Before Zion started the engine, he talked to me about Jessica and him.

"Arien, I wanted to tell you about rumors between me and Jessica." I moored to him and he continued talking.

"The rumors are not true. It was just a showoff. Jessica got your bracelet and photos of your scar. She threatened me with spreading the photos if I didn't agree with her deal. I don't have any choice but to follow her to protect you. But there are only four days left. I hope you can wait until I finish this. I want nothing to happen to you, Arien. Even though this is against my will, as long as you're safe, I don't mind sacrificing myself." Zion explained everything to me.

"Thank you, Zion. Thank you for thinking about my safety. I will wait for you. I don't want your sacrifice to go to waste."

It stunned Zion when I kissed him initiatively. We went back to university after we talked. I told him to drop out of university to avoid Jessica's eyes. Before I got out of his car, Zion kissed me.

"Wait, Arien." Zion called me back.

"Why Zion? Did you forget anything?" I asked.

"Yes, give me your phone. I have never got your number since then." I lent my phone and put his number on the contact list and called it to get my number, as well. Then I left Zion after he got my number and rushed to my class.

"I missed two classes in the morning." I whispered and hurriedly went to the next class.

When I arrived at my class, Nicole gave me her note.

"Here, borrow this note and return it tomorrow, but help me explain all of it, Arien. I didn't understand what our prof was explaining earlier." Nicole said.

"Thank you, Nics. I will read it and explain it to you later at lunch break." I responded to her.

"Thank you, Arien."

"No problem, Nics."

Our class started. I read the notes Nicole lent me while listening to our class.

The morning classes ended and our friends picked me and Nicole up from our class.

In the cafeteria, we spotted Jessica eating her lunch with Zion.

Jessica was feeding Zion. My friend became irritated by seeing Jessica being sweet to Zion. They looked at me to see my reaction.

"Anyway, Arien. Why don't you come to our first and second class?" Nicole asked.

"Zion too, missed the first and second class." Jake informed us.

Lawrence shouted when he spotted the bracelet on my wrist.

"Arien, you got your bracelet back?" Lawrence exclaimed.

I gave a sign to Lawrence to keep his voice lower.

"Sorry, Arien." Lawrence apologized.

Dave appeared at our table and sat beside me.

"Arien, don't forget our schedule later." Dave reminded me.

"Yes, master."

And we ate quietly and heard all the students talking about the lovely couple, Jessica and Zion. Zion glanced at me from time to time.

While eating, I explained to Nicole her note that she lent me.

"Wow, Arien, you are better at explaining than the professor." Lawrence complimented me.

"Thank you, Lawrence!" I responded to him.

"Anyway, where are you going to take Arien, Dave?" Cassy asked.

"It is a secret, Cas." Dave answered.

"Wow, you've been eating dinner for three executive days and left me alone at the apartment." Cassy was sulking.

"Sorry, Cass. You know we are master and apprentice, right? That's why we are always together. Dave explained.

Suddenly, all the students in the cafeteria were screaming. We wondered why they were screaming and we saw Zion was feeding Jessica. And the students started murmuring.

"They fit into each other."

"That is what we call a perfect couple."

"Of course, The Campus Belle was meant to be paired with the number one hunk."

"But there are rumors spreading now that only male students know about it."

"What rumors? That's very intriguing. Tell us why only male students know about it."

"It's about a coffee shop near our campus."

"What about that coffee shop?"

"Well, the male student talked about a server working there who was beautiful, more beautiful than Jessica, and she really resembled an angel."

"I will check her later."

Some students were planning to visit the coffee shop after class ended. And the rumors about Zion and Jessica being a sweet couple were overshadowed by the rumors about me. Jessica got mad about it and wanted to check out the coffee shop server, as well. Jessica stood up and grabbed Zion to leave the cafeteria because the rumors about the coffee shop server irritated her.

"Do you know about those rumors, Zion? Since you were a male too?" Jessica asked Zion while exiting the cafeteria.

"You have met her already. She was Rie. The girls who were always with Dave." Zion reminded her.

"Oh! She is the one who ruined my spotlight today." Jessica frowned.

"Geez, Jessica, leave her alone. She did nothing to you!"

"Yeah, she did nothing to me, but she can still make me mad at her."

"Whatever! You always cause trouble for innocent people." Zion got pissed and left Jessica.


"Oh my God! Luckily, I am off today." It relieved me.

"That was scary, Arien. They can visit you at anytime." Jake reminded me.

"Thank you, Jake. Don't worry, I won't let my guard down."

When the class ended, all the students who were aware of the rumors about the coffee shop server gathered and went to the coffee shop. But they couldn't find the server. A few minutes later, all the students were surprised when Jessica appeared in the coffee shop, and they were murmuring.

"Why is Jessica here?"

"I think she's here to check the server, too."

"Let's find out if Jessica can get some information about the server."

Jessica went to the counter.

"Excuse me, where can I find Rie?" Jessica asked.

"I'm sorry Ms., but Rie was on leave today." Clint answered her.

"I see. I bet she's with Dave today." Jessica whispered and left the coffee shop. And the students continued murmuring.

"We got the server's name now. Her name was Rie."

"Then how did Jessica know her name?"

"We don't know about that, but I'm sure we will know about it soon." And all the students of the LA empire left the coffee shop.

At the same time, Zion called me to ask where I was. And I told him I had some errands to run and couldn't meet him.

Dave and I went to the agency to sign his contract. After signing a contract, his aunt called someone for a table reservation for eight people.

"Aunt, why did you reserve a table for eight people?" Dave asked.

"Because I invited my babies as well." Her aunt responded to him.

It shocked Dave and me when we learned about the other people who were joining us for dinner.