
Dell didn't want to do much moving at the time, his body was sore and he wanted a moment to clear his head.

"Though... There's still some time before night. Maybe I should hunt some scarecrows-" Dell's thoughts were cute off by a sharp pain throughout his whole body.

"Holy fuck!" Dell curled up in a ball and slammed a fist into the ground.

"The fucks happening Zephyr?!" He yelled out, frustration and pain added to his tone.

"Well, you keep putting yourself in danger and it's clear we aren't ready for the road ahead. However I'm aware you aren't willing to go back so I'm taking extra precautions" Zephyr explained calmy.

"That doesn't explain why it feels like I'm being eaten alive!" Dell yelled once again, forming tight fists as the pain only increased.

"Usually when we eat something I only absorb a small amount of its strength. This allows for a painless process and for you to keep fighting. However, we really need a strength boost and as it stands we're as safe as we'll be for awhile. So I've decided, since we've had such a strong meal, to absorb as much of its strength as I can manage. Around eighty percent I'd say" Zephyr had a sympathetic tone as it spoke.

Dell understood. He wanted strength and he was getting it but none the less he wanted to keep doing it this way to a minimum.

"I better not get that creepy fucking body contortion shit he did" Dell growled, the pain causing him to have an aggressive edge to his voice.

"Yes I heard your earlier comment. I've instead reworked the attribute so it's a one use thing to permanently increase your muscle mass. This will allow me to have more... You... To work with when adding beasts strength to your own or for more strenuous attributes"

Dell only nodded in response. He barely managed to stay conscious during the process. But minutes later, the pain slowly decreased and eventually went away. Dell laid on the hard wooden floor and closed his eyes.

"I hate Zelith" He said aloud.

"I assume that's a popular opinion among hunters"

"Some stopped caring. But most of us hate this place. Others actually love the fucking hell scape"

"I've not heard you mention your home to other hunters. Is it not a topic people talk about to keep moral up?"

Dell was quiet as he thought on this.

"I... Don't come from the same place most hunters come from"

"Oh? Care to elaborate?"

Dell stared at the ceiling of the old building, lit only by lanterns like all of Zelith.

"Well. Most hunters come from the same place, and one day they just... Appeared here. No explanation, no connection between hunters, just poof. Welcome to hell. Some hunters where actually born here. Infact as the years continued more and more ended up being born here"

"And you?" Zephyr was very curious at that moment.

"I... Don't come from the same place as the other hunters. Wasn't born here either"

Zephyr thought on this for awhile. "Did he come from a separate civilization then the others? Is he a separate race? Where does he come from, he seems so... Disconnected from other humans. Race can't be it, there's been a multitude of different races that can't be the factor that separates him"

Zephyr's thoughts were interrupted by Dell sitting up. He was examining his body. Looking at his arms, feeling his legs and even lifting his shirt. He had the body of a heavy weight boxer. He may not have been a bear like Axil, but he was probably just under twice as big as before.

"Bloody hell. You certainly added huh" Dell said.

"Also keep in mind around eighty percent of the infecteds strength has been added to your own"

Dell nodded as he stood up. The man stood at around six feet two inches. With his height and build he was far from small or passive looking. Yet still, what stood out most was his icy blue eyes. Unknown to him, his eyes had a slight savage gleam to them that remained even when he was fully calm.

He walked around the room to try anf find anything useful, yet down stairs proved fruitless. Looking towards the stairs he sighed.

"I really hope nothings up there"

Walking up the stairs Dell was on high alert, the chance something was waiting to ambush him was low, but if it did happen and he wasn't ready...

Getting up the stairs revealed one open large room dimly lit by lanterns.

"Wierd building" Dell said, walking further in.

"Define a normal building" Zephyr responded.

"I don't know, one with more, smaller rooms?"

Draws, cupboards, desks and even a chest could be seen scatters around. Looking in the cupboard Dell would continue to speak.

"We might wanna give up on hiding you. More and more strong infected are showing up, one had an invitation to the place we're going. I somehow can fight better when you can see. It really seems like hiding would be pointless"

Going towards the desk Dell would pick up an old book and flick through it.

"And if the hunters decide you're a threat because of it?" Zephyr asked.

"Say you're my awakened ability. I've not got the token orange eyes or sickly skin so saying I'm an infected is less likely then saying I've got a monster like ability"

"I suppose that makes sense"

Dell eventually walked to the chest, opening it. To his suprise there was only a piece of clothing. It was made of a strong yet comfortable material. Taking his jacket off he would put it on. It only coverd his arms, shoulders and the top of his back. The end of the sleeves acting like fingerless gloves.

"It won't weigh me down, speed and agility is what I'm best at" Dell said.

"See now it feels like your trying to show me off" Zephyr sighed.

"Might as well be proud of what makes me strong. And where's the style of going around shirtless?"

"You pretty much are shirtless"

"Nah ah, style"

Sitting down Dell would stretch and say.

"I wonder why so much of the clothing is black"

That being his last thoughts as he closed his eyes, drifting into a deep sleep.