
First Time?

Clover: "Wha-what... Do you mean?.. By flying with me?.."

Jax: "Let me co-pilot with you. It would be easier to give good feedback if I'm seeing what you're seeing."

Clover: "I see... But... Would you be-"

Boss: "What a great idea kiddo! Clover, whatcha say?"

Clover: "... Ok..."

Jax: "All parties in agreement, sounds like a plan! What were you saying, Clover?"

Clover: "It's... Nothing..."

Jax: "If, you say so... Match comms to Doc. Hey Doc, does Sakura have her co-pilot installation-ready?"

Doc: "It has the option, but currently there are no controls for the co-pilot position. The seat also needs to be installed."

Jax: "That's fine, we'll RTB, can you get the seat ready for installation? The controls aren't needed."

Doc: "Can do, but why does Clover need her co-pilot installation? Without its controls no less."

Jax: "I'll be flying shotgun for a few training sessions to give Clover better feedback on some situations."

Doc: "I see... First date to sharing a cockpit together, what's next? Sharing a room?"

Jax: "Whatever helps you sleep at night old man."

We share a humble chuckle as Barrage and Sakura fall onto both of my sides... A few minutes later we arrive back at base Yurei.

Jax: "Boss, how's your fuel doing?"

Boss: "Lost a raindrops worth, I'm roaring to go."

Jax: "Alright, then just hover around for a while. Me and Clover will go land."

Boss: "Roger!"

Jax: "Clover, can you handle a tandem landing? Or will I need to land after you?"

Clover: "I... Haven't done one before... But I can do it!"

Jax: "Right! Just like a tandem take-off, just match my speed and approach. If for any reason you feel like you can't, feel free to abort the landing and come in on your own."

She emits a small murmur as acknowledgment.

Jax: "I'll be lax with my speed and approach to make it a little easier for you."

I carefully watch my descending speed as we approach Yurei. Occasionally glancing over my shoulder to see how Clover is handling. She may be a newer pilot, but something like this should be child play for her. We close onto the base at a relatively high speed for landing. Fluttering inches above the runway as the air pushes against our wings. Touching down I enable my brakes, checking back periodically to make sure Clover is alright. Barely slowing down enough to catch the last taxiway, we roll down the driveway. As we roll past Sakura's hanger I open the canopy, jumping off to the side. Sakura pulls off the driveway and into her hanger, swinging around to face the outside world once more. The canopy props up as Clover vaults out, stumbling on her landing. The mechanics swarm the canopy, nearly trampling poor Clover as she dashes out of the way. Safe from danger, Clover waddles over to me.

Clover: "Are you sure about this?"

That's the first sentence she's said with certainty without her voice fading out. Her eyes gleam with honest intent, but a warning of all things?

Jax: "Why wouldn't I be?"

Clover: "Sakura... Takes a lot of endurance to pilot..."

Jax: "Is that so, Spirits quite something herself you know. I think ill be ok."

I fight the growing urge to place my hand on Clover's head, forcing the beast down. The mechanics finish their task, calling us over.

"The seats installed. As you asked, there are no controls. It's basically an extreme rollercoaster with an ejection seat."

Jax: "Just how I like them... Shall we?"

Jokingly, I lower my head while offering my hand to Clover. Sliding one arm over my chest with a casual wink. While raising her hood, She averts her gaze, placing her tiny fingers in my welcoming palm. I freeze as my brain roleplays a 2001 dell laptop booting up. Wait... This was supposed to be a joke... I DIDN'T EXPECT HER TO FOLLOW THROUGH! Ah!?! What do I do!? This is the first time I've held hands with a girl! I can't exactly just say 'it was just a joke', she's already shy enough! But following through with this would be... Difficult to say the least. If Doc hears anything of this... I'll skin him alive... Aughhhh!.. I guess I have no choice but to follow through. I shoot deathly glares at the engineering, demanding their silence of the matter. Reading my pressuring gaze the engineers flee the scene. I look out the wide hangar doors as the bitter orange skies grow darker by the minute. In the corner of my eye, I noticed the fluttering of a white dress retreat behind the wall, Diana?

As me and Clover sit on the runway waiting for take-off, I adjust myself one final time. There's not much space back here compared to Spirit's freedom of movement. I peak over the seat in front of me, sneaking a glance at Sakura's dashboard. It's filled to the brim with dials and gauges, switches and nobs, settings, and controls. The two MFP's are completely sandwiched between all the dials! And I thought Spirit's dashboard was filled... How does Clover read over all this information while in flight?

Clover: "Um... Jax?.."

Jax: "Ah, sorry, I got curious about what your dash looked like."

Clover: "I... See... Are you ready?.."

Jax: "Ready as ever."

Clover: "RS to CO... Permission for take-off?.."

Chloe: "Say again? Your speaking too quietly."

As usual, Chloe speaks with power as if speaking to a mouse itself.

Jax: "Chloe, relax on the superiority complex for her first day at least would ya? you'll scare her off."

Chloe: "I have no such thing!"

Jax: "Then, would you rather be stepped on, or do the stepping?

Chloe: "Why would I ever a P I G, touch me with its filthy feet."

Jax: "Sure, definitely don't have a superiority complex. Clearance for take-off?"

Chloe: "I do not have such a thing for the final time. And permission granted... Just... get off my runway already Jax."

Jax: "Riiiiiight! Well, you heard her, ready on you."

Given the signal, Chloe wiggles around her controls. Glancing over her shoulder to check their functionality. Satisfied with their input, she pushed the throttle... To the max!? Replicating her flaunt from earlier today, she blasts into the sky, leaving the sandy earth miles below. the six-stage engine's cry howls through the cockpit, demanding its recognition. She pulls back, looping back over to face the ground. We bolted back down to the ground as she finally eases off her throttle. Maintaining every inch of speed she gentle pulls out of her nose dive, leveling out only a few feet above the dunes.

Jax: "Don't get carried away now."

Clover lets out a faint whine as she slowly regains her altitude. I look out the canopy into the setting orange sky in the distance. The shallow winds below brushing the dunes into soft ripples as the lazy clouds wander the sky. Sakura's screaming engines finally settle, humbling the raging volcanoes sitting behind me. At this time of day, chances are we will only get a round or two before we gotta call it for today. Where did Boss run off to? I told him to just hang around Yurei's airspace.

Clover: "Do... You... Always get this view out here?.."

Jax: "It's quite something isn't it? I can't help but look out at this time of day."

I marvel at the sky's radiant beauty, noticing a flash in the settling sky. I close my view towards the flash as a dot emerges from the sun. The dot gains in size as it begins to fall towards our 4 o'clock.

Jax: "Clover, first lesson. Don't drop your guard, break hard right low."