
Heavy Artillery

I finish the last bite of my bagel, the last drops of apple juice trailing shortly behind. I stand from my seat, lifting the empty tray and plastic cup. I walk to the drop-off station, placing my used dishes in their areas before heading to the door. A voice calls out my name from behind, stopping me in my place.

Boss: "Hey Jax, you up for a duel?"

I remain still, refraining from looking towards Boss.

Jax: "Sorry, not today. I haven't gotten to do any PCAST training lately, so I was going to make up for it today. Maybe another time."

Boss: "Ah... I see... Jax, about th-"

Jax: "Don't worry about it, just following orders... Right?.."

Boss: "..."

I begin walking once more, stepping into the blazing sun above. In every strike mission, I've escorted, was that their outcome? Is that why I've been ordered to pull off before reaching the target? I can't be around Boss for a while after seeing that. Following orders or not, he could of at least told me something. Something about the nature of these missions I assist in... For now, ill just do a little more solo training to get my mind off it... Although our capability in the air is unmatched, the unexpected can always happen. And on the off chance were found outside our AeroCords during conflict. Each has pilot developed their own PCAST or Pilot Close Air Support Tactics. AeroCords can fly completely autonomously, just not to the same level a standard pilot could. As such, we train our AeroCords to perform tactics to help us get an edge in battle, even without being in the pilot's seat. PCAST is one of these tactics, ranging from simple low and fast flybys to full-on missile barrages.

I hop into Spirit, spooling her engines to speed. Following the usual take-off procedure, I soar into the skies once more. Due to PCAST's trial and error mentality, a dedicated training site was built exclusively for us pilots to train in. It's just a small building filled with a few hundred simple hardened clay training dummies. It has a few fridges and a bathroom but otherwise, it's just a simple hut surrounded by miles of desert. I glide out of Spirit, using the sand as my breaks. Spirit does circles overhead as I enter the small building, turning on the lights. The buildings roasting heat drains my energy as I open the fridge, grab a bottle, and giving it a light sip. I look into the room, seeing the few dozen clay humanoid statues staring back into me. I set down the bottle, checking the statues before choosing one of them. I carry the doll out of the building, setting it down a few hundred feet away from the hut. Spirit circles overhead, awaiting the faithful command.

Jax: "PCAST-1"

Spirit dives down, flying less than 100 feet from the sandy dunes. Spirit rushes towards me at incredible speeds, passing over the dummy with an ear-splitting BOOM. Even standing by a couple of dozen feet back the shockwave shook my whole body. Unlike the pickup approach I used in that enemy fortress. PCAST-1, the dedicated support tactic. Comes in at much higher speeds and throttle to maximize the stunning effect it would produce. Leaving the victim in a completely disoriented and stunned state. Spirit climbs back into the sky, spinning and twirling to symbolize her attack's victory. Satisfied with her dance, she begins to circle in the sky once more, awaiting the next order.

Jax: "PCAST-2."

Spirit inverts, sharply driving down onto the dummy below. A beam of red spits from Spirits nose. The dummy erupts in sparks and dust as a hum fills the bright blue skies. Spirit aborts the dive, climbing into the sky once more. The smoke clears from the scene, revealing nothing but fine powder where the dummy once stood. Spirit dips and dives, rolls and loops, as I enter the building to grab another dummy. The roaring hum of the engines comes and fades as the engine's exhaust stream dances around the sky. I grab my bottle, chucking its contents before finding a new sacrifice. I drag the dummy into the sun as I wipe my mounting sweat. I set the dummy in its predecessor's place, looking into the sky for Spirits airshow. She once again levels out and begins her laps, signaling her readiness.

Jax: "PCAST-3."

My watch lets out a chime as it begins to flash a count down. 30 seconds. Spirit aborts her circle and begins to fly away. PCAST-3 unlike the other two, requires close timing between me and Spirit in order for it to be executed correctly. Spirit loops back, aligning herself for a flyby. I count the ticking seconds as Spirit closes in faster and faster. My watch emits a beep, signaling my part. I sweep the dummy's legs, knocking it into the air. I quickly turn back, pointing my arm under the falling dummy before snapping my palm into a fist. a tarp of rubber shoots past my hand as the dummy lands on top of it. The tarp expands in milliseconds, launching the dummy high into the sky. Spirit's buzzsaw sounds once more, grinding the dummy into a fine powdery cloud. Executed without flaw, now just a few repeats to lock it down as usual. PCAST-3 was designed to deal with a target in close range without risking a stray bullet hitting me or an object of importance. Launching the target sky high, where Spirit can deal with the direct threat. My watch crackles to life as a voice flows through it.

Doc: "Jax can you come back to base? Something has come up."

Jax: "Doc? Did something happen? I'm in the middle of training right now so can it wait?"

Doc: "Nothing serious has happened. But it would be best if you head back now."

Jax: "Got it, ill be on my way then. Spirit if you would."

Spirit rolls back around, aligning herself for a slow flyby. The canopy slides back as I stretch my arms and legs. I drop my arms below with a little hop, launching myself into the skies. As the rubber deflates and retracts back onto my arm, I land inside spirit. The canopy closes overhead as I regain control, flying back to base.

Guess ill go for a standard landing today, don't feel like sliding out again.

Jax: "Idle engines."

The muffled hum that usually fills the cockpit fades into near silence as I glide towards the runway. Just clearing the wall, I flutter as my wheels bounce off the ground. As I roll down the runway I look over the hangers. The lonely hanger... Is open!?!? There's a lot of activity inside too... I roll past the hanger, spotting a light red tinted F15 sitting inside the hanger. Alongside the F15, Doc and a new girl stood standing beside it. Doc points me out as the girl glances up from the floor for a second. I turn onto the driveway, crossing in front of the now lively hanger.

Jax: "Spirit can you taxi the rest of the way for me?"

A little beep flashes from the dashboard as the canopy slides back, allowing me to exit. Spirit pauses in front of the hanger as I hop out. I give Spirit thanks as she begins to roll down the runway once more. I walk over to Doc, marveling at the new bird inside the hanger.

Jax: "So, Doc, whos this?"

Doc: "As of today, your AeroCord wingman."

Jax: "Oh? I thought Spirit would be the last stealth class."

Doc: "Spirit is."

Jax: "Then... What do you mean? What class is this F15?"

Doc: "An artillery class. Or more precisely, a heavy artillery class."

Jax: "A "heavy artillery" class. Why am I getting an artillery class as a wingman? It effectively renders Spirits cloak useless!"

Doc: "You'll be her escort from now on. Spirit is the most capable escort we have in our limited arsenal."

I stammer back, considering his statement.

Jax: "I guess you have a point there... Alright then, I give. What's your name then, Little Bird."

I look over to the shy timid girl who's been fidgeting during our whole conversation. The top of her head sits just under my eye level, placing her a few inches shorter than me. Her shoulder-length silver hair covers one eye, leaving the near watery, crimson eye in the view. On her head, sat a single sakura petal hair ornament. She wears an oversized pink hoodie. Of which, only her small fragile fingers constantly fumble through. The hoodie features a big white sakura on the front. Unlike her hoodie, her pants are a pair of well-fit cargo pants. Carrying multiple zipper pockets down each leg.

"My... My name is Clover... Clover Raydance."

Her soft voice starts off strong before fading into a whimpering mutter. She finally looks up from the dusty ground below. Finding some sort of confidence from her timid nature, she presses her agenda.

Clover: "My call sign is Royal Sakura, not Little Bird..."

I look to Doc as he points me to the F15 patiently waiting beside us. Clover returns her gaze to the sand-riddled floor below us.

Jax: "Do you mean your AeroCord?"

Clover: "I heard... That AeroCord pilots callsign... Where their AeroCords name..."

Jax: "They are. But it's a callsign you earn Little Bird. It signifies that were worthy of flying these sky dragons. Just like our decals, it's not something you get just because you fly an AeroCord."

Once again filled by a sudden burst of passion, her head shoots up as she stares directly into my eyes.

Clover: "I'm worthy! ill... ill prove it to you!"

I once again look to Doc for confirmation.

Doc: "She graduated at the top of her class, miles from her colleagues. She's clocked in a few hundred hours of flight time, but has no actual combat experience."

Jax: "You're putting a girl with no combat experience, into one of the most expensive and advanced fighter jets to date? You do know combat drills and actual combat are nothing alike right Doc?"

Doc: "Yes I know. But she's passed all the tests with sky-high marks."

Jax: "Even so, don't you think a little combat experience is needed?"

I let out a sigh as I look over the jittery girl.

Jax: "Until you prove yourself, your call sign will remain Little Bird, ok. I get that you were a top pilot in class but that's not enough to prove yourself."

Clover: "Then I'll... I'll prove myself in a mock duel!"

Her head shoots up as her eyes gleam with passion.

Jax: "Oh? that'll work. Alright, let's see what you got Little Bird. Doc, pass Spirit Royal Sakura's data, will you? I want a fair fight."

Doc simply nods as I step out of the hanger. I can't help but let out a small smile as the Royal Sakura's engines scream to life.

The Royal Sakura sounds like a powerful beast.