Zion left us and turned his back. He wondered why he felt that way. While he was heading to the table, he told Jessica to go home.

"What happened to Rie and Dave, Zion, and why suddenly do you want to go home?" Jessica asked.

But Zion didn't respond to her. He was still very confused about what he had felt earlier in the restroom.

"I needed to confirm my feelings to Arien. I shouldn't be wary." Zion mumbled to himself.

Meanwhile, I was calmed, and we returned to our table, but Zion and Jessica had left already.

"Where are they? They left saying nothing to us." Dave said.

"It's better that way. I can't face them in my state." I said.

"Do you want to go home too, Arien?" Dave inquired of me and I nodded at him. Dave escorted me to go home. I headed straight away inside my apartment after Dave and I bid us goodbye.

I laid on my bed and was thinking about what Jessica said at the restaurant earlier.

"Maybe Zion accepted Jessica's proposal for the engagement. What am I hoping for from him? He didn't reject Jessica today, unlike before. I should stop thinking about Zion. And I should forget him now. We are not meant to be, anyway. Aaahh... My heart is hurting again thinking about everything that happened today." I mumbled to myself and got up from my bed and sat. I remembered the bracelet he gave me and thought back to the engravings on it. "Arien, I'm forever yours.-Zion " I closed my eyes, and recalled how happy we were when he gave me the bracelet and said, "Goodbye Zion. I love you, but you can never be mine. It hurts me so much, but I have to forget you." My tears fell while saying those words. I returned to lying on my bed, hugging my pillow, and continuing to cry silently.

"I never thought it would hurt to love someone that isn't meant for you." I whispered while I touched my chest and fell asleep due to the tiredness of crying.

"Arien, what happened to your eyes? It was swollen. Did you cry?" Cassy asked.

"Maybe I slept too much." I answered.

"What time did you get home last night? I didn't notice you."

"I didn't notice either. After Dave and I ate our dinner, we went home straight away."

"Ok, put some eye patches on your eyes before going to school. I'll go first. I have an early schedule for today. Hehehe!"

"Eh...? Why is she energetic and happy today? What happened to Cassy?" I whispered and smiled at Cassy while waving at her from the veranda.

Cassy arrived at school and parked her car. After she got off her car, Zion called her.

"Cassy!" Zion called.

"What can I do for you, Zion?" Cassy asked.

"Where is Arien? I waited for her for an hour, but she hadn't arrived yet."

"She just woke up and..." Before Cassy continued her sentence, Jessica suddenly arrived and she clung to Zion's arms and said. "Babe, let's go. Why are you still standing here?" It furrowed Cassy about what she had witnessed and continued talking.

"Zion, if you have a girlfriend already, stop bothering Arien and stop looking for her! And please quit playing games with her heart!" Cassy slammed her car door and left them furiously.

"Wait! Cassy!" Zion shouted.

Jessica was grabbing Zion's arm.

"What are you trying to do, Zion? Remember our deal!" Jessica reminded him.

Zion shut his mouth and went to the school building with Jessica while Jessica was smirking.

At the same time, someone was honking horns outside of our apartment. When I checked it out, I saw Dave waving at me. I rushed down to meet him.

"What are you doing here, Dave?"

"I was just checking you out. How are you, Arien?"

"Thank you, Dave. I am fine."

"But your eyes are swollen. Did you cry last night?"

"I'm OK, Dave. I decided last night to forget Zion. But I'm fine now."

"Are you sure?" I nodded at him and smiled to lessen his worry about me.

"Wait here, Dave. I will get my scooter."

"No need for that, Arien. I brought another helmet. I was planning to bring you later to hang out. Are you free later after work?"

"Yes, I'm not busy after work! Thank you, Dave. Thank you for always cheering me up when I am down." Dave stroked my hair and touched my cheeks. And he whispered, "Because I cared a lot about you. And I want you to see your smile." Dave put the helmet on me.

"I am very grateful to have you by my side, Dave."

Dave's face turned red, and I hopped on the back of his motorcycle and headed to our school.

Dave assisted me by going down from his motorcycle when we arrived at the university.

I spotted Zion and Jessica together, sitting on the bench. My heart hurts again seeing them together. Dave noticed my reaction. He held my hand and suddenly hugged me. "Let's go, Arien." Dave whispered.

Zion furiously watched us. When he was about to stand, Jessica reminded him again about their deal and grabbed him to sit again.

"Don't forget, Zion! Jessica said.

"Why did Arien and Dave come to school together? I thought he was into Rie. And now he was hugging Arien. What on earth was he doing?" Zion spoke to his mind while clenching his fist.

"I thought Dave was tired of that ugly woman and wanted to be with Rie. But seeing his sweetness to Arien was the same as with Rie. Are they having a bizarre love triangle? Between beauty and beast? Hahaha! Arien was the beast and Rie was the beauty! Hahaha, what did Dave think?" Jessica laughed out loud.

Zion stood up and lied to Jessica about going to his class. But he was aiming to confront Dave.

When Zion saw Dave talking with Jake and Lawrence, without a thought, he punched Dave so hard. Dave fell down on the floor. Jake and Lawrence were panicked.

"Hey! What is this commotion now?" Jake shouted.

"I warn you, Dave. Stop playing with Rie and Arien's feelings. I saw you last night hugging Rie and today you were hugging Arien. What are you planning with them? Huh?" Zion furiously shouted.

"Wait! Who was Rie? I had never heard her name before." Lawrence asked.

"Let's all calm down, first!" Jake said.

"Why do you care, Zion? You've been a loving couple with Jessica now! Just focus on Jessica and stop bothering Arien." Dave stated.

"You have no idea what I have been through with her!" Zion shouted, and punched Dave again. Dave punched Zion back.

Jake pulled Dave and Zion out of the fight. And told Lawrence to bring Dave to his room.