In the corner, Zion was watching me walking to my classroom. He wanted to comfort me and hug me when he saw me crying.

"I'm sorry, Arien. This is for your safety." He whispered.

When I went to my classroom, I ran into Jessica.

"Oh, my.... Why are you crying, ugly girl? Did Zion break your heart?" And they made fun of me. I just stared at them.

"You better stop dreaming. Look at yourself. Do you think you're fit for my fiancee? Know your place first. It did not enrage me towards you because I knew Zion was only using you, and he never fell in love with someone like you." Jessica stated.

I ignored them and continued to walk to my classroom, spacing out. Jessica pulled me back. My shirt tore apart by pulling me so hard.

"Don't worry Jessica, I won't bother Zion anymore." I stated.

"That's better. You came to your senses finally." Jessica pointed at my head and poked me repeatedly.

My mind was blank for a moment. And I have no strength to fight back against them. I can't think of any reason on why Zion behaved like that to me. I sat at my desk and couldn't concentrate on the lecture. Later on, I remembered my primary goal for myself. After my heart calmed, I gathered myself back and forgot everything had happened.

When I exited my classroom, Dave grabbed me.

"Arien, what happened to your shirt?" Dave took off his coat to cover me.

"Thank you, Dave. My shirt was stuck at the door earlier when I went out of the restroom." I lied to Dave. And he was convinced.

"I am not busy now, Arien. Want to hang around?" I agreed with Dave since it was my day off, too.

"Where do you want to go?"

"It's up to you, Dave. I'm not yet familiar with this capital."

"OK!" I know a place that can cheer you up."

Dave and I walked to the parking lot to get his motorcycle. Dave put a helmet on my head.

"Hey! Stop spoiling me, Dave. I can do this by myself." Dave laughed at me.

"I love spoiling you. Hahaha!" Dave squeezed my face. And I shouted.

"Dave! Stop it now, you're going to ruin my image."

"Hahaha! OK, I will stop now. I just missed our bonding." I pouted my lips at Dave and snubbed him.

"Hmmp! You are the only one who's busy." I complained.

"The one who's talking was busy as well, right Arien?"

"Yeah, sorry, Master. Haha!"

From a distance, Zion was watching us. He was frowning and enraged at seeing me smile at Dave as if nothing had happened.

"You were crying earlier and now you are enjoying talking and smiling at Dave. Am I the only one who feels this hard time now?" Zion punched his car window and his hand was bleeding. He clenched his fist and kicked his car.

After I hopped up on Dave's back, we rushed out of the university. While Zion was following us from a distance.

Dave brought me to the beach. I enjoyed stamping my feet in the water. Dave was glad that I enjoyed playing on the seashore. While Zion was watching me from afar.

After playing on the beach, Dave brought me to the restaurant for dinner. I enjoyed eating my favorite food with Dave.

"Dave, thank you very much for today. I am grateful to hang with you. Hehehe!"

"What are you talking about? We still have our last destination after dinner. And I am sure you will love it there."

"Really, Dave? I need to hurry my food. Hahaha!"

Dave and I happily enjoyed our dinner and laughed a lot.

While Zion is about to explode from watching us,

"How could you laugh like that with Dave? You have never shown that kind of happiness to me yet. My heart hurts looking at you like that. I wish you could show me that pure and lovely smile one day." Zion mumbled at the other table.

Zion went out first of the restaurant because he couldn't bear to see Arien being happy with another man. He laid his back inside his car and felt the pain in his heart. He covered his face with his palm and called Arien's name repeatedly.

"Arien. Arien. Arien... I can't do this anymore." Zion decided to stop ignoring Arien. He decided to protect her at all costs, just to stay by her side.

When our dinner was done, Dave brought me to the top of the hill. From here, you can see the entire city. The different bright colors of the lights from the houses and buildings were very pleasant to the eyes. The cold and the fresh breeze in the night help to calm you. There were a lot of stars that were twinkling in the sky, and a bright blue moon. I enjoyed the scenery that surrounded me.

Dave enjoyed staring at me. He approached me from behind and stood beside me to watch the beautiful city.

"I'm happy that you like it here, Arien."

"Thank you, Dave. Of course, it's so nice here to relax. I felt all the hard times that had happened to me suddenly disappeared at this moment. My mind is becoming cool right now." I smiled at Dave to show my appreciation for what he did for me.

Dave held my hand and stood firmly in front of me.

"I will do everything to make you happy, Arien. And to lessen all the burdens you carried." Dave touches my face and slowly gets close to my face. I looked at Dave and he was about to kiss me.

At the same time, Zion was out of his senses and immediately went out to his car and approached us. He was afraid of what Dave's next move would do to me.

Zion pulled my waist abruptly. Dave and I were scared. We thought I was being pulled by a perverted man.

When we saw who was pulling me behind my back, it turned out to be Zion.

Dave and I were confused about how Zion was here with us.

"What are you doing, Zion? And why are you here?" Dave asked.

"Huh? I should be the one who asks that, Dave! What are you doing and what are you planning to do with Arien?" Zion inquired about it. Dave and Zion frowned at each other."

It's none of your business, Zion! And please release Arien now!" Dave commanded him.

Zion grinned and smirked.

"Do you think I will follow your words, Dave? I won't hold back now. You want me to avoid Arien and ignore her for your own sake, right?"

I was so confused about what they were talking about and why they were arguing with each other.