Day of graduation. We are very excited. Because I'm eighteen now, I can drive a motorcycle now and I have just got my license. Dave and I were rushing to school.

"Haha! I really can't beat you, Dave! Haha!"

"You can beat me if you practice more. Hehehe!"

"Of course! Practice makes perfect, as the saying goes." We both said it and laughed, as this was our motto.

After meeting Dave, I'm not so timid and scaredy cat anymore. He taught me a lot about what it's like to live in a big city.

The ceremony concluded with me receiving my achievement award. Valedictorian and special awards. Cassy was well received as well. We are ready to go to a big city. We finished packing our belongings.

Cassy, Dave and I celebrated our last day in our town. But Dave chastised us for having to finish the celebration, because we were leaving early the next day as well.

"Yes! Yes! You looked like a father, you always scolded us, especially Arien." Cassy makes fun of Dave.

"Yes! Because after this celebration, I need to contact the shipping company for our babies, especially Arien's baby. She was attached to it already. Hahaha!"

"Yeah, I understand. Arien's special baby that she almost sleeps with. Haha!"

"Seriously? Do you enjoy making fun of me? If everyone misunderstands the baby, you're both talking about, I might become popular with gossip again."

"Did you notice, Cass, that she's changed a lot since she ran away? She put up with all the bullies and abuse. But now she knows how to fight back."

"Yeah, that's all, thanks to my handsome cousin, Dave. Haha!"

"Hey, let's go home now; I've turned female-lead because of your conversion."

"Dave, see? She knows how to be sensitive now, Haha!"

"I'm serious. We need to go home now because our beloved Dave bought an early flight for tomorrow." I stated.

"Haha! She knows how to joke as well! Haha! Anyway, let's go home before Arien gets too worked up." Cassy joked with me.

We parted ways after agreeing.

Early in the morning at the airport. I yawned too much because I couldn't sleep well.

"You didn't sleep well last night, Arien?" Dave asked me while yawning. And I said, "Nope, because of the excitement, I couldn't even have a chance to wink. Haha!"

"Haha! Try to sleep on the plane later, when we board." I nodded.

"In any case, Arien, the shipment may arrive a week later." He informed me.

When Cassy arrived at the airport, we went inside to check-in our luggage. And then we sat and waited for our flight. The flight will take three hours.

"Flight number F1234, please proceed to your boarding gate now!"

The attendant was calling our flight number. We boarded the plane.

After we boarded the plane, I looked for my eye mask in order to get some shut-eye. Dave offered me the opportunity to rest my head on his shoulder.

"It will make your shoulders stiff, Dave."

"It's OK as long as you can rest well."

After three hours of flying, we finally arrived. We'd gotten our luggage, and the cast and I were on our way out to the airport.

"It's a massive city," I exclaimed with delight. I screamed because of happiness. Dave and Cassy were laughing, looking at me, so ignorant.

"Here I come! La Empire Academy! Lets start my new life journey here!" I shouted and all the people at the airport were watching me and laughing at me.

"Arien, you look very excited. Lower your voice. Haha!" Cassy rebuked me.

"Let her be, just for today. It's her first time here." Dave understands how I feel, and he has offered to give me a tour of the city tomorrow.

Dave took us to our apartment first.

"Wow, it is a pleasant apartment, and a cozy one. There's a veranda as well." I dashed out onto the veranda to look around. "Wow, there are a lot of tall building."

"How long are you going to be amazed, Arien? You're going to stay here for a long time, anyway. You can look at them every day. Hahaha!" Cassy made fun of me.

"Anyway, Arien and Cassy, after our registration for school tomorrow, let's go somewhere to play, OK?"

Cassy and I both happily agreed with Dave. "Bye Dave, safe trip! See you tomorrow." And Dave went home.

I woke up early because of the excitement. I went to Cassy's room to wake her up.

"Cassy, the sun is rising now. Time to wake up! We need to go to school early to finish early. We don't know how long the line will be if we are late."

"I'm coming now."

"Prepare yourself first. I'm going to prepare our breakfast."

We are almost finished preparing ourselves when someone knocks on our door.

"Cassy, someone is knocking on the door. Please open it I am almost done with wearing my clothes."

When Cassy opened the door, it was Dave who knocked.

"Are you done, girls? I'm here to pick you up."

"Dave, Arien is still preparing." Cassy informed Dave.

I go out of my room when I'm done. My appearance took aback them when they saw me.

"Our lovely Arien, with her long silver hair, blue ocean-colored round eyes, and perfect body figure. It was completely destroyed today. Hahaha!" Cassy's description of me was accurate. Meanwhile, Dave had become speechless.

"Welcome to our new Arien, with long black hair, red contact lenses, with loose pants and a loose T-shirt, and she's wearing a mask. Hahaha!" Cassy added.

"Oh! I didn't inform Dave about this." And we told Dave about my disguised look in school. Dave grasped everything, including why I needed to disguise myself.

We were driven to the university by Dave. After we arrived, we went straight to the registrar for registration. There were few students because we arrived early. We completed the registration earlier than expected. Then Dave took us to a landmark to familiarize us with the city. He took us to the most popular restaurant in town.

"Excuse me, guys, I'll go to the washroom first." After I left the table, someone was calling Dave. I only saw the backs of a man and a woman.