
Ugh… what should I do! I don't have any idea where to go for date. Well, its Saturday tomorrow so we have full day for our date… uh… I don't know what to do.

Well I… I will think about it later, first of all I have to go for a bath.

Goro goes towards the bathroom…

Ugh… it feels so good! I want to spend about three hours in the bath tub but I think I can't. Well, my mom will come shouting 'why are you taking so much time!'

Goro baths and then head towards his room… and then check his cell phone.

Uh… tozoshi wants to play some games… well I think I have some time to play games.

"What game should we play" goro replies to tozoshi.

"Sword art online" tozoshi replies.

Idiot! He wants to play sword art online, if I would have that game I would play alone why I would play with such a dumbass guy, but I wonder when we can play games like sword art online.

"Just kidding…., we can play genshin impact" tozoshi replies.

I knew he will say that, it's all about genshin impact or Pokémon. There are other games also, you know. Well, I have no problem playing genshin impact; it is the best game I have ever played.

"Just connect with the voice, okay?"

"Roger that!"

Uh… voice is an app where we can connect our voice with each other.

Well, we started our game and then tozoshi said.

"We should go to boss fight, what do you think?"

"Yeah we can go"

We fought for about 10 times and then also, we lose uh… that was so frustrating and then tozoshi said

"Can you call your brother, Goro?"

Uh… I don't want to rely on him, I can do it all by myself.

"We could try once more" I said.

We somehow managed to win this time.

"I told you we don't need him"

"Yeah, you were amazing at last"

"Yeah, I gave everything I've had"

Well, it was very hard boss fight I thought at one point that I have to call my brother, but we did it.

"Okay then tozoshi we could play some other time now, Bye!"

"Yeah, Bye!"

Now let's watch some anime, what anime was airing now? Ah… yeah demon slayer well I have to watch it.

I watched demon slayer, the story uh… it is so good! And now it is time to sleep, let's go for a sleep.

I think I am forgetting something what is it? Ah… uh… yeah the date… with ahoyo, what should I do about that I haven't decided anything at all, it is pretty late now and I haven't told ahoyo to where we will meet and all, what should I do, what should I do? Now there is only one thing I can do….. I am going to….. sleep, I'll decide tomorrow where to meet and then send message to ahoyo.

Goro sleeps.

"Goro! Goro! Goro, wake up…!"

"Ah… brother, what are you doing here?" Goro says in sleep.

Am I dreaming. Whatever I just want to sleep.


Ishiki shakes Goro.

"Brother, what are you doing here?!" Goro says surprisingly.

"Did you forgot you had a date today? What was that girl's name… ahoyo, right?"

"How did you know?!"

"Well, I am you big brother. I know everything, you know".

The only persons that knew about ahoyo and I, was ahoyo herself, I and… kumi, yeah… kumi is the one who told him about us, I know my brother might have used that charming way to make her talk. Well I can't do anything now as he knows about it.

"Yeah, yeah"

"So, where are you going… for the date?"

"I haven't decided yet"

"Haa…! Are you really my brother!" ishiki looks disappointed.

"Just decide it already" ishiki said.

"Uh… yeah"

"Well, what about clothes? What are you wearing?"

"Uh… that hoddie over there"

"Ha…! Hoodie? What are you a loner or something?"

"What is the relation between a hoddie and the loners?"

"Well, didn't you watch in anime and mangas where the loner character always wears a hoddie?"


I don't want to agree him but... he is right though.

"Take this! Go and wear this one"

"Why this one?!"

"Just wear it"

"Go try now!"



My brother is so goddamn nosey, it's like this is his date.

"Yeah, I have changed"

"Good! You look perfect"

Well it's okay… not perfect.

"Now look at your phone".

"My phone…?"

"Just look at it"

Goro looks in his phone.

Message from ishiki. There are names of places and some steps…. What the heck is this!

"What the hell is this?!"

"Follow the places and steps for the date, and don't forgot to make that last step"

"Last… step…?"

What is the last step…? Kiss…! Uh… who would kiss a girl on their first date?! I am not going to do that.

"I am not going to do that".

"Come on, it's only for your good".

"I am not going to do that!"

"Okay, it depends on you, just don't let go this date boring".

"Yeah, yeah"

My brother went uhh… that was such a pain well, I think I will be late I have to hurry up now.

Ahoyo and I met at railway station. It was started as ishiki told me to do. Well, I think that's why my brother is popular with girls, he acts romantic and all with girls. Well, he is romantic. And he chose a café to go on a date first, he must have experience, yeah he has more exes than my manga collection.

Then we went to the café and talked a lot, the face I saw at the school yesterday of ahoyo's… I saw that face again…again and again, she is so cute. I just want to see this face whole day. We talked about so many things like what's her favorite music, game and all. Yeah you heard it right, she plays games first of all I was shocked that she plays games but then anyone can play game it's not like only boys can play games, right? And then as per the plan ishiki made for me, we went to the amusement park.

Where should we go first… well, I want to go to the roller coaster but then, as I am initiative of this date, I should ask her where does she wanna go?

"Where do you wanna go ahoyo, first?"

"Uh…ah… can we go to the ferris wheel?" ahoyo says.

"Ferris wheel?"

Good grief, why every girl just chooses to go to the Ferris wheel? I mean there are other options also, like roller coaster..., roller coaster… and roller coaster. I know I am saying roller coaster too much but I love roller coasters.

"Yeah, I love the scenery from there so much!"

"Okay, we can go to Ferris wheel".

We both headed to the Ferris wheel and then we sat on it, uhh… I don't know what to talk about right now.

"Goro look!" ahoyo says.


"Wow, amazing!"

I have to say that the scene from above was so beautiful, I could see far away from there, all peoples' were looking like ants, well we could see the sun set from there, amazing I was hoping that this time would stop her and now but then, this is not any fantasy world.



Uhh…! What…! what is happening… ahoyo, she… she is kissing me right now, that was not in plan well it was there but I had no intention to do that, what should I do now? Should I stop her? No, I can't stop her, who would stop such a beautiful girl from kissing.


She stopped suddenly. She was looking so embarrassed, and cute. I was going to kiss her back so I got close to her and then I said


"I-I am sorry that, I did that!"

"No, I was…"

"I am really sorry!"

"Please, listen to me…."

"I am really sorry!"

Well, what should I do, she is not listening to me. I think I could kiss her some other time, now that she is so embarrassed, she might be dying out of embarrassment right now.

After that, we went for our house. Uhh… we didn't talk with each other since leaving the Ferris wheel.

Goro and ahoyo reached to the railway station.

"Uh… I will be leaving now"

"Uh… yeah"

Well, I want to say that I could walk you to the home but she is taking the train so… I have no chance.

Then I went towards my home, I can't help myself but think about the kiss, that was my first kiss and it felt so good, uh… I want to do it again! The taste of ahoyo! I can't forget it!