
Meet Me

The blaring sun strikes my vulnerable face. I drag my arm over my eyes in an attempt to shield them, ending in failure. As my senses begin to awaken, I notice my awkward positioning. Thinking nothing of it, I try rolling onto my stomach, trying to shield my face from the penetrating light. I roll... And fall? Dropping off my windowsill, I landing face first on my bed. The empty chip bag crunching under my weight. The bottles however, hit my for head and stomach both with a audible *bonk*. I mutter out the words "damn it..." rubbing my forehead in pain. I push the trash to the side, rolling back over. Unable to fall back asleep I raise my hand towards the bland empty ceiling above. I had that weird dream again huh? Dropping my hand, letting it fall onto my chest with a thump. Ah, I fell asleep with my flight suit on. I raise my wrist, this time to check the time: 6:21. Unable to fall back asleep, I push myself out of bed.

I walk towards my kitchen, content on nabbing my last bag of chips as a pre-breakfast snack. I can't eat a full meal until an hour after heavy activity, or just waking up. I just can't muster up an appetite and will waste stuff ya know? That being said, a small little pre-snack gives my appetite a nice needed kick to get going. After eating my small little fill of chips. I roll up the remainder of the bag. Since I slept with my flight suit on. That means I don't need to change right? No... I still at least need to change my shirt huh. I unzip my flight suits top and remove my bracelets, discarding them on a nearby chair. Slipping off my blank blue undershirt. I open my wardrobe positioned at the foot of my bed frame. Let's see... I flip through my small selection of shirts. I find a black shirt with a white triangle centering the front. circling that triangle, was many other smaller white triangles. I pull it out, wondering if a black shirt is a good choice in the middle of a sand-filled desert. Eh, to hell with it. I slide it on, grabbing my flight suit off the chair. I throw it back over my arms, reaching for the zipper. Actually, I think I prefer it unzipped outside flight. I drop my hands away from the zipper, instead, sliding them into my pants pockets. I walk over towards the mirror confirming my theory.

My short hair sways ever so timidly, reaching only a few inches over my eyes. I'm surprised it held overnight. Probably my lack of movement on the windowsill. I meet my own emerald green eyes. I've always liked my eyes. But they always seemed, odd to me. I'm not sure why I think it. But they always seemed ever so slightly, glossy..? My best explanation. My slightly pale oval face remains unhindered. I think I look pretty nice face-wise. Cant be so sure about you though... My flight suit is a black wool jacket. A tame neon green lines the edges and coat pockets. The inside of the jacket, a puffed snow-white opposes its outer counterparts. I flip the collar outwards, revealing the hidden black collar lining seeping into the snow whites domain. Don't like things touching my neck, it's quite sensitive. My flight suits bottom half mimics the upper half's color and linings. But reflecting the inners puffed manner. Resulting in a mild baggy but snug fit. I had the colors custom-made into it, its functionality remaining unhindered, for the most part, that is. It also isn't the lightest or most flexible of suits. But it's good enough for daily requirements outside Spirit.

It's a two-piece suit made for adaptability and functionality. If it was the standard one-piece, one-toned, average flight suit. I'm not sure id enjoy flying as much as I do. "looking good, feeling good" sort of thing. Plus, on the outside, it looks like an average jacket and pants. Meaning I can wear it virtually anywhere without getting weird looks! That is... If I was ever let off the base... But ill make do. Almost forgot, my shoes are average sneakers if you were wondering. Yes, they're made like my flight suit: "for adaptability and functionality". But they are, more or less, just black wool sneakers. No neon green though sadly. It'd complete the look though, wouldn't it? Satisfied with my look I go on to complete the rest of my morning routine. Grabbing my stuff, triple-checking to make sure I grabbed those stuff. Grabbing my bracelets and sliding them under my flight suits sleeves. Quickly measuring my height, still 5" 8'. I haven't grown in almost 3 years, despite being 18... And heading out the door for some routine training. However, this time, instead of training ill be giving Spirit her nice reward.

I walk through the two buildings ending up in the cafeteria once more. After my little snack and my walk over, I've gained an appetite. I look over the menu. As expected, the same three breakfast items are displayed: A few pieces of toast with the spread of peanut butter or normal butter. Scrambled eggs with the side of tomato soup. And a bagel with the choices of cream cheese or strawberry cream cheese sided with a small salad. For drinks, you had the option of water, two choices of juice, or milk. I walk over to the self-serving aisle, grabbing my usual toast with peanut butter pods. I look over the two choices of juice. Pouring myself a glass of apple juice. It seems I got lucky today. There's usually only apple juice and orange juice. The first of the two, always being sold out by the time I arrive. On rare occasions, we may see grape juice replacing apple juice. Of which, no one likes due to its cardboard taste and texture. I have no idea where they find it. But that brand is NOT grape juice. It's just flavored paste under the name "grape juice".

The table near the door I sat in yesterday was still vacant. Finding the golden opportunity to sit in the corner's safety net, I pounce. Claiming it before anyone else could sit. I enjoy my quite dry toast. Only being saved from choking due to apple juice's moist oasis. The door behind me creeks open. Do they put oil on ANY hinge on base? Behind it, Nick walks in. His usual distraught hair was brought into a neat little ponytail. He was wearing his standard two-tone black-red flight suit. Signaling his rank as an AeroCord pilot. He stands tall making his slouched sag of the night before look like a myth.

Jax: "Hey Nick, just getting back from your mission?"

He snatches one of my toasts, sliding it into his mouth before sitting across from me. He happily chews out his bite before his face falls into confusion.

Nick: "Peanut butter? I don't know how you like this stuff man."

Jax: "It's GOOD, I have zero idea how YOU don't like IT. But forget that, do you remember blowing me off yesterday? In the sky bridge?"

Nick: "Blew you? Sorry man, I don't swing that way. At least I didn't think I did."

Jax: "NO YOU IDIOT!? You walked right by me without acknowledging my existence."

I chuckle at his joke. Hopefully, it was a joke...

Nick: "Did I?.. Ah, I remember seeing a figure in the sky bridge. Didn't hear anything tho. When I just wake up, I just don't. Ya know? Well, glad to know I didn't blow you. Anyways ima head off to bed, cya dude."

It wasn't a joke...