It's been 12 years when my parents died in a car accident. I miss them so much. I still regret it; if it hadn't been for my selfishness, they'd probably still be alive right now. I survived because my mom saved me. And my life might not be like this. My aunt adopted me after my parents died. I was so grateful, knowing that I was not an orphan. But I did not know I'd be working as a maid in their home to cover the costs of my education until high school. And I'm being a target of my cousin's bullies.

"There is one year left for survival. Then, I could leave my aunt and cousins after graduation. Anyway, I need to find part-time work to earn money before leaving the house. I'll have to save money for a year." I was thinking so deeply when someone suddenly called my name.

"Arrrrrrrien Hoooolmes!"

It took me aback, and I wondered who had called my name.

"Arien Holmes, are you deaf or what? I called you several times, but you didn't hear me." My friend was complaining to me about it.

My best friend, Cassy Whites. She's always cheerful. Cassy was always upbeat and comforting. I am grateful to have her as a friend because she never leaves me, especially when I'm down.

"Arien, what are you thinking that you can't hear me calling your name?" Cassy asked me with worried.

"I'm thinking about where I can find a part-time job," I answered.

"Do you need money now? I can lend you." Cassy offered to help, but I rejected it.

"No, I want to work and to leave my aunt's house after a year." I announced.

"I see. OK, I will help you find one. But how about your aunt? Did she know you were going to work?" Cassy inquired.

"No, and I'm not sure if she will allow me to," I replied.

(Kring, kring, kring) The phone is ringing.

Cassy picks up her phone and checks who the caller is.

"Hello, Dave! Why are you calling?" Cassy answered the phone.

"Cas, I'm going to go to your town to stay for a year. Please inform Uncle and aunt." Dave responded.

"Why do you have to stay in our town!? Have you been kicked out of your home??!! Hahaha!" Cassy joked to him.

"No, I have work to do in your town for a year. We will sponsor and choose a new player for next year's big event, and I need to train the new members. So, I need your help as my assistant, only part-time." Dave explained.

"No way! I don't want to be bullied by you! Hahaha! Anyway, I will recommend my friend to you. It's perfect timing because she's looking for a part-time job right now." Cassy suggested me to Dave as an assistant." And Dave agrees with it. Then they end their calls.

Cassy rushed into Arien to announce the good news.

"Arien, good news, you have work now." Cassy was happy for me, she could help me.

"What!? How did that happen?" It surprised me to hear the news.

"My cousin just called and he will stay here for a year to work, and he needs an assistant. And I recommended you to him. And he agreed with me." The two of us were very high-spirited about the news.

And suddenly, my cousin Rhea saw our propitious moment.

"What makes my poor cousin so excited?" Rhea felt agitated when she saw Arien's cheerful face.

"And why do you care?" Cassy responded quickly.

"And who do you think you are to be nosy in our family?!!" It pissed Rhea off.

"Why not!? As far as I know, you never treated Arien as a family member. At least I treat her like a sister." Cassy proclaimed.

"Whatever! Arien, after school, you had better go back home early. You have many things to do at home. I'll be watching you!" With a gesture, Rhea remarked to me.

After school, I went home straight.

"Arien, why are you so slow? Hurry and make dinner!" Rhea ordered me to work a lot because of what happened earlier.

"Rhea, what happened to you today? Why are you so agitated?" Roxie asked her sister, Rhea.

"Because of that woman, they humiliated me in front of my classmates." Rhea told Roxie everything that had happened earlier at school.

"Really!? Maybe they were talking about boys. That's why they are giggling." Roxie babbled.

"Mom, we believe Arien has a boyfriend now because she was jumping in joy at school earlier." Roxie shouted.

"How could you have time to seduce boys in your school?!!?" My aunt and cousins slandered me.

"No, aunt, it's all a lie. I didn't seduce anyone at our school." I defended myself.

"You'd better behave if you want to graduate from high school." My aunt threatened me.

Meanwhile, Cassy and Dave are talking on the phone about tomorrow's meeting with me.

"OK! Just come by our school at lunchtime. I'll pick you up at the gate and eat lunch with Arien." Cassy instructed Dave.

"Sure, I will arrive in the morning by plane." Dave stated.

After agreeing on the rendezvous and time, the call ended.

The next morning.

"Cassy, good morning!" I greeted Cassy.

"Good morning, friend," Cassy responded.

"Did you get enough sleep last night?" I asked her. And she said no, because her cousin was talking on the phone with her.

"Arien, my cousin will come here later at lunchtime to meet you and talk about your work. We'll eat lunch together. Is that fine with you?" Cassy asked.

"Of course, friend." I replied.

"OK, see you later."

And we went to our separate classes.

Inside the class, I heard my classmates murmuring about me seducing boys at our school.


"See, she's unaffected by it."

"How dense."

"I know, right? Behind her innocent face, we do not know how many men she has already seduced."

"I think I know who's spreading this fake news," I murmured to myself.