by grabbing Dell's arm, but Dell adjusted just a little and sped up to stab his stomach and not get grabbed, dashing back after.

"How have I gotten faster and more accurate?" Dell asked.

"Being able to see does wonders" Zephyr said sarcastically.

"Can we focus please? Kinda in a life or death situation here!" Jack shouted.

Dell nodded, and as Jack swung for the infecteds hip Dell aimed to side kick him in the head. The infected decided to block the kick assuming it would do more damage.


The long and sickening noise filled the building as Jack's mace smashed his hip. He stumbled back and yelled.

"I won't be killed by a regular hunter and a traitor infected!"

The sound of flesh tearing could be heard as his arms seemingly grew to twice thier normal length, muscle seemingly randomly growing on his body.

"Can you do that?" Jack asked.

"I really fucking hope not" Dell said disgusted.

The snake like arms thrashed randomly at the hunters, Jack managed to grab one firmly.

"Break it!" Jack shouted at Dell.

Dell quickly dashed towards it and rammed his claws into it, tearing flesh and bone. He would then pound on it with his other gauntlet until it ripped off causing the infected to make a distorted scream.

The other arms swung at the pair, Dell jumped over and ran towards his main body while Jack took the his and got slammed into the wall, but managed to garb the arm and hold it in place.

The infecteds neck stretched abnormally long along with his mouth seemingly growing, attempting to take a bite at Dell who just about manged to dodge, slashing at its neck again and again.

Jack had dropped his mace grabbing the first arm so all he could do was ram his elbow into the monsters arm, the things had ended up four or five times longer then before.

Dell slashed over and over but the muscle kept growing back, then an extra arm sprouted out of its ribs and punched Dell in the stomach, well it tried, Zephyr ate the thing as soon as it got close. Dell threw his whole body into the next slash, falling off balance from it.


It managed to take the monsters head off.

Panting, the two hunters sat there.