Cassy's words shocked everyone because they knew how much Zion loved Arien. But only Cassy didn't know about it.

"Cassy, rumors are rumors, and sometimes they aren't true. That's why they call it rumors. They were spreading news without proof. And besides, we know Zion. As his friends, we should believe him. Maybe there's a reason behind it. Why did he need to be with Jessica? Let's understand him. Sometimes, there are events that are difficult to avoid and must be done even if it is against our will, just for the sake of others." Jake proclaimed.

"Fine! I just want Arien to be happy. Although Dave was my cousin, whoever she chooses between Zion and Dave, I will always support her as long as she is happy. I just want her to experience how to love and be loved peacefully, without endangering her life." Cassy stated. Everyone thought Cassy had a point about what she said. Because there were many jealous eyes, surrounded everywhere.

"OK, I will explain to you guys everything, but before that, I have a question for Cassy." According to Zion, then Cassy nodded in agreement with Zion.

"Tell me everything about what happened to Arien's back and who did that to her. Tell me everything about it." Zion interrogates Cassy. Cassy was shocked by Zion's question and the others were confused about the topic. Cassy looked at Nicole, asking for help because she hesitated to tell them without Arien's permission.

"Cas, I think it's better to tell them about Arien. This is for Arien's sake as well. We will know the reason behind why Zion needed to be with Jessica. I will help you explain to Arien if she finds out." Nicole spoke and held Cassy's hand. Cassy told them about my story.

"Arien's parents died when she was young. She was brought to her aunt's house to be a maid at a young age. She couldn't play outside because of overloaded household chores. And her aunt and cousins abused her. Sometimes she was locked in the dark basement without food and water for three months. I don't know how she survived, because she never told me all the details. I felt sorry for Arien's situation. That's why I made friends with her to protect her and help her, because her aunt never gave her an allowance to buy food. She always brought leftovers. When we were in high school, all the girls were jealous of her, especially her cousin Rhea. In our second year, her cousin was aiming to throw acid at Arien's face. Luckily, Arien noticed it and turned her back. That's the reason why Arien has a big scar on her back. When she arrived at their house, instead of treating her wound, her aunt sent her to the basement, which is why the scar on her back looks so ugly. Because the uniform she wore was stuck to her wound and made the wound worsen.

And when the story was over, everyone was sobbing.

"I didn't know that Arien had a hard time since she was young. I will never bully her again. Sorry Arien!" Lawrence promised.

"Yes! All of us don't know what she has been through. Despite what she experienced, she kept being nice to everyone and kind to us." Jake stated.

"I will protect Arien from now on, too." Nicole exclaimed.

"Cassy, why were all the girls jealous of Arien?" Zion asked.

"Mmm... because of her kindness, I think. Don't ask me anymore, Zion. There are things that only Arien can tell you. Now tell us about the rumors between you and Jessica." Cassy remarked about it.

"Jessica has the bracelet I gave to Arien last time. And it has a picture of Arien's scar. She threatened me with spreading the photos if I didn't agree with her. To protect Arien, I didn't have any choice but to follow her lead for a week. The rumors about us as a loving couple were only a show off. All of you know how much I love her." Zion explained.

"Zion, what if after a week she still has a trick to get you and hurt Arien? What are you going to do? Follow her lead again? If that happens again, it is better to stop loving Arien. You only hurt her feelings again and again." Cassy hinted at it.

"Zion, Cassy was right. You should think ahead about your plans. And try to fight for your love with Arien even if the world is against the two of you. This was a challenge for you. Don't runaway bro, face it bravely. Fight for it without hesitation, or you will regret it in the end." Jake preached to Zion.

"I feel sorry for my cousin. He loves Arien's as well.' Cassy stated.

"We all know that, Cass. But we also know who Arien likes. I know Dave will understand it." Jake explained. Everyone nodded.

"Guys, thank you for understanding my situation. I promised I would not runaway again and face all the challenges. I will talk to Arien and explain everything tomorrow. Anyway, is Arien coming here today? We gathered here except for her." Zion asked.

Zion's question stunned everyone.

"I don't think she could come here today, because she had a part-time job." Cassy explained.

"I see. I had no chance to talk to her today. Maybe we can talk tomorrow." Zion said, and everyone was relieved and sighed.

When the sunset came, everyone was bidding their goodbyes. And they promised each other to keep from Arien about what they were talking about today.

Zion called Jessica to invite her to have dinner on one condition: bring the bracelet.

"Why are you asking me to bring this trash, Zion?" Jessica asked furiously when she met Zion at their table.

"I will keep it for myself. And relax, you have the photo. I'm not backing off our deal." Zion stated. Jessica handed over the bracelet to him.

"Jessica, after a week, what will you do with that photo?" Zion asked.

"Don't worry, I will delete all the data." Jessica said, and it relieved Zion.

Meanwhile, Arien and Dave were about to enter the restaurant when Dave spotted Zion and Jessica eating dinner together again.

"Arien, would you like to try another restaurant?" Dave inquired.

"Why so sudden, Dave? I like the food here. And the service and food here were excellent." I exclaimed.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! I'm one hundred percent sure!"


I followed Dave's sight to see what he was worrying about. And I saw Jessica and Zion were having dinner again.

"I'm OK, Dave. And I told you this morning that I would forget him." I dragged Dave to our table.

"I wish I could smile naturally in front of Dave, to stop worrying about me." I spoke in my mind. And it startled me when Zion and I glanced at each other and met our eyes.

Jessica wondered who Zion was looking at. She turned her back and saw us.