Base Basics

After the long nearly six-mile trike, I finally reach the immense tower. Man, I really wish Spirit's hanger was closer to the tower. I pause in front of the last hanger, crouching down for a quick rest. I notice the large metal doors were slightly cracked open. Deciding to take a quick glance inside, I Placing my hand on the goliath sandblasted door. As always, a dark void engulfed the empty hanger. Only fleeing from the small crack of the door as sunlight invades its territory. The hanger seems lonely, not harboring any guests inside it. I glance back down the concrete path toward Spirit's hanger. I wonder if it too was lonely before welcoming its guest. I look back towards the glass windows at the top tower. Radiating its massive presence down onto me. I wonder how CO and other personnel climb that well, towering tower. I close my eyes lowering my head to the concrete below, confirming my resolve. Realizing my only choice is to climb all those stairs, I feel a shot of inspiration rush through my veins before utterly crashing back down. I continue the remainder of my trek to the tower. Walking up to its metallic door, I drag my feet. I yank the hefty door open, acting as if I were a grouchy child sent to his room.

I walk to the middle of the 50ft by 50ft circular tower. Raising my head up to its ceiling hundreds of feet above. I raise my hand towards it, hoping maybe I'll gain the ability to fly and place my hand on the cement above. I drop my hand to my side as it sounds with a thud on my flight suit's rough texture. I look towards the walls searching for an elevator, knowing it doesn't exist. Maybe if I'm lucky they installed one when I was out on my mission! I frantically search the empty space, falling in dismay by the single spiral staircase leading to a hatch above. Defeated, I begin my long journey up the staircase, searching, for CO. Finally reaching the end of the 5-minute uphill battle, I flop on the side of the stairs allowing myself a break. Would an elevator kill them!? What if someone fell down this mess of a staircase? Or a fire broke out? do they sprint down this narrow-footed staircase? all 30 something staff at once?

Filled with a small shot of irritation, I push myself up on my feet. The hatch at the top of the tower's unending staircase lets out a painful squeak. Welcoming me, a woman dressed in a full black suit. Outlining the fine details of the suit, was a light green silk-like fabric. The breast pocket, holding a similarly fabricated napkin. Neatly folded, the napkin allows only a single corner spill out. The suit's pants, although made just as neatly, swung ever slightly baggy. Swaying ever so lightly from her smallest movements. I raise my head meeting hers. Presenting a deep green toned hair color. Pulled back into a ponytail shyly peeking over her shoulders towards me. and last but not least, her shadowy eyes, hidden behind rectangular glasses fitted with a deep crimson frame.

Jax: "Hey Chloe... I gotta ask... Wouldn't it kill you to put an elevator in already!?"

Surprised by my own lack of breath I roll onto my back. The stairs pointed edges poking me in several places. Laying on the stairs, I found comfort in its cool stabbing touch. Chloe Lance the commanding operator or CO. CO's jobs are quite simple, guide AeroCords to their mission area and update the pilot about evolving situations and mission tasks. That being said, Chloe herself is quite something. Her instructions and directions are precise and easy to follow. She can also be extremely adaptable, shifting strategies with moment's notice. Following behind Capt'ns footsteps, she gives off a menacing aura, boosted further by her attire and posture. If something were to happen to Capt'n one day. She without a doubt, will take up his place. Leading us with pride and vigor. She pushes the hatches door off to the side before sliding her hand onto her other arm's elbow. Where then she moves her free hand up. Pushing her glasses further up towards her nose, glaring down at me disappointedly. If she keeps that look up something 'odd' might awaken in me...

Jax: "What?"

Chloe: "Would it hurt you just to exercise just a BIT more? It isn't THAT many stairs."

rolling over, I shift my eyes down towards the seemingly unending spiral. Mouth agape, processing the unreasonable statement. If THAT isn't many stairs in her book, I'm terrified to find out what is.

Jax: "I get enough exercise during training and missions. plus cut me a bit of slack I just finished a 6-hour mission. G loads are quite demanding."

Satisfied with my smug retort, I shoot her a bright smile. Which she waves off unamused.

Chloe: "Are you gonna continue laying on the steps? Or you gonna climb in?"

I look off towards nowhere, placing my hand on my chin, I ponder the choices given to me. Her glare intensifies further, unamused at my small jokes. I chuckle, pushing myself to my feet before following her inside the tower, closing the hatch behind me. I graze over the mechanics and navigators. Becoming infatuated by the spinning lines of the radars. Hunting for any potential air raids. And maps showing the weather of various locations around the world. I peer out a nearby window seeing a large three-story building below, a few dozen feet away. Down below a concrete path divides the two objects, imitating a river separating the lands. I find a chair near the hatch, placing myself on it before looking back at Chloe. Her hands, neatly tucked behind her back, Chloe Closely watchs over the tower.

Jax: "So... I got a question. Who gave that guy down there clearance to that info. The guy was an absolute douche."

Before Chloe could even give an answer. A subtle reply sounds from the hatch before it once again creeks open.

Capt'n: "He was just a sponsor. Observing how we were doing, that's all."

His hushed, yet impacting voice sounding through the catch before stepping inside.

Jax: "Right... That's fine I guess..?"

Capt'n, as the title assumes, is commander of base Yurei. Which I just like to call Capt'n. You'd never guess he was the base commander. Especially when compared side by side to Chloe. He walks around wearing the standard two-tone grey camouflage uniform as every other normal base staff or guard does. Only differing by the patch on his left shoulder, displaying his ranking. It also doesn't help the fact he's on the shorter side. Being towered over by Chloe. Me, stuck between the two heights, sitting around 6 inches taller than him and 6 inches short than Chloe. Capt'n's build follows suit to his modest height. It's quite a show seeing unknowing privates causally talking to Capt'n before realizing. Thinking he's a part of the base staff or a tower guard. I think he enjoys their panicked realizations as well. Instead of running the base through strength and grit, he instead runs off of tactics and strategies. Making sure every single bullet, bomb, and rocket lands on the target. Where it'd be most effective. Under his command, every single mission was aimed at helping the world through the shadows. At least that's what Doc told me.

Jax: "Can I at least know why he had clearance to classified information?"

Capt'n: "No. All you need to know is that he was a sponsor. Who has clearance to information isn't any of your concern."

I roll my eyes looking away. Unsatisfied with the answer given. Opting to watch the stagnate air of the surrounding deserts instead.

Capt'n: "Speaking of Spirit, I heard its gun go off in base. Care to give a reason?"

His hushed voice being replaced with an icy pick. Prying into what occurred down at the hangers below. I hold my gaze, having enough annoyances in Price's singular interaction alone.

Jax: "Guy was being a dick, raised his hand to attack me, Spirit then fired off her gun as a warning."

Capt'n: "I... See..."

What? Was my answer not enough of an explanation for him? I admire how he runs the base, yes. But we never can see eye to eye in most situations. And it seems Capt'n agrees with my observation. For some unbeknown reason to me, he's always condescending and spiteful towards me. Maybe one day I'll know, but for now, the feeling will remain neutral. His shoes begin tapping the concrete of the tower, signifying his departure. I roll my eyes over towards Chloe, keeping my head in place. She shoots me a concerned glance before resuming her overlook of the tower. Well, better time than ever to give Spirit her award I guess. I shudder remembering the trek ill have to endure once more. I stand from my chair, set on achieving a new goal. I look over towards the hatch realizing Capt'n never closed it. Quite a safety hazard from that flight of stairs. I walk down the first two steps grabbing the hatch as I walk.

Chloe: "It was a 6-hour mission, after a full day of training before. Go take a break."

I gaze towards the unmoved Chloe. Noticing her stare into the ceiling as if she was trying to summon some hidden power. I let out a small chuckle further increasing her ever-narrowing stare. She'd be a perfect 10/10 if she just showed that side a little more often. I think ill take her up on that offer shutting the door behind me. After all, a small walk to my room or a long trek to Spirits hanger. A pretty obvious choice if you ask me. I look down to the spiraling abyss below. It's always a little more frightening walking down the wall of stairs than when walking up it. I peer over the railing to the concrete below.

Yep... still frightening.