Tyler thought about his idea for sometime. It looked like something easy but he knew it would be more complex than that. There is no telling what Philip will do if he is released and then they cannot tell how powerful he is. He might turn back to want to kill them or attack them for holding him captive. The fact that he wasn't even showing any emotion was a bit difficult for Tyler to tell how he would react. He wasn't angry he just kept answering their questions without any problem.
It was probably because of the pain he must have felt from the substance that was poured on his leg. He could not really tell.
"I don't think that plan will work. Who will do the tracking? Is it me that needs to get my powers back or you that is supposed to teach me or even protect your wife for now? Tyler asked looking at Maxwell .
"Besides we don't know how strong he will be when we release him. There is no telling what he will be able to do Tyler said