Entering Highschool

My name is Goro I am a high school student. Most of the story will start like this is the story I have so much power, demons, monster, blah blah blah but this is my story I know it will be boring but let's just try our best. I will try my best to explain this story and you try to understand this story.
Let's begin.

[Alarm rings]

It is great day weather is perfect. I am feeling good today. I went to brush and then I changed my cloths to uniform, it was all like a same day as yesterday and past of last days. Every day is like same for me. Let's go to eat breakfast.

"Are you awake, good I was coming to wake you up".

"Mom, I am in ninth grade now, I can wake up by myself".

"Yeah, Yeah".

"Let's eat".

I finished my breakfast. Today is opening ceremony I have to go fast or I will be late.
"Today is your opening ceremony so you should go earlier".

"I know, I am going ".

That's what I was thinking about (annoyed).

"Take care".

"You too".

I was on my way to school.

"Hi, Goro why are you in such a hurry?"
This is my friend tozoshi, he is an average student. He is a good guy but bit perverted he plays ero games and he talks to girls in very perverted way, he is handsome but not more than me I think he will have a good girlfriend one day. Tozoshi and I are both much alike not in ero games or talking perverted to girls, we just think alike.
"I am late for the opening ceremony".

"But it's only 8 o'clock; opening ceremony is at 9 o'clock".

Mom you have changed my alarm! (*Anger).
"Okay its only 8'o clock".


Then we went to school.

It's been a year we didn't go to school but it looks same as before. Same paint on school, same teachers, same principle, and same head teacher. It is very boring to do same thing again, again that study, again those exams, ahh…. It will be pain in the ass.
A group of 4 boys comes towards goro and tozoshi.

"Goro…., tozoshi…!"


Azuhiko said "It's been a while we haven't been in school"

"Yeah, it's nostalgic, right?"

"No, but we have to do same study, same teachers and same paint on school, what the…. Are you feeling nostalgic? It's just been few months only"

I messed up I shouldn't have said that. And what the… I was thinking the same thing, I am not feeling nostalgic and all, I thought It would be good thing to start the conversation with that question. Don't worry I just need to make something up that's all. I know it will be pain in the ass but I should try.
"Yeah, you can't say the feelings are nostalgic. I was just missing all of you"
"Don't make me cry" Azuhiko said.

Ah… I thought I messed.

Oh... I haven't introduced them to you this group of 4 boys is my friend circle and also you have met tozoshi, so total there are 6 boys in our group including me I am glad that I was able to make friends. We all respect each other but they sometimes get on my nerves. So anyway I will introduce them one by one. Azuhiko he is like a leader to this small group everybody respects him and believe what he says. He is the guy who is friends with other classes also he is intelligent, smart, ranker of his class and handsome and also he has a girlfriend.


Speak of the devil this is Shizuka. Azuhiko's girlfriend I don't know much about her I talked to her once. I don't like her in general but I also don't hate her, as long as Azuhiko is happy.

"Yeah, I am coming"

"I have to go boys"

"Yes, meet you in class"

Azuhiko went.

"Here goes another Romeo, just can't live without his Juliet. I don't understand this thing which people calls 'love' it is way beyond than universe to me, to think about it makes me sick"

This is Haruto he is very aggressive, protective, also smart, sometimes airhead, has nice body, he is strong and everything you can find in a delinquent student but there is a difference between them, Haruto listens to us what we say but sometimes he is just an airhead.

"You are right I don't need any girlfriend I only have business with you guys"

This is ken he is the smartest in our group don't go on his height well... he has smaller height than other people of our group. He is smarter than Azuhiko sometimes, he is topper, he is also aggressive but he can control it, he has no interest in girls I don't know why and he can do anything for his friends. He is kind right? I think so, he is.

"Gross, you have business with us are you gay?"

This is Makato he is just an ordinary guy but he is like genuine ordinary guy , he acts dumb sometime, he makes fun of himself but everyone respects him, he is that tech guy of this group everyone asks makato that what company's they should buy electronics like cell phones, computer, etc . He is very close to Haruto, not just him he is very close to other people of this small group too and everybody listens what he has to say.

"I am not saying that I love you like Azuhiko loves Shizuka"


"We know"


Then after sometime Haruto said "why are you so quite Goro?"

"Nothing, I am fine".

This is me Goro and as you knows me. I am the main character of this story I will make it short, I don't like to talk with people much, I am an average student, I don't have any girlfriend, and I have superpowers not like what happens in mangas and anime it is just a hunch power like if I think that today is going to be a good day so it becomes a bad day. This is my super power what I think always become false and comes opposite to what I was thinking, pretty amazing power right? And I have a feeling that this day will be a very good day.

Then Makato said "He must be in another depression"

"What depression? I am not in depression, why do you think so?"

"It's obvious everybody can see, right ken?"

"Yes, He is always in depression, are you ok Goro?"

To be truth I am not in depression I may look like but I am not, believe it haa… I think I have to explain that too it's so annoying. But I think there is no option.

"I am not in depression I may look like I am in depression but I am not"

"Don't lie, what happened you can tell us we can help you" Haruto said.

"As I said I am not in depression"

Why do all think I am in depression! I just don't like to talk to people.

"Ok fine but if something happens let us know"

"Yes first call will go to you Haruto"

"That's my boy!" Haruto said.

"I am not your boy"

I managed to get off that questioning but what about tozoshi he is also quite! I don't understand why they are not saying anything to tozoshi. Let it be I don't want to make fuzz for tozoshi or for myself.
Suddenly Makoto said "Tozoshi why are you so quite?"

It's the same thing that question was asked to me, Tozoshi be ready. I hope I will not get in this fuzz.

"Nothing I was just thinking about something"

"Are you in depression too Tozoshi?"

"What are you saying Makato?!"

"I told you to not be with Goro"

Now I am in this fuzz that's why I don't want to say anything I have done nothing and now I am in this thing should I talk yeah I think I should because it will be disrespectful to me than.

"What do you mean by that Makato?"

"What you heard Goro"

"So you are saying that he is quite because I made him depressed?"


"So by this logic you should be depressed too".

I think that should make him quite. What do you think makato now speak.(smiles in his mind)

"I am not depressed because I am not in the same class as yours"

Makato you jerk I am out of words I don't want to speak now. It's not that I can't speak back but I thing it will be just waste of time, I can put logic in the words but they just do things that friends do. You know how friends are, don't you? Where did that bell go will it rang tomorrow?

[Bell Ranges]

There goes my hunch power, it benefits sometimes but most of the time it takes me to worst case scenario.

Then ken said "We have to go to our classes and then go to school auditorium, we need to go"

I said "Yes we need to go".

Haruto said "ok then, bye! Goro….tozoshi"

Makato said "Bye Goro….. Tozoshi and don't be with Goro do you understand tozoshi?"

Tozoshi said "Yes".

"What are you saying Makato just get lost and why are you saying yes tozoshi" (annoyed)

Then I and tozoshi walked towards our class.