talked about childhood memory

"Oh my God, what just happened? I really can't believe it, but I'm confident that he was a powerful figure. The man's appearance has me in awe, and I'm 100 percent certain that he is not a random person; he is extremely attractive, affable, and wealthy."

Lisa can only sigh as she hears her coworkers conversing; she wants to rebut all of those statements, but it's impossible because the subject of today's popular topic is an extremely beautiful man who is gorgeous and impeccable.

"Hehe, don't you remember Amanda had a buy report from the first business? What do you think? I believe she was called and invited to the meeting because it was a requirement for her position." Lisa is at a loss for words to disparage Amanda, but at the very least she needs to come up with a plausible excuse to dispel any notion that she—and nobody else in this situation—should be anything exceptional.