The monsters rage.

Dell had just gotten back from another day of hard training, his stamina returned rather quickly though he eventually had to stop otherwise he would risk damaging himself.

Two large building far from the central building or Lord Zion's mansion housed all the student's. Just enough space for everyone, though with minor discomfort due to a lack of privacy.

As Dell walked into the main living area the sight before him brought a whirl of emotions he hadn't experienced in a long time.

Panic and confusion began to consume him, though completely washing those feelings away was a unyielding rage.

The sight before him was Max, he was bloodied and battered to the point Dell wasn't sure he was alive. His body was currently slumped up against a wall away from the main seating area.

Dell would run towards Max and crouch besides him, checking his vitals.

"What the fuck happened!" Dell would yell at the others in the room who at the time were acting like nothing was out of order.

One of the students would speak up. "He got in a fight with one of the stronger students. I think some of the hunters said something like, silver badge? Silver type? Whatever. The dumb kid really tried to fight back"

"And you just left him here to die?!" Dell yelled, standing up and approaching the group.

"The guards will clean up the body soon-"

Dell grabbed the student by the mouth and slammed him to the ground.

"The guys still fucking alive! Is there not a medic somewhere?" Dell's arms were shaking.

"Y-yes there is but we didn't wanna get hurt too so-" A woman stepped forward to explain. The first student was struggling under Dell's grip but to no avail.

"What do you think I'll do to you if he dies and you all did nothing?" Dell had a feral gaze laid apon the entire group.

"I-I'll take him to someone" The woman said running to Max.

"You can take me to the asshole that did this" Dell said to the student he had grabbed, letting him go.

Dell would look back at Max as the student got up to lead the way, not wanting to make Dell any angrier.

Looking forward he would follow the student.

"Why are you so enraged? You haven't known Max too long. His presence may be pleasant, but are you willing to fight on his behalf? With a silver rank at that?" Zephyr asked.

Dell would protract his new refined gauntlets. Though his tone was calm, each word gave the student chills.

"I don't care. Max might not even see me as a friend for all I know. But since our first encounter he's been kind to me, and he probably treats everyone with that same kindness. Yet this happens to him cause some asshole thinks he knows what strength is?"

"I still don't understand"

"It's simple isn't it? He was kind to me, someone hurt him. I'm not too good at returning said kindness, so I'll hurt them instead"

"What thought process is that? You're like an animal lashing out because somone hit the guy who fed you a few times" Zephyr couldn't wrap its head around Dell's logic.

Ontop of that, niether could the student leading them. However it wouldn't be his issue for much longer as they arrived at a small group out in the field.

A few people in black with weapons.

"Probably hunters" Dell thought.

And a man with grey hair, a black jacket, blue trousers and a plain top.

"Probably the leader" Dell thought.

"You dick heads attack a ginger haired student?" Dell yelled over at them as he approached.

The grey haired man looked over.

"Yea? You his buddy or something? Here to restore his honor?"

The three would laugh and walk over to meet Dell.

"I'm going to tear this fucker apart" Dell's eyes had a calm rage in them. If he wanted to fight well he had to keep his head one.

Zephyr however, though he tried to stay dignified, couldn't help but react to Dell's bloodlust. It would bear its shark like teeth as it's eye would dart from person to person, its tongue flowing slowly yet randomly outside its mouth.

The two hunters got to Dell first, though they would soon realize that they weren't even in the same league as Dell.

To him, the other hunters movements were slow and predictable. The one on his left threw a punch while the other drew his sword.

Dell delivered a potentially lethal high kick to the head of the hunter drawing his sword. The kick created a crack sound and sent the hunter sliding across the ground with some grunts and pained groans.

Once his foot landed back on the ground Dell's back was against the other hunters back. Dell elbowed him in the ribs with immense force, knocking him straight to the ground and breaking multiple ribs.


Dell was met with a hard fist to the face, forcing him to stumble back. Dell put his arms up quickly to form a guard, protecting himself from the flurry of blows coming his way.

After about eight hits the man would dash back.

"You're tough, but I don't think you understand who you're up against. I might actually kill you" He said.

Dell's feral blue eyes could be seen through his block, lowering his guard and leaning forward he. A demonic grin would find itself across his face.

"Kill me? I'd like to see you try" Dell responded.

Zephyr, though entertained, was deep in thought. "I can tell he's still absolutely enraged, but... Why can I feel excitement coming from him?"

Dell dashed towards the other, sending a low kick to his legs while keeping his arms up. Though the other managed to evade it Dell would dash in closer and throw out multiple jabs.

The man would grab Dell's wrist after the third jab, pulling him in close and kneeing him in the stomach. Afterwards he would move back just a little and send a kick straight up to Dell's face, forcing him up straight and stumbling backwards.

A crowd had started to gather. Most thought they were witnessing strength they could never match, each explosive hit would've been fatal for them. And the speed shown didn't seem real. Though of course, the odd seasoned hunter understood what kind of strength was being displayed.

"Why didn't that ugly mouth bite my knee? It's all for show?" He taunted.

"It knows I want to fuck with you for abit longer before dealing any fatal shots" Dell responded mockingly.

This caused the man to quickly go in for a wild punch, wich Dell deflected and counted with his own heavy punch to his face. Before he could stumble back Dell would slam his shin into the others calf, making him fall to one knee.

Dell grabbed the others head and slammed his knee into the others face. The strength was enough to break stone, but the other was much tougher then that.

He would quickly get up even with just receiving two heavy blows even for someone like him.

Though what happened next took Dell by suprise.

He would dash back and shoot a beam of black energy at Dell. Cleanly connecting with Dell's chest.

"Thats right! You guys are fucking with an awakened one! Look what happens when you go against those obviously stronger then you"

Dell however, would slowly sit up, then with a stretch stand back up.

"You usually do the victory speech once you've won"

The shock had burnt through his new armor but hadn't made contact with his flesh. He would make use of the others moment of shock to ram his claws in his leg and rip a chunk of flesh out.

The other guy would punch Dell with all his might, slamming him to the ground. Though it was a harsh trade, Dell was willing to take such a blow to impair one of his opponents legs.

Dell would roll away just about avoiding getting stomped on. However the man would jump ontop of him and start sending punch after punch.

Dell could only put his arms up to protect his face. Once he had got the timing down, Dell would grab the others shirt and arm, throwing him to the side and getting him into a painful hold. Dell had the guy completely restrained, something he picked up during training.

He would ram his claws into the others ribs and let him go.

The two would be back on thier feet, slowly circling eachother deciding wich move to make.

Using his awakened ability took too much stamina and didn't do enough damage, and Dell didn't want to receive a close up blast of that ability or make any big mistakes and get severely damaged from it.

The grey haired man would make the first move, stepping close and going for a punch to his ribs. Dell attempted to pivot out the way and elbow the others arm, but only ended up getting feinted and instead got an uppercut to the jaw.

As he approached to continue his attack, Zephyr shot its tongue out and wrapped it around his arm. At the same time Dell put all his might and body into a destructive blow to his head, slamming him to the ground and creating a large dent in the ground where his head and shoulders were.

Zephyr however, pulled his arm in and began to bite.

"W-wait you win! You win I'm sorry!"

Dell had a cold expression as he crouched down next to him.

"I imagine Max said along the same thing as you beat him within an inch of his life. Infact, you still look a little better then him. It's amazing you're still conscious. Though, you can't fight back so I suppose Zephyr will fix that"

And with that, Zephyr began to feast.