
Mock Duel

That dream was too real this time. My body still has shivers from the adrenaline. I check my watch, 4:30. I was out for quite a while huh? hope I didn't leave Boss waiting for too long. I quicken my pace towards the hanger, peering inside hanger 3. Standing in the middle of the hanger lied Lucas Strafe. Along with his AeroCord, Smoked Barrage. He stares into Barrage's reflecting gaze with downcast eyes. placing his hand on its intake, stroking it lightly. Lucas, or as I call him, Boss, stands around my height. As usual, he wheres his usual tan leather jacket. His dark-tinted sunglasses reflect his gaze through his Aerocords glossed shine. And his black jeans flow over his matching boots. His custom-made shirt proudly boasts Barrages powerful decal.

Jax: "Hey Boss, did I keep you waiting long?"

He remains fixed on Barrage's glossed reflection.

Boss: "Hell yea you did. How long were you gonna sleep for Kid?"

Jax: "yea, yea, I know. I never wake up easily. But I sprung up when I heard you wanted to get your ass kicked for once."

Boss: "Oh-ho, big words coming from someone whos only won, what? zero times?"

He finally turns to face me, shifting his glasses above his head. Exposing his shit-eating grin. He flicks away his bangs as he stares me down.

Jax: "Shut up, barrage's maneuverability is fat as hell compared to Spirits. I set Spirit to fly by Barrage's capabilities. After all, it won't be any fun or any decent training if I'm just constantly dominating you."

Boss: "Keep talkin, we both know I'm a better pilot."

Jax: "You've just flown longer than I have. After all, Barrage was one of the first-ever AeroCords. And you had the honor of flying him. Just wait till I get to your air time. Then let's see who's truly better."

Boss: "I'll admit kid. You're not too bad at all. Especially since your matching Spirit to Barrage's level. But when it comes to a fair even fight. You've got a while to go before you match me."

Jax: "We'll see after today. I have a new trick I wanna use on you. So ima give Spirit a little more leverage than what Barrage is capable of."

Boss: "Sure, then I guess ill just start trying a little harder to outdo that new trick."

Jax: "Same rules as usual?"

Boss: "Same as usual."

With a little nod of my head, I turn and walk out the door.

Stepping into Spirit's hanger I press the canopy release button. It slides back, granting me access inside Spirit's sanctuary. I vault into the cockpit, strapping myself onto the smooth leather seat. The colossal metal hanger doors begin their slow crawl open.

Jax: "Match coms CO, permission to engage in a mock battle with Boss?"

Chloe: "Permission granted. Remain in Yurei's airspace."

Jax: "Affirm. Release coms. Hear that Spirit? Let us have a fun dance tonight, I'm feeling for a bit of the tango. Stage one. as for music, lets go with track one."

The silence of the cockpit fades into a melodic high beat song. The tame power of stage one bringing Spirit to life. I begin to roll forward as the metal doors finish their inching march. Keeping my wheel on the pavement's guiding line I taxi onto the runway. Waiting for me lies Boss in Smoked Barrage. Smoked Barrage is a modified Dassault Rafale. Replacing the old engines and radar with the MSABT-01 and upgraded ultra-powerful and fast sweeping radar. It also was giving first the AI Co-pilot. Which became a standard issue on all other later AeroCords. The MSABT-01 is a 5 stage like mine. But unlike mine, it's unrefined. Being aligned with the engine's throttles percentage. 20% being stage one, 40% stage two, and so on. Giving less direct thrust control compared to my 06 engines. But also being faster to switch between. It also had the issue of suddenly switching between stages as you shift throttle. Jolting the plane with the sudden boosts of power. I line up beside Boss, idling my engines.

Jax: "Match performance to Smoked Barrage. Match coms Boss. We have the go-ahead, after you m'lady"

Boss: "Keep talkin, it will only add salt into your burning wound after."

Jax: "Just how I like em."

Boss begins to roll down the airfield, I follow his pace. Every time I have to remind myself how slow Barrage is, forcing my throttle fully forward. When my performance is matched to another plane. Everything from throttle ranges to turn rate is affected. Practically cloning any plane as long as Spirit knows they're metric thrust. Spirit herself will even act out a stall if speeds are low enough. Of course, reverting back to normal controls if altitude proves too low. I break off from Boss's formation, Barrage splitting off in the opposite direction.

Jax: "3, 2, 1, turn."

We both whip around, Facing each other preparing for a merge. How these mock duels work is simple. We won't be shooting each other of course. Whoever gets the other into their crosshairs for 3 seconds wins. Or whoever can pull 3 snapshots first wins. Head-on attacks do not count towards the score. I watch my radar, locking onto Barrage's faint signature in the distance. 20km, 15, 10. Merge in 3, 2, 1 boom. I yank the stick back pulling as hard as I can. I look up directly above me, seeing Boss doing the same. We both continue our turn before meeting head-on once more. If this keeps up it's be nothing but constant head-ons. I drop my nose hoping to cut inside his turn circle. He jinks up, negating the potential shot. We enter a rolling scissor crossing over and beside each other repeatedly. Perfect chance to unleash my trick. He climbs above me, rolling over to once more spike down on top for a kill shot. I yank the stick back as fast as I could, throwing my nose into a cobra maneuver.

Boss: "A cobra ay? Didn't know Barrage could cobra."

He jinks once more, narrowly evading my sight. He begins to climb high into the sky. Under Smoked Barrage's preset, a stall is forced. Throwing my nose back down to the horizon.

Boss: "You see, with normal fighters like this. The cobra maneuver comes with some dire consequences if executed in a poor spot."

I try forcing my nose past Spirit's remorseless stall. refusing to rise upward, I'm left in a vulnerable state. Spirit's nose begins to fall once more. this time allowing her nose to fall, I dive away trying to fix my dire mistake. Boss dives in from the sun, playing an eagle hunting his prey. Pulling up just above the desert sands, I begin a light horizontal turn. Allowing Boss to slowly draw in closer, I silently range the distance between us, 5km, 3km, 2, 1. I yank the stick once more catching him by surprise. He shoots past climbing into the air, but it's too late. Holding him in my sight I count the seconds, 1, 2. Just before I get the last second he shoots up, Slinging out of my sight. I pull hard, trying to follow the maneuver, failing hopelessly. He rips around the circle ending up on my 6.

Boss: "Knock it off. I won again."

I can almost feel his smug mocking aura from here.

Jax: "Shut up, I had two seconds on you. In an actual fight, I wouldn't even need a split second. Plus I'm still tired from that sleeping gas Doc gave me. plus it wasn't my best playlist, on good music you'd be gone"

Boss: "Sure Kid, All I'm hearing is excuses."

Jax: "One of these days ill get that last second on you. Then let's see who'd be calling excuses."

Boss: "I'll like to see you try. Round two?"

Jax: "Oh-ho, big mistake giving me a shot of redemption."

Boss: "Just don't whine when you inevitably lose again."

Jax: "Try your luck."