Every brother is stupid

Ugh… I am at home finally, that was so much for me let's just sleep now.

Ting….. My cell phone rang...…

Ah… it's from my brother let's see what does he want to say.

"Come over!" I read the message.

I don't want to go, let it be, as it is.

Ting... my cell phone rang again...

I don't have to answer.


I've had enough, what does he wants now

"Come over!"

I messaged him I am coming. But I don't have to go, let it be.


Okay, okay I am coming.

I went to my brother's house which was just a step away from our house. Yeah, we are neighbors so sometimes he just disturbs me so much by coming over or calling me over there, like he is doing right now.

"I am here" I said after going inside his house.

"Come in…. over here!!" my brother said.

He was playing a game, I looked in it, and it was Pokémon. Just why did he call me?

"So why did you call me here?"

"Sit here and see".

I looked in his game screen and he was fighting with rayquaza, rayquaza is the rarest Pokémon in the whole Pokémon game how did he get that!

"Woah… rayquaza, how did you get that?"

"Well… you see, I am a pro"

"Yeah yeah…. So you are catching it now"

"Yes I am battling him right now"

"You should master ball to catch him"

"Don't teach me… I know, after all I helped you to catch all of your legendary Pokémon have you forgotten that" ishiki says.

"I know" goro says with embarrassment.

"I am so close to catch him, just a little…just a little…. Then a master ball….. Yeah I caught him" ishiki says with so cheerful face.

"You sure did"

"Can I go home now?"

"Just wait a bit"

"What you want me to do in this place?"

"Well…. We can play some games"

"Ok let's play"

"By the way where are uncle and aunty?"

"Well they are in work"


We played game for an hour it was like other days he wins all the battles. He is pretty much good in the games, not only games but he has everything that a student dreams about, every boy in our school adores him. Well he is still idiot I can say that by looking at him.

"Okay I lost, you win. Well I think it's time to go home"

"Yeah, just come here when you want to lose, you loser" ishiki said with a wide smile on his face.

He just wants to laugh at me by winning… that what he was after, all this time. He just win and then make fun of me, I hate it very much.

"Yeah, idiot"

It is night already! I left his house. Let's go home and take some sleep. While I was climbing stairs at my home my mom said

"Are you home Goro?"

"No I am not"

"Good, then take bukku to the walk"

"Tch… that also I have to do…" Goro said while walking towards bukku.

"Bukku! Let's go to walk"

"Woofs" bukku barks.

I went to park for a walk with bukku and guess what I saw my brother sitting on the bench, I went toward him and said

"What are you doing here bro?"

"I was talking to someone" he said.

"Another girl?"


"Just talk her already…"

I sat at the bench.

I heard him talking, he was talking about having breakup, and well he was like this he just start a relationship and within a month he just breakup, well I think he should....

"I am sorry, I am sorry, please don't cry" ishiki says on the call.

He ends the call and comes toward me.

"Don't make girls cry over you, you demon".

"Hey, don't say like that to your brother" with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, yeah"

After sometime a dog came to the park, bukku started barking

"Look Goro, they want to fight" ishiki said with a shine on his eyes.

"What how do you know?"

"I just know, look at bukku, he also wants to fight, right bukku?" ishiki says while looking to bukku's eyes.

They both look like a very best friend, and I can see their eyes shining like a star in both of them, bukku and my brother both. Then bukku barked

"Bukku you want to go right?" ishiki asks to bukku.

Bukku barks

My brother held my hand and let bukku go, uh… is he serious what is he doing. Well I know every brother is stupid and idiot but my brother is more idiot then anyone's brother.

"Go bukku enjoy!"

"Hey…, what are you doing?!"

"Just see"


"They are not fighting"

"Yes…., you are right….., why?"

"The dog there is a female dog".

"How can you tell that from this distance?!"

"Well…. you know I have knowledge about everything".

"Yes, yes my walking computer.... But what is bukku doing?"

"You can't see she is his girlfriend"


"Take a good look"

Ugh… by looking at them, it looks like ishiki is right…., they looking like a couples what the hell bukku you never told me about this, you betrayed me, before me you got your wife, bad doggy. Well good for you.

"Haha…." Ishiki laughs.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Well…. Before master his dog got a girlfriend…."


Well I don't have any words for that. It should be embarrassment that your dog got a girlfriend before you. What a master I am.

"Just get a girl bro, you should have one to experience love or when you will get married….well …. someday you will act like a new born baby for that girl, you understand what I am telling?".

"Yeah… well what you say make sense but I will wait for someone to show up"

"Don't just wait, or you will be late. Do something"

"I know"

Girlfriend uh… I never gave a thought about that but…. yeah now I remember, I had a crush on someone from five years back what was her name ah… ai….airi yeah her name was airi, well it was one sided though I didn't told her how I feel but… now I remember I sent here a message saying 'hi' on her LINE account about four years ago after we gone to our own path but she'd never replied me back, I wonder what happened to her and yes I had crush on sakura but I end up… disliking her I don't know why.


"Yes, I am listening"

"What were you thinking about?"


"Okay let's go to home".

"Yes...., let's go bukku"

Bukku comes to Goro.

We got back to our home.

"Well then bye…" ishiki said.

"Bye…" I said.